Doogie Q&A with Kaler: Jerry Kill 'absolutely' can turn around Gophers, 'U' president

Failure of revenue sport programs =/= justification for removal of non-revenue programs. If we were bleeding money as a department I could see the point but we're not. We're balanced right now. A focus on fixing football - the money maker - does not mean elimination of programs. It means winning football games, attracting bigger and better donors as a result of winning football games, and finding the right support - institutionally and in the community, both local and alumni - to make winning football games happen.

Failure of revenue sport programs =/= justification for removal of non-revenue programs. If we were bleeding money as a department I could see the point but we're not. We're balanced right now. A focus on fixing football - the money maker - does not mean elimination of programs. It means winning football games, attracting bigger and better donors as a result of winning football games, and finding the right support - institutionally and in the community, both local and alumni - to make winning football games happen.

on a purely personal level, i disagree. regardless of how football, basketball and hockey are doing competitively, i would just like to see some of the non-revenue and very sparsely attended olympic sport programs go by the way side. they seem like unnecessary and "nice to have" allocations of athletic department capital.

If you expect a president of a B1G University to publicly say ahead of time he will take dramatic action to change how things are run, you don't get academia at all. Whether something needs to be changed at the Med School, law school or department of women's studies, you are not going to read about it until after the decisions have been made and the process is ready to start.
He knows what he has to do, no matter what it is, and will not reveal it until he is ready to act.
He actually knows a lot about JM's performance and based on his answers, has talked to people already. For example, knowing JM did a good job of merging departments (true) is pretty revealing, because Kaler was no where near here. He had several other answers, that were more informed than they would be if he were not thinking about the issue already, e.g. it is a tough time to raise funds for a baseball field. Actually, it is probably impossible, especially with JM here.
He knows the football team has to get better, and at this point supporting Kill in getting the fundamental disciplines back in the program is the only choice he has. Whether Kill is a big winner or not, he will leave the program in stable condition, which is way better than when he got it.
I do expect Kill to succeed, but even if he does not, it is unlikely a more highly sought coach would take the job until some of this stuff is cleaned up, so it is a necessaary part of rebuilding.

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