Doogie: It's inexcusable to have only 10 men on the field for two straight plays

I think the general consensus on this game is that it was one the Gophers could have won if they hadn't shot themselves in the foot over and over again. The 10 men on the field is magnified by the fact that it led to a TD.

It was a tweet and a very valid one by a member of the media. I don't think Doogie was trying to run down the staff and I guarantee that Kill agrees with him 100%. Things like that can't happen when your margin for error is so slim as it is for this team. If it was not the case before, you can bet that during the Illinois game there will be a GA or student assistant in the booth assigned to making sure the right number of players are on the field.

its odd how high school errors are ok for some excuse making gopher fans...kinda sad

Um, no, I'm not using the fact a high school team might make mistakes as an excuse for what happens with Kill's team. It just is amusing that you have brought up the fact you supposedly coach at a high school level, and you seem to think this gives your Kill criticism some sort of extra legitimacy. It was pretty laughable when you were giving pointers on motivation, and I was trying to point out that even an expert like you might also have an occasional screw up.

I really don't have a problem with folks being critical. It's the folks who seem to have an agenda to only see the worse with this coach that causes me to wonder what the hell they're trying to accomplish.

Kill's been at this for quite a while at a higher pay grade than any of us. Pretty sure he's put in a substitution procedure that's served him well over the years. Also, pretty sure they practiced for what Northwestern does on offense over and over. Well, in a game, $hit happens. Some folks might call it inexcusable, but, to a lot of us, it's also understandable if you have one or two injuries at a critical time and young players are involved and an opponent who gives you very little time to react.

If he eventually fails, it's not going to be because he doesn't know what he's doing. It's going to be because he can't recruit the level of talent to keep up with the top half of the Big Ten. All I'd like to see is that folks give him some time before they declare him a failure like you and several others already seem to have done.

Teams at this level have depth charts for all packages and most players know who they are behind. If someone gets hurt, you would think the next person on the chart would be chomping at the bit to get into the game. Does this say something about the team. That being said, the coaches have the chart too and after one play they should be jacking sombody up.

Um, no, I'm not using the fact a high school team might make mistakes as an excuse for what happens with Kill's team. It just is amusing that you have brought up the fact you supposedly coach at a high school level, and you seem to think this gives your Kill criticism some sort of extra legitimacy. It was pretty laughable when you were giving pointers on motivation, and I was trying to point out that even an expert like you might also have an occasional screw up.

I really don't have a problem with folks being critical. It's the folks who seem to have an agenda to only see the worse with this coach that causes me to wonder what the hell they're trying to accomplish.

Kill's been at this for quite a while at a higher pay grade than any of us. Pretty sure he's put in a substitution procedure that's served him well over the years. Also, pretty sure they practiced for what Northwestern does on offense over and over. Well, in a game, $hit happens. Some folks might call it inexcusable, but, to a lot of us, it's also understandable if you have one or two injuries at a critical time and young players are involved and an opponent who gives you very little time to react.

If he eventually fails, it's not going to be because he doesn't know what he's doing. It's going to be because he can't recruit the level of talent to keep up with the top half of the Big Ten. All I'd like to see is that folks give him some time before they declare him a failure like you and several others already seem to have done.

i dont coach football i coach basketball.

kill is a very good coach if he wasnt he wouldnt be in college athletics. i respect his abilities and im liking him more each week. my problems are fans that dislike optimism and shooting for the stars. something i liked in brewster, minnesota fans are usually very negative and bandwagonish. my biggest concern for kill is his ability to recruit. my job as a coach has nothing to do with any of this. i have used examples of psychology in some of my comments but have never tried to out X and O anyone on this board. i am still very annoyed with how many, like yourself, attempt to make excuses when something kill or his staff does something foolish. there is no reason at the varsity high school level, let alone college level to have 10 men on the field. if you ever think that is ok in a game situation, well i wont respond.

kill is here to stay and i wish him nothing but success! i just dont know how anyone can make excuses for that situation?

I think it's inexcusable to have 10 players on the field for one play in a row. That kind of thing could easily cost you a game - particularly on defense. It should never happen.

haven't ate a french fry all month for the happy meal fans in reply to the last post. terrible it happened, but back to back ten men is not the reason we lost. and i love doogie even when he might be overzealous because i know he means well.

Enough criticism about the coaching staff for not seeing it. How about the players on the field??? I find it almost impossible to believe that none of them noticed we were one short. Strange that none of the them had the awareness to call a TO.

There were times when a player was late making it on the field as well as NU was very quick with their no huddle.

These boards are just like politicians. Everyone seems to need to fly to one extreme or the other. Even people who love Kill and think he is going to turn this program around (which includes me) should be able to admit that this was a dumb mistake which cost us points and should never happen at this level. As several people have mentioned, I am sure Coach Kill would agree. Kill being a good coach and his staff making a sloppy mistake are not mutually exclusive.

10 men on the field two plays in a row is a mistake. Doogie is grasping for straws right now by magnifying small mistakes. What's Doogie trying to accomplish by making a big deal out of this? The gophers lost. How about trying to be a respectable journalist and discuss issues that can actually be fixed. This type of comment is generally reserved for coaches being run out of town and the media is looking for any excuse to get rid of him. I don't understand pointing this stuff out for a coach in his first year of a rebuilding job.

Maybe I'm in a minority but I actually want to see this coach be successful at the University of Minnesota. I'm all for constructive criticism but saying sh*t like this is just stupid.

This was a tweet. Doogie (and Marcus Fuller and Phil Miller among others) tweets throughout the game. It probably took him 15 seconds to tweet it, then he tweeted something else. It's just like any of us talking to our friends while watching the game. He mentioned it, but he didn't make a big deal of it. This board is making a big deal of it.

There are two ways to look at it, IF you put aside the outcome of the plays.

1) We decided to be "ballsy" on two plays and say "We can beat you on two critical plays with one less man than you have."

OR (This thread seems to want to champion this one.)

2) The coaches are lost.

Well, it was two consecutive plays. However, this is not a regular pattern. Once it has happened on a regular pattern for an extended period of time. Let's not blow it out of proportion at this point and keep an eye on it for the future.

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