Dreams of angels


Ice Cream Abuser
Nov 12, 2008
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What kind of a sick twisted mind writes poetry in his dreams.
Yet there as sure as the blue/green of the LED display I awoke at 3:45 with this:

Was it was?
I heard it clear.
Still echoing.
Of anglels singing
Never truer nor clear
Still the echo
I carry dear
Now I sing loud

Such dreams had I
Under shine or drear
Call this loud
Know thy words
Sing with truth of a hundred year

I have no idea what it all means, only that it was there and needed to be here.
Now I must go back to bed. Perhaps when I wake some wise dream analyst will have deciphered it for me.

I can't believe you can't see it. It's right in front of you. Come to the light. It's very simple. It means Wisconsin sucks!

So...what you're saying is that my dream is telling me Wisconsin Sucks??

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