Dr. Fauci says no more handshaking. That reminded me of some of my favorite B1G moments involving the silly tradition (Oturu gets vulgar with Stevens)


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Nov 11, 2008
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per Dustin:

Shaking hands is an aspect of our everyday life that many of us don’t even think about anymore. At least not until the COVID-19 pandemic hit the United States, forcing the country to limit all contact with each other over the last month.

Handshaking is so common that it’s even been a key aspect of sports for an eternity. It’s a show of good sportsmanship before and after every athletics event, allowing coaches and players to congratulate each other on a hard-fought contest.

If you’re like me, you probably also think it’s really dumb. Sure, I understand the idea behind the post-game handshake line, but it’s really just a forced action that can only cause problems. Seriously, what life-changing moment has ever occurred because players were forced to participate in the post-game handshake?

I rest my case.

So when Dr. Anthony Fauci, a key member of the White House task force in stopping the spread of COVID-19, said “I don’t think we should ever shake hands ever again, to be honest with you,” my first thought was “Great! Now we can get rid of those stupid post-game handshake lines.”

After a few minutes, something else crossed my mind. I started to think about some of those awesome (and usually controversial) moments that have occurred that involved the pre- and post-game ritual. Over the last decade or so in the B1G, we’ve witnessed some really good ones.

Just in case those handshake lines do go away in college athletics (and they definitely should), here are some memorable moments from recent B1G contests that are worthy of some recognition.

Daniel Oturu gets vulgar with Lamar Stevens
A hard-fought game between Minnesota and Penn State earlier this season and outstanding performances from Daniel Oturu and Lamar Stevens led to the two hurling insults at each other after the game. Multiple times, Oturu referred to Stevens as a…well…you can read lips, right?

Good news: in the second game between the B1G foes this year, the two had a long embrace after the game and seemed to patch things up. You love it when these stories have happy endings.

Go Gophers!!

Lots of athletes actually have friends or acquaintances on opposing teams and enjoy shaking hands and congratulating each other after a hard fought game. So IMO, the premise of this article is not really in touch with reality.

Lots of athletes actually have friends or acquaintances on opposing teams and enjoy shaking hands and congratulating each other after a hard fought game. So IMO, the premise of this article is not really in touch with reality.

Yep. The handshake gives them all a chance to be gracious in victory and defeat and wish each other well moving on. It's a good tradition. The disasters end up on social media but they are the rare exceptions. Exceptions should not define rules.

Can’t see the post-game handshake going anywhere. By that time players have been wearing each other for forty minutes anyway. Unless of course, they start playing games under a new social distance rule; which should cut down drastically on contact fouls.

Makes me think of the end of a Gopher/North Dakota hockey game some years ago. One of the ND players went after Tony Lucia in the handshake line. Things got a little ugly and the cameras very clearly caught Stu Bickel as he yelled "SHOW SOME F****ING CLASS!!"

Blake Wheeler and Seth Ambroz both had handshake line extra curriculars with UND

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