Doogie: Celebrating pedestrian plays only ups Gophers' humiliation

In all honesty, did you watch the game? Did you actually see this "celebration" that has gotten under Doogie's skin? It was about the least self promoting type of celebration i've ever seen. The Gopher sideline was pumped up and into the game until the end of the game, and they were chearing on their teammates. It really wasn't bad at all. I personally liked it, it showed that they were still fighting until the end. I would NEVER have thought it would get this kind of reaction. It was absolutely not the kind of celebrating that was a "look at me" type of thing. No offense, but I don't think you watched the game (or at least you didn't see the celebration).

This article was aimed at the masses of MN fans who don't follow college football. If you followed the Gophers at all, you'd know the article was blatantly inaccurate. If you watched the game, you'd have laughed at anyone's assesment that it was a bad kind of celebration (or even a celebration at all). It was much more a display of emotion than a celebration.

This article was entirely for the people who already don't follow the Gophers, it's just a piling on thing to generate clicks. I wish Doogie wouldn't have resorted to it because at times he is much better than that.

I actually commented in the 3rd quarter how nice it was not to see them over celebrating the little stuff. I saw the hyped up sidelines but felt the same as you...that they were staying in the game as long as they could. I'm not going to lie, I could have missed plenty of "antics" but I think Bob is closer to the truth here.

You're both nit picking. He nitpicked when he said that we weren't THE worst team in college football and you nitpicked his assesment of it. Whoever typed "the worst" did it for hyperbole and it's not a big deal to call them out on it. The response should have been "well, one of the worst" and...problem solved.

The whole argument is strange though. The Gophers are one of the worst BCS teams in the country, could even be in the running for the worst. They'd be about a .500 team in a midmajor conference. That is purely speculative. I could list 20 teams that we'd be favored to beat. It doesn't really matter though, because we are at an unacceptable level for a BCS school.
I had a full post written out but it some how got deleted, so you guys win I give up. But I watched the entire game and have watched every game except NMSU and Miami (OH), I do agree that it was nice to see a little fight still in the Gophers when they are down by 30, but I'm not a big fan of celebrating the basic plays you should make, no matter the score or team.

But again congrats apparently attacking the post of fellow Gopher fans is your guys way of getting through ONE OF THE worst season in Gopher football.

Also if you held yourself to the same standard that you apply to everyone else you would have caught the mistake in your post before you went looking for nit picky things you could correct on other people's posts.

Sorry, I don't make a habit of going back and reading my own posts. I don't think that's typical behavior.

Tell me, what is the main point of this post? Is it that the Gophers are the worst team in college football? Or is it that the Gophers could show a little humility when they are getting killed and not celebrate like they are winning the Rose Bowl after every semi-decent play?

You blow off the entire point of the post just to so you can argue the wording of the little bit of hyperbole at the end of the post, what is the point of that?

It doesn't matter what the "main point" of the post was. By any standard, saying the Gophers are "the worst team in college football" is a terribly inaccurate statement. Even if you had qualified your statement with "FBS" to say what you meant, it would still be an inaccurate statement. I will always point out inaccurate statements when I see them. I am not going to lower my standards for you or anyone else. If you don't like it, don't post.

Tell me, what is the main point of this post? Is it that the Gophers are the worst team in college football? Or is it that the Gophers could show a little humility when they are getting killed and not celebrate like they are winning the Rose Bowl after every semi-decent play?

You blow off the entire point of the post just to so you can argue the wording of the little bit of hyperbole at the end of the post, what is the point of that?

I think he had issues with your post because the entire thing is hyperbole. It wasn't just sprinkled in at the end of your post.
#1: The Gophers aren't the worst team in college football, they aren't the worst team in the FBS, etc.
#2: The Gophers were NOT celebrating like the won the Rose Bowl.

The entire reasoning, tone, content of your post was nothing by hyperbole.

I think he had issues with your post because the entire thing is hyperbole. It wasn't just sprinkled in at the end of your post.
#1: The Gophers aren't the worst team in college football, they aren't the worst team in the FBS, etc.
#2: The Gophers were NOT celebrating like the won the Rose Bowl.

The entire reasoning, tone, content of your post was nothing by hyperbole.
You are correct but since we have never seen how these Gophers celebrate when they win the Rose Bowl, you can't possibly know if they were or weren't celebrating like they would. So basically you are guessing or assuming, so because of that no one can possibly understand what you mean, right?

When you make as few plays as the Gophers have in games recently, yes, celebrate the ones you do make, cause otherwise, what's the point in going out there? They gotta find the positives in each game or else you think 58-0 is bad, just wait for the 83-6 game later on against Wisconsin cause those kids are out of it. This team is still engaged, and I see nothing but positive from it. To sit there and turn it into a "they should be moping cause of the beat down they're taking" is ridiculous. These are still young guys trying to have fun doing something they love, despite not doing it well.

If the effort in future games is the same as we saw last Saturday, hopefully things like the poor tackling and misplays will minimize and we'll see them take a B1G game into the 4th quarter and maybe even sneak a win late like we did last year. But that's not happening if they're not enjoying themselves.

Well put Bob and Monty.

It's not like the players and coaches are screwing around and laughing all game long. They're celebrating a good play, that's it. I think it would be a much bigger problem if everyone acted like pissed off or disengaged zombies all the time. I'm sure most of them are more frustrated and disappointed than any of us.

These guys bust their butt in workouts and practice, and they're playing a game they love. It's pretty silly for any of us to tell them they're not allowed to have any fun.

You are correct but since we have never seen how these Gophers celebrate when they win the Rose Bowl, you can't possibly know if they were or weren't celebrating like they would. So basically you are guessing or assuming, so because of that no one can possibly understand what you mean, right?

Was that a failed attempt at being funny?

Doogie, is your last name van Winkle? This kind of goofiness has been happening on the football field at all levels of competition with increased frequency ever since the dawn of ESPN Sportscenter. Were you out playing nine pins with the elves over at KSTP and pass out for the past twenty years?

Sure it's maddening, but it's not like the Gophers are the only team in the nation that shouldn't be celebrating a non-descript play.

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