Is that so? Why was I looking through a stack of old programs today that I have from the Memorial Stadium days? I can tell you about players like Steve Midboe, George Washington, Keith Simons, J Dexter Pride, Ron Kullas, Elmer Bailey. How would I know about '80's players like Matt Martinez, Keith White, Larry Joyner, Alan Holt, Tony Hunter, Mark Darden, Craig White, Trent Trip, Greg Murphy, Mark Dusbabek? I can remember the smell of cigarettes walking into Memorial Stadium and the crowds waiting at the concessions stands. We had season tickets in the bowl (2) and in the bleachers in the end zone (2). I have fond memories of the band marching past the frat houses into the stadium. I remember like it was yesterday when Michigan went down at Memorial Stadium in 1977. I remember Jules Pearlt over the loudspeaker, his raspy voice still in my brain. I remember being at the Washington game when Warren Moon and Spider Gaines came to town. I remember even little details when Western Michigan brought a very good running back named Jerome Persell to Memorial Stadium but they they were no match for the Gophers. I remember sitting at Memorial Stadium on a cold day when the Gopher beat up on Oregon State. I have seen it all, pal. I have seen coaches come and go. I know when a coach is battling with UTSA, BGSU, Troy, North Dakota, South Dakota for recruits, that is not a good sign. Heck, if they are going to go after Missouri Valley level players, can't they at least be ones that NDSU wanted? I want to fall for the hype, I really do. But as I said, I have seen it all. Would love to be wrong. Troll? Don't think so. Need some proof that things in football and basketball are going to change? Guilty as charged.