Doogie has a long Q&A with Maturi - talks possible new football practice bubble

A practice bubble for football seems like a waste of money to me. We already have an entire practice field that is indoors.

A practice bubble for football seems like a waste of money to me. We already have an entire practice field that is indoors.

There is a very good reason for a practice bubble. During the winter months, the football players just can't to the indoor practice facility anytime they are able to put in extra work because the winter sports teams use it as well (wrestling, etc). So, if Q wanted to get some routes going with a few of his WRs, they'd first have to check the schedule of all the other programs (and make sure they jive with their own personal schedules) and work around that. With their classes as well, certainly that can be a problem.

With the bubble, there wouldn't be an issue.

If it means more guys putting in extra work to better themselves and the team come autumn.. I'm 100% for it.

Bubbles are far cheaper than a permanent structure.

A practice bubble for football seems like a waste of money to me. We already have an entire practice field that is indoors.

I can't remember the exact article or quote....but there was mention that the indoor facility get used by other programs. I remember reading where they said if Gray wants to come in, practice, and throw passes to receivers, he may not be able to because he has to share the facility with soccer, band, intramurals?, etc....

Not ideal

Edit....Formo beat me to it

And it's not just the U of M that uses the indoor field. Cities Sports Connection runs adult athletic leagues (soccer and football) that are played at Bierman at least a couple of nights a week.

This is absolute bullsh!t. First, if this is the football practice facility, make it just that. Dont rent it out to city flag football leages that generate minimal revenue. Also, if rec sports can afford to throw one up, why can't the athletics department? And a bunch of frickin high shools can afford these, but a Big Ten football program can't? The U needs to get their priorities in line. You need to spend money to make money. Invest in the sports that produce the highest amount of revenue. This nickel and diming crap is getting old.

It is embarrassing that other sports use the football practice facility.

This is absolute bullsh!t. First, if this is the football practice facility, make it just that. Dont rent it out to city flag football leages that generate minimal revenue. Also, if rec sports can afford to throw one up, why can't the athletics department? And a bunch of frickin high shools can afford these, but a Big Ten football program can't? The U needs to get their priorities in line. You need to spend money to make money. Invest in the sports that produce the highest amount of revenue. This nickel and diming crap is getting old.

I agree, and am hoping the next AD understands this.

This is absolute bullsh!t. First, if this is the football practice facility, make it just that. Dont rent it out to city flag football leages that generate minimal revenue. Also, if rec sports can afford to throw one up, why can't the athletics department? And a bunch of frickin high shools can afford these, but a Big Ten football program can't? The U needs to get their priorities in line. You need to spend money to make money. Invest in the sports that produce the highest amount of revenue. This nickel and diming crap is getting old.

I agree as well. If the U wants to build a bubble, make the other sports currently using the football facilities practice in it. It is the football complex for a reason, it is for football.

Sounds more like a booking problem than a facilities problem. Maybe the players need to learn how scheduling works too and that they don't own everything at the Bierman building, just a thought.

Sounds more like a booking problem than a facilities problem. Maybe the players need to learn how scheduling works too and that they don't own everything at the Bierman building, just a thought.

We aren't talking about Bierman, we are talking about the Gibson/Nagurski FOOTBALL Practice Facility.

Soccer, baseball and softball all use the indoor facility making it difficult for football to use when not scheduled by the coaches.

We aren't talking about Bierman, we are talking about the Gibson/Nagurski FOOTBALL Practice Facility.

Soccer, baseball and softball all use the indoor facility making it difficult for football to use when not scheduled by the coaches.

Ohio State's soccer team practices in their football complex. They must not prioritize football.

Actually, they just built a facility over by the baseball field for rec sports (w/ bubble).

That is what I was referring to. And rec sports charges for any teams to use the facility, so it does not help the athletic department in any way.

Sounds more like a booking problem than a facilities problem. Maybe the players need to learn how scheduling works too and that they don't own everything at the Bierman building, just a thought.

This is the football complex. Not the Bierman building. So really, should we waste all that money on building a practice facility for basketball if any team can use it anyways? Kinda defeats the purpose of the practice facility. And now they are going to tear down the field house? Even less facilities to use.

Sounds more like a booking problem than a facilities problem. Maybe the players need to learn how scheduling works too and that they don't own everything at the Bierman building, just a thought.

It's not a black or white thing. But clearly there appears to be an issue with access. Some use by other teams is one thing (e.g. see OSU). But there is a point where things get out of hand and it would appear as though the U has passed that line. Thus, the request for a new bubble (plus the old one is well, old, and has leaks and other issues).

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