Doogie on Gophs DLine

I've got to agree here, although I really did love this article, Doogie's thrown the same offensive ineptitude stats out time and time again. We get it, our offense was terrible down the stretch.
I really hope all this isn't based on some ingrained NFL perspective Doogie got working over at KFAN, personally i could care less if the offense is electrifying, give me a solid defensive effort and a win, I could care less what the O looks like. The win part is all we lacked down the stretch that matters to me.
And honestly no Doogie is not fair, he's incredibly biased against Brewster, he's no homer, and he's a fan, but to say his writing and commentary is unbiased is not truthful, he's been very clear about this.

To say Doogie is a fan is not being truthful, he's been very obvious about this.

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