Doogie: Visit to early workout provides insight on Kill's Gophers

Good stuff.

I thought this was most interesting: " The offensive coaches will spend time with TCU's staff this offseason. TCU coach Gary Patterson and Kill are good friends. In fact, Patterson's lobbying of Maturi is a major reason why Kill got the job."

I loved that Brewster hung Rose Bowl Turf in the Gophers locker room. Almost everyone who posted about it in GopherHole loved it too. If anyone denies it you are in all probability a bald faced liar. I will apologize to you if you can prove you didn't like the Rose Bowl turf. This Tim Brewster revisionism in GopherHole has to stop.

The large majority of regular posters loved Tim Brewster until he proved he was not a very good coach. That is the way sports are supposed to work. A team hires a coach they think will turn the team around. If he isn't able to do it they fire him and find a new coach. It happens all the time. Everywhere. But that doesn't mean the coach who gets fired is a bad guy. Except in GopherHole and the Minnesota sports media.

Doogie, if you didn't publicly criticize the Rose Bowl turf at the time Brewster put it up it is complete B.S. you are doing it now. It goes without saying I would not be the least bit surprised if you were a complete phony about this. If I am wrong - prove it.

Go4Broke: I don't remember what I said when that initially came out... if I stayed away from, or worse, praised, I was mistaken.

nice post Doogie...thanks and keep em coming!

All my friends question my love for Gopher football.. they'll realize soon enough. I am more excited than ever about this team. Thanks for sharing this

Did you single out Stoudermire/Carter because you are surprised they're buying in, or just because that is a pretty thin position for us? Just curious

Could've provided more context... was on a personal deadline... singled those guys out since there have been questions about them.

Constructive Criticism?

Why this quote?:

"But it is noteworthy that everyone -- including defensive backs Troy Stoudermire and Michael Carter -- are buying into this quickly. Most important, Gray is all-in."

Maybe it's just me. I could read this as Troy Stoudermire, Michael Carter, and maybe MarQuies Gray would not normally or were not buying into the program. Why single them out? It makes one wonder if there were or are issues there. At minimum it leaves the reader longing for further explaination.

Wouldn't have been better to make a more generic statement, such as the entire team has bought in quickly?

Just some random thoughts after reading the article.

Did you single out Stoudermire/Carter because you are surprised they're buying in, or just because that is a pretty thin position for us? Just curious

oops! I didn't see your response. I thought the same thing.

Doogie - I think the defensive starter from last year that had to wear the brown shirt was due to his comments made on Twitter, right? (Those comments were well documented on The Hole).

I appreciate your coverage of Gopher sports and think that its great that you come on here as well. Thanks!

Edit: Looks like multiple people had questions about those guys buying in to the program.

Saying... most important, Gray has bought-in... just signals that the presumed starting QB is on-board... but my bad, could've provided more context.

Saying... most important, Gray has bought-in... just signals that the presumed starting QB is on-board... but my bad, could've provided more context.

Understood. Just thinking of the casual fan. We at this site can bounce thoughts off of each other If not you personnally for clarification. Anyway, Thanks for the information.

I loved that Brewster hung Rose Bowl Turf in the Gophers locker room. Almost everyone who posted about it in GopherHole loved it too. If anyone denies it you are in all probability a bald faced liar. I will apologize to you if you can prove you didn't like the Rose Bowl turf. This Tim Brewster revisionism in GopherHole has to stop.

The large majority of regular posters loved Tim Brewster until he proved he was not a very good coach. That is the way sports are supposed to work. A team hires a coach they think will turn the team around. If he isn't able to do it they fire him and find a new coach. It happens all the time. Everywhere. But that doesn't mean the coach who gets fired is a bad guy. Except in GopherHole and the Minnesota sports media.

Doogie, if you didn't publicly criticize the Rose Bowl turf at the time Brewster put it up it is complete B.S. you are doing it now. It goes without saying I would not be the least bit surprised if you were a complete phony about this. If I am wrong - prove it.

Maybe I read it differently, or maybe it has been edited since it was posted. "Put it this way: we won't hear about Rose Bowl turf hanging in the practice facility." I infer that to mean that there is a big difference between Brew and Kill in the way they go about their business. I didn't read it to be derogatory about the actual act of getting the turf (which I loved).

I hope that people realize that self describing yourself as "no gimmicks" is a gimmick in itself.

I hope that people realize that self describing yourself as "no gimmicks" is a gimmick in itself.

1+ Every coach uses motivational tools (gimmicks) to get the most out of his players. Brewster tried stuff like Pasadena turf. It appears that Coach Kill uses things like brown t-shirts to single out players who have broken team rules.

I would argue that motivational tools are not considered gimmicks until either they don't work or a new motivator doesn't prefer that method.

1+ Every coach uses motivational tools (gimmicks) to get the most out of his players. Brewster tried stuff like Pasadena turf. It appears that Coach Kill uses things like brown t-shirts to single out players who have broken team rules.

I would argue that motivational tools are not considered gimmicks until either they don't work or a new motivator doesn't prefer that method.

It's called classical conditioning and it's not a gimmick.

Great article...

Any news on Royston? (sorry if this has been addressed elsewhere)

Wowsah. Gray at 6'4, 235 lbs. He's going to be a real load to bring down, and with that size along with his athleticism and conditioning level, it's pretty easy to imagine him being an absolute beast.

It's so cool too that he's such a hard worker, kicking butt in workouts and practices and then watching film of Kill's old teams at NIU. Who works that hard anyway? Answer- someone who's bound and determined to be the best they can be.

Love this player. :clap:

Maybe I read it differently, or maybe it has been edited since it was posted. "Put it this way: we won't hear about Rose Bowl turf hanging in the practice facility." I infer that to mean that there is a big difference between Brew and Kill in the way they go about their business. I didn't read it to be derogatory about the actual act of getting the turf (which I loved).

This is also how I took it.

Thanks for the insight Doogie! Glad to see they're opening the doors to the press.

Doogie, I'll give you a lot of credit, you don't seem defensive when people question your posts. I think that is great. Some of your peers could learn from that.

Give Doogie a break. He gives us a insightful update on the practices and he gets ripped. This is the type of info we were all begging for last year when all we got out of the press was mocking and ridicule of the gophers. He is just pointing out that the players, even the more high profile players that had rumors about leaving are all buying into the team.

Look forward to more updates, Doogie

"The offensive coaches will spend time with TCU's staff this offseason."

Man, the first thing that popped into my head when i read this is TCU's thirst for revenge against Becky. Their next option is to let the Gophs do it for them!

Thanks for including comments from the guys you did talk to, Doogie. Hopefully you can hit some more early workouts and talk to more of them. I, personally. would like you to talk to one of the guys that is wearing one of the shirts and sharing that with us. :)

Thanks for including comments from the guys you did talk to, Doogie. Hopefully you can hit some more early workouts and talk to more of them. I, personally. would like you to talk to one of the guys that is wearing one of the shirts and sharing that with us. :)

That would be very interesting, though those players might not particularly want to talk to media types about having to wear the shirt, unless they're doing that in hindsight after being rid of it. :)

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