Doogie: Lots of tickets available for Saturday's game vs Iowa. That's just sad.

Actually it gets you a ticket to a much better team in a billion dollar stadium, and a couple beers.
Cheapest on stubhub is 94 for Vikings

Where are you looking

I'm going to be at the game, me and my brother cheering our butts off. Can't do anything about the people that will not be in the house. Paid more for the tickets than I would like but that is a so be it kind of thing. I wanted to be at this game. Cannot wait to see the Gophers beat the Hawkeys and see Floyd smiling as he is carried over to our sideline. Go Gophers and SKI-U-Mah!

I'm going to be at the game, me and my brother cheering our butts off. Can't do anything about the people that will not be in the house. Paid more for the tickets than I would like but that is a so be it kind of thing. I wanted to be at this game. Cannot wait to see the Gophers beat the Hawkeys and see Floyd smiling as he is carried over to our sideline. Go Gophers and SKI-U-Mah!


Of course it is sad. I have season tickets and will forever but this is a bandwagon fanbase. I thought moving outdoors would change this. I thought we would be talking about building that upper deck to finish the stadium by now. I was wrong.

Go Gophers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just to play devil's advocate: this is a Gopher Fan board - so the people on this board allegedly represent the Gopher fan community.

All week long on this board, there have been people claiming the team is not meeting expectations, predicting a bad season, and calling for the coach to be fired. And now you wonder why people aren't clamoring to purchase tickets? Gopher Fans don't need Reusse and Souhan to bad-mouth the program - we do a very good job of that all by ourselves.

Very well said. Fans of other teams might be enjoying a read of this board more than Gopher fans.
I hope the Gopher fans at the game tomorrow are loud.

Of course it is sad. I have season tickets and will forever but this is a bandwagon fanbase. I thought moving outdoors would change this. I thought we would be talking about building that upper deck to finish the stadium by now. I was wrong.

Go Gophers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You should read social media after a loss. Even those following Gophers Football on facebook are just brutal.

You should read social media after a loss. Even those following Gophers Football on facebook are just brutal.

None of that means those posters are actually Gopher Fans. Most likely they are not.

A road loss to a home favorite? Teams at all levels since the beginning of football have seen that kind of loss innumerable times.

Regardless of who was favored at the start of the game, it is gut wrenching for a fan base to lose a game after you got yourself in a position where you should have been able to put it away. Losing despite kicking off with a lead, 54 seconds on the clock, and no opposing timeouts is a foul taste to leave in fans' mouths.

Season ticket holders fill less than half of the seats.
Cheap student tickets make another 5%.
If the ticket pricing of the remaining seats was intended to keep IA fans away they probably succeeded.
The Twin Cities hotels and restaurants thank the U for nothing.

Season ticket holders fill less than half of the seats.
Cheap student tickets make another 5%.
If the ticket pricing of the remaining seats was intended to keep IA fans away they probably succeeded.
The Twin Cities hotels and restaurants thank the U for nothing.

The same as the U thanks them and you for your support. ;)

Regardless of who was favored at the start of the game, it is gut wrenching for a fan base to lose a game after you got yourself in a position where you should have been able to put it away. Losing despite kicking off with a lead, 54 seconds on the clock, and no opposing timeouts is a foul taste to leave in fans' mouths.

Unfortunately, we once did the same thing, but with only 19 seconds on the I guess last week's game gets a "we'll get 'em next week" reaction from me.

Season ticket holders fill less than half of the seats.
Cheap student tickets make another 5%.
If the ticket pricing of the remaining seats was intended to keep IA fans away they probably succeeded.
The Twin Cities hotels and restaurants thank the U for nothing.
If Iowa was 5-0, their fans would have bought all those unsold tickets.

Regardless of who was favored at the start of the game, it is gut wrenching for a fan base to lose a game after you got yourself in a position where you should have been able to put it away. Losing despite kicking off with a lead, 54 seconds on the clock, and no opposing timeouts is a foul taste to leave in fans' mouths.

Gut wrenching, sure. Foul taste, yep. None of that explains what has happened on this board in the last week. It really is embarrassing to admit how much time I spent on this CF in the past 6 days.

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Doogie, how about you buy a few tickets? You sound like Sid, complaining about fans not spending their hard earned money while you watch the game for free and munch on complimentary hot dogs

Hoping the team can keep those Iowa fans quiet. Moved closer to the end zone last year to avoid the extra seat charges and our section gets inundated with visiting B1G fans. I am inclined to take offense at any disrespect, to my wife's consternation. GO GOPHERS!

Doogie, how about you buy a few tickets? You sound like Sid, complaining about fans not spending their hard earned money while you watch the game for free and munch on complimentary hot dogs

I always laugh at this to ... when the media complains about it but they never spend a nickel.

We would love to go if price was somewhat reasonable.

So what do folks expect scalpers to be selling at for say chair back seats - lower or upper deck? I often buy on stubhub, but haven't bought on the street in years.

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