You stayed with some tough themes and I thought you did very well!
As for prexy k: I can see that I won't listen much to what he says. No, not at all. I really don't think he sounds like much of an "action prexy..." He doesn't want to go "down into the weeds..." He really does go "slip-sliding-away..." entirely too often. He says things, but he doesn't appear to make committments.
I wouldn't trust this guy based upon his spoken message. I am going to have to see some kind of actions from him on some of those "deep-in-the-weeds..." kinds of problems.
I'd say he needs to do some heavy-duty-homework about the revenue sports and he needs to have someone educate him quite a bit about a lot of things.
He seems to "want" to think that successful high profile athletic programs can do positive things for a university...BUT...I think he is in denial about the possibility of POOR high profile teams (the REVENUE sports) hurting the image of the University of Minnesota with the public, locally and nationally. Yes, prexy k: if the U of M football, basketball and hockey programs all suck...people in Minnesota and across the nation get the idea that the University of Minnesota also SUCKS. That is one of the hard, cold facts of life prexy k...
IF the prexy expects his athletic director no matter to be a man or a woman who deals with the details of the athletic programs, I am more than just a little concerned that prexy k hasn't been rattling the cage of his acting athletic director about the academic concerns of this football program. They did NOT just materialize at the time Coach Kill arrived. What the hell was the acting athletics director doing when there was NO football coach on staff? You know prexy k, wasn't badger joel macturi down there in the weeds taking care of business?
So, doogieman: WELL-DONE. You gave this good effort and you kept asking good, meaningful, tough questions. Excellent effort on your part! prexy k: you are kind of rough around the edges, a bit too general and generic in your responses. I got the feeling you were trying to avoid...avoid...avoid any kind of tough question that called for...demanded a specific answer. You dodged, darted, zigged and zagged. You are the type of prexy that one should NOT simply listen to. You are the type of prexy that one must OBSERVE very closely. Your actions will speak much more directly, honestly and openly than your words will say.
Good luck prexy k. Right now the U of M is full of places that are "deep in the weeds..." A hundred days is a LONG time to just be watching. Sometimes wars are started, fought and completed in much less than a hundred days. It is a dangerous world out there right now prexy k...Don't sit back and try to "observe..." your way to being an effective leader. The U of M has just finished a period of time where prexy b was a "lame duck prexy" for a VERY long time. It has been a long time since the University had someone leading who did more than DUCK LAMELY. Your time to "observe" has to end now. This university and this football program needs you to be actively diving deeply into the weeds, making strong stands and committments and for God's sake, taking some chances. Go on record prexy k. Because you are going to be judged whether you merely sit there and observe or go ahead and make a stand...take a stand and FIX this mess that prexy b and badger joel macturi have left you in.
For a grade I'll have to go with an incomplete and ask you to do some more real work and to make some bold statement about what you see, think and will do. Your work needs ACTION statements prexy k...
; 0 )