Doogie: Rivalry with Badgers is broken for overpowered Gophers

The rivalry is broken. There's supposed to be some give-and-take, but when one team has 15 of the last 17 meetings, including eight in a row, the give is nauseating.

Couldn't agree more.

It's obvious that the sports media people in the Twin Cities have virtually all been around during this horrible 15 of 17 stretch that the badgers have run off. We have had about 4 head coaches and an acting coach during that time. We have played in 2 different places during that time. We have had multiple athleitc directors during that time. It HAS to be the sports media personalities that all HAVE to go! It is also obvious that doogieman hasn't helped the situation ONE bit in his various sports media positions with kfan, kstp, strib, et al.

Sorry, doogieman, but for the good of this rivalry, it's time for a real house-cleaning of the Twin Cities sports media members. Out with the with the new!

Drastic situations call for drastic remedies. Nothing personal, of course. It's just that EVERYONE and EVERYTHING else has been replaced and the local sportsmedia personalities NEVER HAVE been replaced. Probably only Russell Shimooka...from Anoka has ever acted as a sports personality in the Twin Cities and left before he retired! But I guess nobody would (KARE) about that!

; 0 )

I wonder how many hours it took Doogie to arrive at that oh so original observation. I wonder if his solution is the same as Paul Allen's - maybe the Gopher should withdraw from the Big 10 and drop down to Division IAA or Division II.

Anyone happen to catch Roll Tide/War Eagle on ESPN tonight? The Auburn-Alabama rivalry has had its share of one-sided stretches as well.

What a scoop!

Thanks for the feedback. Remember this: we are in the 1% of the fanbase that is diehard. After tailgating with 50-something people on Saturday, then chatting with everyone around is in section 114, row 19, many people were unaware of the extreme one-sided nature of this rivalry.

I always want the GH'ers and Rivals folks to read my stuff -- who wouldn't want the clicks? But I often write for people who either a) didn't see the game, or b) saw it, but were only half-engaged.

Anyone happen to catch Roll Tide/War Eagle on ESPN tonight? The Auburn-Alabama rivalry has had its share of one-sided stretches as well.

Auburn just went through a stretch where they won 6 in a row. Alabama won it 18 of 22 times from 1959 to 1981.

Remember Doogie there will be no room on the bandwagon for you when the worm turns!!!!

Remember Doogie there will be no room on the bandwagon for you when the worm turns!!!!

Oh. I guess you've got me.

By the way, have pumped up Kill from the second I met him. Still believe he'll get this thing back to a respectable level.

Thanks for the feedback. Remember this: we are in the 1% of the fanbase that is diehard. After tailgating with 50-something people on Saturday, then chatting with everyone around is in section 114, row 19, many people were unaware of the extreme one-sided nature of this rivalry.

I always want the GH'ers and Rivals folks to read my stuff -- who wouldn't want the clicks? But I often write for people who either a) didn't see the game, or b) saw it, but were only half-engaged.

Doogie, fair point and I might buy it if you were writing this for the Strib. But how many people who 'didn't see the game' or were 'half engaged' are reading articles on the Gophers page at

Doogie, fair point and I might buy it if you were writing this for the Strib. But how many people who 'didn't see the game' or were 'half engaged' are reading articles on the Gophers page at

agreed. if doogie analyzed where the traffic for the Gopher related content comes from on 1500, I'm sure a large percentage of it comes directly from links from GopherHole.

Thanks for the feedback. Remember this: we are in the 1% of the fanbase that is diehard. After tailgating with 50-something people on Saturday, then chatting with everyone around is in section 114, row 19, many people were unaware of the extreme one-sided nature of this rivalry.

I always want the GH'ers and Rivals folks to read my stuff -- who wouldn't want the clicks? But I often write for people who either a) didn't see the game, or b) saw it, but were only half-engaged.

There are two types of people who really read the stuff on 1500's webpage, and that's the diehard's like us who will read anything gopher related and then the people who are big fans of the on-air "talent". That second group of people would be willing to read anything negative, remember these are the people who listen to Ruesse. That segment of the population wants to read negativty about the Gophers, all the time, to compliment the verbal vomit spewing out of Jabba-the-Ruesse's pie/cake/donut/vatsofbutter-hole.

I get it, you are playing to your audience. I think it bothers people because a lot of us think you are better than that. I don't mind a negative article about the Gophers and I really didn't mind this one, if it was in isolation. I do think you are stretching the facts that 99% of people who would click on your article didn't know the Badgers have been dominating the Gophers. That's fine, if you really think it is informative to them and that there is a large portion of people who would click a 1500 website article about the Gophers but NOT know the Badgers have been kicking out tails, that's fine. I think you're either wrong or stretching the truth a bit.

That said, you are essentially saying that you must be these people's primary source of Gopher info. No one could really even watch the games on TV without knowing that fact. So, if that's the case, i'd have hoped you would be more careful with what you write.

You wrote an article a few weeks ago that was entirely (in my opinion) to make hints that the Gophers problems with year were based on coaching. You talked about how the Gophers are bad this year because of penalties and turnovers. That is an obvious subtle implication that they are bad because they aren't a disciplined team. That simply flies in the face of reality. We are bad this season because we don't pass the ball with any efficiency and because we don't create turnovers or pressure. When we do those things better, we are a decent team. When we do those things lousy, we are in serious trouble. However, you still ran with this penalty/turnover mantra as the reason why we were struggling. It really has to make one wonder why you would choose to pick areas where we are ok at but are subtle jabs at the coach when your selection of those areas isn't accurate...

agreed. if doogie analyzed where the traffic for the Gopher related content comes from on 1500, I'm sure a large percentage of it comes directly from links from GopherHole.

Decent point. Full disclosure: when I'm in the stands, like I was on Saturday, and enjoying an adult beverage or two, I don't do the postgame news conference. Thus, deep insight and intimate knowledge will lack. Suppose could always call some contacts, but by Sat. night when I write those, I'm all about family time.

But always trying to supply stuff that nobody has -- insight from Conzemius about his speech, Kingsriter on his speech, the Kaler Q&A, Jerry Kill and Sam Sigelman's friendship, etc. Hope to continue to, and don't deny that many of the hits come from this site, so thank you.

Doogie said:
Decent point. Full disclosure: when I'm in the stands, like I was on Saturday, and enjoying an adult beverage or two, I don't do the postgame news conference. Thus, deep insight and intimate knowledge will lack. Suppose could always call some contacts, but by Sat. night when I write those, I'm all about family time.

But always trying to supply stuff that nobody has -- insight from Conzemius about his speech, Kingsriter on his speech, the Kaler Q&A, Jerry Kill and Sam Sigelman's friendship, etc. Hope to continue to, and don't deny that many of the hits come from this site, so thank you.

Adult beverage in the stands at TCF? What?

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