Doogie interviews Matt Limegrover

You foolish bashers: it was badger joel macturi who...

created situations that were VERY messy with the football program between the years of 2002 and 2010. There was talent left for brewster, but brewster had NO experience and was totally incompetent and not ready for a head coaching position. brewster stumbled and bumbled all over himself from day one. He could NOT coach. He was a total screw-up. bjm had let Mason's contract run down for three seasons...then extended him and the next year fired him. badger joel macturi has single-handedly destroyed the football program all by himself with his incompetence in handling the football program coaching situation.

Kill is being handed a TOTAL mess due to the incompetence of the administration in having hired brewster as a head football coach and especially badger joel macturi for making an incompetent hire when he hired that brewster . He came in 2002. He had the advantage of having Mason in place for that 2003 10 win season. badger joel macturi's won/loss record with HIS management of football coaches has gotten steadily worse and worse. bjm destoryed the football program.

Finally, they brought Dave Mona, a pr guy in to make the hire that produced Coach Kill. They no longer trusted macturi to hire a football coach. Mona had to be present at ALL times with the pathetic little ranger. Mona had to sign off on any move bjm made. Hopefully this will work out. Throw bjm under the bus NOW. He totally screwed up the football program with his handling of the football coaching situadion...ESPECIALLY between the years of 2005 and 2010. bjm has really sucked as the ad in charge of the football program. bjm's total incompetence showed when brewster was thrown out on his butt 7 games into the season in 2010. brewster was totally incompetent and bjm was even MORE incompetent and was totally to blame for having hired brewster. brewster was not EVER capable of coaching a Big Ten Football Team. NEVER...

; 0 )

created situations that were VERY messy with the football program between the years of 2002 and 2010. There was talent left for brewster, but brewster had NO experience and was totally incompetent and not ready for a head coaching position. brewster stumbled and bumbled all over himself from day one. He could NOT coach. He was a total screw-up. bjm had let Mason's contract run down for three seasons...then extended him and the next year fired him. badger joel macturi has single-handedly destroyed the football program all by himself with his incompetence in handling the football program coaching situation.

Kill is being handed a TOTAL mess due to the incompetence of the administration in having hired brewster as a head football coach and especially badger joel macturi for making an incompetent hire when he hired that brewster . He came in 2002. He had the advantage of having Mason in place for that 2003 10 win season. badger joel macturi's won/loss record with HIS management of football coaches has gotten steadily worse and worse. bjm destoryed the football program.

Finally, they brought Dave Mona, a pr guy in to make the hire that produced Coach Kill. all They no longer trusted macturi to hire a football coach. Hopefully this will work out. Throw bjm under the bus NOW. He totally screwed up the football program with his handling of the football coaching situadion...ESPECIALLY between the years of 2005 and 2010. bjm has really sucked as the ad in charge of the football program. bjm's total incompetence showed when brewster was thrown out on his can 7 games into the season in 2010. brewster was totally incompetent and bjm was even MORE incompetent and was totally to blame for having hired brewster.

; 0 )

What are you talking about? No one said "it's Mason's fault" or "Brew's fault". I agree, a huge part of the problem after Mason left (and even affected Brew) was how Maturi fired Mason. It was done way too late.

Maturi was a failure at when he fired Mason and he also failed when he hired Brew. Brew was an absolute failure here.

However, this debate is so tired. I know, it's all you want to talk about.

But lets just leave the past in the past. Here is the point, we have some program issues (academics, uneven distribution of scholarships per positions, issues with attrition), however, I don't expect us to have to bottom out they way we bottomed out when Brew was hired. That is partially because I trust Kill more than Brew and partially because we are in a better position today than we were when Brew was hired (it doesn't matter who was at fault).

Shame on you Bob!

Yeah, the rosters after the past couple regimes were disasters. I actually think Kill is walking into a program with significantly more talent. Both programs had quite a few off the field concerns at the time of their respective firings.

I don't say this to get into the tired old Mase v. Brew debate, just as a way to sort of set my expectations on what I think Kill could/should do in the next couple years.

Whatever you do, don't ever again mention the bold faced topic above. It is guaranteed to results in endless babbling from wren. It may take a week to put out this new brush fire that you started (See 9:39 pm posting). I am sure wren lit another candle to his beloved Saint Glen after he read your comment. Also never mention that Adam fellow or we will have a forest fire on our hands.

Fabulous, fabulous interview, Big "D"!

Most impressively for me was the openess of Coach L. No political correctness, here, he seemed to answer the questions as best and honestly as he could. No BS dumbing down or boosting up the level of expectations. Frankly, I feel much more positively about our offense than I did before reading the interview.

Thanks, Doogie.

Nicely done, Doogie!
Can't wait to read the Claeys interview.

Whatever you do, don't ever again mention the bold faced topic above. It is guaranteed to results in endless babbling from wren. It may take a week to put out this new brush fire that you started (See 9:39 pm posting). I am sure wren lit another candle to his beloved Saint Glen after he read your comment. Also never mention that Adam fellow or we will have a forest fire on our hands.

You're 100% right, I place myself on probation. I really meant to avoid the debate and I thought I walked gingerly around the debate to try to make a point without instigating the inevitable response. I should know better, I was wrong, and I am on probation.

Now, see here loblow and killroy...

My point was ENTIRELY that badger joel macturi is incompetent in dealing with the fooball program and has proved just exactly that especially between the years of 2005 and 2010. Essentially, he has killed the football program that had much promise when he took over as ad in 2002. YOU agreed with me loblow:

"...I agree, a huge part of the problem after Mason left (and even affected Brew) was how Maturi fired Mason. It was done way too late.

Maturi was a failure at when he fired Mason and he also failed when he hired Brew. Brew was an absolute failure here..."

So, killroy and loblow, forget trying to bash me.

The mission here is to force this new prexy k to realize what an incompetent ad bjm has been for the football program here at the University of Minnesota.

I am not going to sit back and let people like the two of you attempt to tell people what I am saying. My post had NOTHING to do with Mason and Brewster other than to point out exactly how incompetent badger joel macturi has been in running the football program and in managing the coaching stiuation within the football program. I ALSO pointed out that Dave Mona was brought in to oversee bjm's involvement in the KILL hire.

You two are out of line with the misinformation you are attemting to spread. Cut out your scams and acts...

; 0 )

created situations that were VERY messy with the football program between the years of 2002 and 2010.

Please explain in detail. Please make it actual, verifiable detail rather than a rant.

There was talent left for brewster...

Please detail these players.

Finally, they brought Dave Mona, a pr guy in to make the hire that produced Coach Kill. They no longer trusted macturi to hire a football coach. Mona had to be present at ALL times with the pathetic little ranger. Mona had to sign off on any move bjm made.

Please expound upon these rantings, and make sure to included references rather than opinions.

Please elucidate us all on your proclivity to using this icon.

If you haven't watched bjm in action with the football, basketball and hockey programs as they have suffered under his watch...there is NO hope for you. Ditch badger joel macturi NOW!

Get registered and maybe I'll debate with you. Until then, why bother? Wild animals with keyboards are pretty much just misanthropic critters with very liittle to offer... are out of here now as far as I am concerned. I have no time for a critter who types the way you try to type... Bye now u.r.

; 0 )

If you haven't watched bjm in action with the football, basketball and hockey programs as they have suffered under his watch...there is NO hope for you. Ditch badger joel macturi NOW!

Get registered and maybe I'll debate with you. Until then, why bother? Wild animals with keyboards are pretty much just misanthropic critters with very liittle to offer...

; 0 )

I bet you were looking in a mirror when you vomited this post out.

If you haven't watched bjm in action with the football, basketball and hockey programs as they have suffered under his watch...there is NO hope for you. Ditch badger joel macturi NOW!

Get registered and maybe I'll debate with you. Until then, why bother? Wild animals with keyboards are pretty much just misanthropic critters with very liittle to offer...

; 0 )

Your previous rant specifically referred to football during his tenure, and failed to demonstrably illustrate his "messy situations" from 2002 - 2010. Can you help me out with the messiness between 2002 and (your idol's) Glen's final departure after the 2006 season? No one is going to argue with you that the extension and subsequent firing was poorly handled, but that was a 1/2 decade ago. It's time to beat a different drum.

I'll assume (probably incorrectly) that you understand that my registered username is Unregistered User, which might be too clever by half, for you. But honestly, I'm not sure you get the nuance to that joke.

You still have failed to address the other (more pertinent) points of my previous post. So why don't you put your energies to that task for now?

I have no time for a critter who types the way you try to type... Bye now u.r.

; 0 )

Yes, I agree. I don't like the "way" I type either (just to bring you up to speed, the kids will call it "keyboarding" and I think that I set my wrists too low). I often misspell and use the backspace key often, but I try to read my posts before hitting "Submit Reply" to make sure it is readable and understandable to other posters here. You should try it. That is now irrelevant since you consider me "out of here now as far as I am concerned."

But, I trust that you will address the other points that I have challenged you to address.

Looking forward to you response,
Sincerely, Unregistered User

$h.t...AND brewball was still happening less than 12 short months ago...

under this badger joel macturi induced destruction of the Golden Gopher Football Program. bjm hired an incompetent, inexperienced used car salesman to coach the Football Program and to lead the program into the new stadium. What a COMPLETE disaster. That brewster character was canned 7 games into the season in 2010. That is ALL on badger joel macturi. Men's Hoops tanked. Men's hockey tanked. Those are ALL the revenue sports. bjm must be thrown under the bus and prexy k had better do it NOW.

Obviously you haven't been buying season tickets for football very long, if at all, or you might consider getting registered so you could vote your voice of disapproval for badger joel macturi.,
Or, maybe it just hasn't registered with you yet that brewster clown only won 6 Big Ten Football Games in 3.375 Big Ten Football Seasons. That kind of Big Ten winning percentage isn't going to get the cash registers ringing with season ticket sales u. r.

So, think about it for a while u. r. Eventually, it may register with you that the main objective of Big Ten Football is to win Big Ten Football Games. badger joel macturi has NOT been running a football program that has been winning Big Ten Football Games. The sooner that registers with you u. r. the sooner you will no longer be an unregistered friend of adam kelly.

P.s. Did you remember to register for the draft...even though they don't have a draft any longer, they still want you to register with them, just in case...As far as Uncle Sam is concerned, being an unregistered selective service person means you are trying to dodge the draft that might some day have to be reinstated. So, be sure to register, u. r.

; 0 )

It's fun to have fun...

under this badger joel macturi induced destruction of the Golden Gopher Football Program. bjm hired an incompetent, inexperienced used car salesman to coach the Football Program and to lead the program into the new stadium. What a COMPLETE disaster. That brewster character was canned 7 games into the season in 2010. That is ALL on badger joel macturi. Men's Hoops tanked. Men's hockey tanked. Those are ALL the revenue sports. bjm must be thrown under the bus and prexy k had better do it NOW.

Obviously you haven't been buying season tickets for football very long, if at all, or you might consider getting registered so you could vote your voice of disapproval for badger joel macturi.,
Or, maybe it just hasn't registered with you yet that brewster clown only won 6 Big Ten Football Games in 3.375 Big Ten Football Seasons. That kind of Big Ten winning percentage isn't going to get the cash registers ringing with season ticket sales u. r.

So, think about it for a while u. r. Eventually, it may register with you that the main objective of Big Ten Football is to win Big Ten Football Games. badger joel macturi has NOT been running a football program that has been winning Big Ten Football Games. The sooner that registers with you u. r. the sooner you will no longer be an unregistered friend of adam kelly.

P.s. Did you remember to register for the draft...even though they don't have a draft any longer, they still want you to register with them, just in case...As far as Uncle Sam is concerned, being an unregistered selective service person means you are trying to dodge the draft that might some day have to be reinstated. So, be sure to register, u. r.

; 0 )

It's fun to have fun...

Classic Wren.

Never addressing a point challenged to him, deflecting (or is that defecting?) any direct question. "Obviously you haven't been buying season tickets for football very long, if at all" that is a very damning statement. You don't know me. You have never met me. I was lucky enough to be introduced to Gopher football as a youth from a friend, and became a season ticket holder in college starting in the early 1980's. And you?

"P.s. Did you remember to register for the draft"

Is this a feeble joke about my username? If so (and guessing at your age) I don't appreciate it.

My father lost a brother at Iwo Jima, fought at "Battle of the Bulge" and somehow returned with his brothers Arthur, James, Roger and Richard. And still will not talk about his experiences there. The only stories I hear are from his "brothers" some that I have been fortunate enough to meet, although in diminishing numbers. I would expect you to have more respect for our veterans.

Re: the draft...been there...done dad and 2 of his brothers too during WWII. Do what ever it is you do...but...don't you EVER question my respect for Veterans... I am one...are you????? I find your attitude to be something I don't appreciate. I would expect you to have more respect for we veterans. How about it u. r.?

I went to my first Gopher Football game in 1959...I've had season tickets for MANY decades. You damn bettcha I've been holding Gopher Season tickets for a LONG time u.r.

later u.r....later...

Wren ruining another thread. What's new? Everyone needs to go to the User CP and ignore him. It's way easier to do that than turn into another bull$%!# brew/mason debate or Maturi bash fest.

Back on topic......

Good interview, Doogie. I listened to Limegrover and spoke with him at the GLC chalktalk at Mancini's in late May. Awesome! And very approcahable afterwards to talk to him.

My advice: if GLC offers a chalktalk with any of the coaches, GO!!!!

Back on topic......

Good interview, Doogie. I listened to Limegrover and spoke with him at the GLC chalktalk at Mancini's in late May. Awesome! And very approcahable afterwards to talk to him.

My advice: if GLC offers a chalktalk with any of the coaches, GO!!!!

I know he hasn't been fired per se.. But you gonna change your user name? =P

And on topic: I often regret not renewing my GLC membership. Soon enough I'll get back to them.

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