Doogie: Celebrating pedestrian plays only ups Gophers' humiliation


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Nov 11, 2008
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From the column:

"With a proven track record, albeit nowhere comparable to the Big Ten, I trust that Kill can restore a Glen Mason-like level of competence. But in the meantime, there's no reason to have a point differential of minus-100 in the first half of conference games.

Let's believe at some point -- against Iowa, Northwestern or Illinois -- the personal foul and pre-snap penalties, the turnovers, the inability to move the ball inside the opposition's 15-yard line in the first three quarters and the botched punts will be less frequent."

Go Gophers!!

I see Doogie's point and the criticism is more than fair, but I've been in situations similar to where the team and coaches are now. It is tough and not fun to go to practice. I think the celebrations and upbeat message from the coaches is more of a moral deal and being proud the guys haven't quit. Lots of teenagers on the field and the coaches need to keep them going.

Wait...Kill just rips and blames his players, right?

This just goes to show you that people will find something to complain about no matter what Kill does. Hell, look no further than LSU for a prime example. People actually whine about how he wins 10 games a year rather than being happy with the team winning all those games.

I know it goes with the territory for a college coach, but it must get tiresome. Bravo to Doogie for feeding into the nonsense.

Other things to think about

The gophers have outscored their opponents this year in the second half however. And on Kyle Henderson--i think he played a fine game but saw some trash talking out there. They are in no position for anyone to do any trash talking.

I agree with the point about the celebrations after in-completions, tackles down the field and the stupid trash talking. Some one should tell these guys that there is no reason to celebrate the basic plays they should make, specially when you are the worst team in college football.

From the column:

"With a proven track record, albeit nowhere comparable to the Big Ten, I trust that Kill can restore a Glen Mason-like level of competence. But in the meantime, there's no reason to have a point differential of minus-100 in the first half of conference games.

Let's believe at some point -- against Iowa, Northwestern or Illinois -- the personal foul and pre-snap penalties, the turnovers, the inability to move the ball inside the opposition's 15-yard line in the first three quarters and the botched punts will be less frequent."

Go Gophers!!

Keep telling it like it is Doogie!

The gophers have outscored their opponents this year in the second half however. And on Kyle Henderson--i think he played a fine game but saw some trash talking out there. They are in no position for anyone to do any trash talking.

Funny, the final scoring statistics still shows all but one of our games as losses. The sequence of scoring doesn't matter if they do it more than we do.

I agree that nobody should be talking trash from our end under any circumstances.

Funny, the final scoring statistics still shows all but one of our games as losses. The sequence of scoring doesn't matter if they do it more than we do.

If it doesn't matter than why is Doogie writing it in a column and why aren't you calling him out on it?

From the column: "With a proven track record, albeit nowhere comparable to the Big Ten, I trust that Kill can restore a Glen Mason-like level of competence.

If all Jerry Kill does as Gophers coach is restore a Glen Mason-like level of competence he will be a huge disappointment and we will need to fire his ass much more quickly than we did with Mason. The worst thing Mason did during his time as coach is to make Gophers fans (and even the sports media) think that a 32-46 Big 10 record is an acceptable performance in any way.

I appreciate Doogie writing about the Gophers but he is falling into an extremely lazy trap that is to assume your assumptions are correct without doing a simple google search.

We are a terrible team. You can find new ways to write that every single week and in some ways it's unacceptable. I remember saying that Kill deserved some blame after your article after the NMSU game where you pinned it all on Brew. I can't see how you could come to the conclusion after the NMSU game that it was all Brew's fault and NOW bash Kill. We are the same team then as we are now.

However, where this article bugs me is the laziness in some of the information. The Big 10 is really good about updating their statistics from the Big 10 website.

Ok...we are a terrible team. So the issues you and a lot of other fans are pointing at aren't really the reasons we are a terrible team.

TURNOVERS: Our biggest problem isn't that we have way too many TOs (probably more than you'd like, but nothing too egregious). We rank on the lower middle end of the Big 10 in turnovers. Our problem is that we haven't forced a single TO in Big 10 play and hardly any in general. However, I think it's easier for some writers to assume our issue is turnovers because it implies some element of sloppiness.

PENALTIES: We are averaging 55 Penalty Yards a game. That's not great, but pretty run of the mill stats. For instance, WI is averaging 50 Penalty Yards per game. It's kind of a meh stat that you point as part of our big problem that Kill needs to fix. I'll tell you what, if we got our penalty yards to 45 per game, we'd still be equally as horrible.

If you want things to hang your hat on as to why we are so atrocious, it's not TO and penalties. To think that is lazy, i'm sorry.

We are terrible because:
(1) We can not throw the football. You can put that blame on the staff, the OL, the QB, the playmakers, etc, however you want.
(2) We are shockingly bad at creating TOs
(3) We get absolutely no pressure on the QB
(4) Our pass defense is atrocious.

I know those don't jab the coaches as much as saying they have too many TOs and get too many penalties, but it's the truth.

I appreciate Doogie writing about the Gophers but he is falling into an extremely lazy trap that is to assume your assumptions are correct without doing a simple google search.

We are a terrible team. You can find new ways to write that every single week and in some ways it's unacceptable. I remember saying that Kill deserved some blame after your article after the NMSU game where you pinned it all on Brew. I can't see how you could come to the conclusion after the NMSU game that it was all Brew's fault and NOW bash Kill. We are the same team then as we are now.

However, where this article bugs me is the laziness in some of the information. The Big 10 is really good about updating their statistics from the Big 10 website.

Ok...we are a terrible team. So the issues you and a lot of other fans are pointing at aren't really the reasons we are a terrible team.

TURNOVERS: Our biggest problem isn't that we have way too many TOs (probably more than you'd like, but nothing too egregious). We rank on the lower middle end of the Big 10 in turnovers. Our problem is that we haven't forced a single TO in Big 10 play and hardly any in general. However, I think it's easier for some writers to assume our issue is turnovers because it implies some element of sloppiness.

PENALTIES: We are averaging 55 Penalty Yards a game. That's not great, but pretty run of the mill stats. For instance, WI is averaging 50 Penalty Yards per game. It's kind of a meh stat that you point as part of our big problem that Kill needs to fix. I'll tell you what, if we got our penalty yards to 45 per game, we'd still be equally as horrible.

If you want things to hang your hat on as to why we are so atrocious, it's not TO and penalties. To think that is lazy, i'm sorry.

We are terrible because:
(1) We can not throw the football. You can put that blame on the staff, the OL, the QB, the playmakers, etc, however you want.
(2) We are shockingly bad at creating TOs
(3) We get absolutely no pressure on the QB
(4) Our pass defense is atrocious.

I know those don't jab the coaches as much as saying they have too many TOs and get too many penalties, but it's the truth.

Good post - good read.

As always, very well said Bob.

The celebration angle is pretty dumb in my opinion as well. I'm guessing Doogie hasn't played a whole lot of competitive sports in his time. These guys are working very hard every day and every week, why can't they have a little fun once in awhile? It's not like they're going over the top. If you've ever played competitive sports past junior high, you know that there is some trash talking that goes on. It's pretty hard not to get sucked in when the opposition is doing it. Some act like we're Miami of the 80's.

And I definitely don't see the problem with the coaches getting excited once in awhile if the players make a big play. It's one of those years where you have to try to find something positive and build on it.

Even if you think these things are ridiculous, it's probably ranked #102 on a list of things we need to worry about.

when you are the worst team in college football

Presumably, you are talking about the Gophers. However, your statement is beyond silly, because the Gophers are not the worst team in college football. They are not even remotely close, in fact.

But please, proceed with your hyperbole.

If it doesn't matter than why is Doogie writing it in a column and why aren't you calling him out on it?

Because it doesn't advance my agenda and frankly I enjoy reading Doogies material whether I agree or not.

Presumably, you are talking about the Gophers. However, your statement is beyond silly, because the Gophers are not the worst team in college football. They are not even remotely close, in fact.

But please, proceed with your hyperbole.

Denial. Such a hard thing to overcome. 112th out of 120 teams. 93% of college teams are ahead of our mighty rodents. But, don't let that get in your way of herralding denials.

Denial. Such a hard thing to overcome. 112th out of 120 teams. 93% of college teams are ahead of our mighty rodents. But, don't let that get in your way of herralding denials.

Pardon me, but is 112/120 the same as 120/120? Well, is it? And no, 93% of college teams are not ahead of the Golden Gophers. You have most of DI-AA and all of DII, DIII, all the NAIA teams, and most of the JuCo teams. But, don't let facts get in the way of you being a complete and utter colostomy bag. And a liar, to boot.

Presumably, you are talking about the Gophers. However, your statement is beyond silly, because the Gophers are not the worst team in college football. They are not even remotely close, in fact.

But please, proceed with your hyperbole.

Who is the worst team in college football right now???

Who is the worst team in college football right now???

I don't know, I don't follow NAIA football. Probably Concordia (MI), I would guess.

Their scores so far this season:


Composite score is 381-30. In other words, the average score is 47-3.

Keep in mind that they are playing the likes of Trinity International and Malone College, not Michigan, Nebraska, and USC.

I appreciate Doogie writing about the Gophers but he is falling into an extremely lazy trap that is to assume your assumptions are correct without doing a simple google search.

We are a terrible team. You can find new ways to write that every single week and in some ways it's unacceptable. I remember saying that Kill deserved some blame after your article after the NMSU game where you pinned it all on Brew. I can't see how you could come to the conclusion after the NMSU game that it was all Brew's fault and NOW bash Kill. We are the same team then as we are now.

However, where this article bugs me is the laziness in some of the information. The Big 10 is really good about updating their statistics from the Big 10 website.

Ok...we are a terrible team. So the issues you and a lot of other fans are pointing at aren't really the reasons we are a terrible team.

TURNOVERS: Our biggest problem isn't that we have way too many TOs (probably more than you'd like, but nothing too egregious). We rank on the lower middle end of the Big 10 in turnovers. Our problem is that we haven't forced a single TO in Big 10 play and hardly any in general. However, I think it's easier for some writers to assume our issue is turnovers because it implies some element of sloppiness.

PENALTIES: We are averaging 55 Penalty Yards a game. That's not great, but pretty run of the mill stats. For instance, WI is averaging 50 Penalty Yards per game. It's kind of a meh stat that you point as part of our big problem that Kill needs to fix. I'll tell you what, if we got our penalty yards to 45 per game, we'd still be equally as horrible.

If you want things to hang your hat on as to why we are so atrocious, it's not TO and penalties. To think that is lazy, i'm sorry.

We are terrible because:
(1) We can not throw the football. You can put that blame on the staff, the OL, the QB, the playmakers, etc, however you want.
(2) We are shockingly bad at creating TOs
(3) We get absolutely no pressure on the QB
(4) Our pass defense is atrocious.

I know those don't jab the coaches as much as saying they have too many TOs and get too many penalties, but it's the truth.

This post is right on point, and really pretty much exactly right. Though I would also add in we can't run the ball with consistency, though we are getting a little better in that regard. It does seem like though, a lot of focus is on things that have little to do with the reason why this team is losing. The penalties, yes, they've had bad ones, but if the 4 points you listed above were even at a mediocre level, those things wouldn't matter.

I thought you were referring to FBS schools. I am quite positive the Gophers can beat a few FCS and NAIA teams...

Pardon me, but is 112/120 the same as 120/120? Well, is it? And no, 93% of college teams are ahead of the Golden Gophers. You have most of DI-AA and all of DII, DIII, all the NAIA teams, and most of the JuCo teams. But, don't let facts get in the way of you being a complete and utter colostomy bag. And a liar, to boot.
Really? You get bent out of shape because someone says they are the worst team in college football, but they are only ranked 112/120, really splitting hairs there aren't you? Then my favorite part, on your quest for absolute accuracy from everyone but yourself, you start claiming that the Gophers could probably (haven't seen any proof of this yet this year) beat some NAIA, FCS and DII teams, when it is obvious to everyone that we were talking about FBS teams. But if you want to hang your hat on the fact that the Gophers might be able to beat some DIII or NAIA schools, you go right a head while the rest us strive something just a little bit better than that.

Really? You get bent out of shape because someone says they are the worst team in college football, but they are only ranked 112/120, really splitting hairs there aren't you? Then my favorite part, on your quest for absolute accuracy from everyone but yourself, you start claiming that the Gophers could probably (haven't seen any proof of this yet this year) beat some NAIA, FCS and DII teams, when it is obvious to everyone that we were talking about FBS teams. But if you want to hang your hat on the fact that the Gophers might be able to beat some DIII or NAIA schools, you go right a head while the rest us strive something just a little bit better than that.

Say what you mean, and mean what you say. It's not that hard. I don't care if you "meant" Division I-A, that's not what you said.

And if you really are intending it to be "just FBS" teams, is 112/120 "the worst"? Is it? By the most objective measure there is available, there are at least 8 teams worse than the Gophers. Call me crazy, but I don't equate "worst" with "9th worst". It's not splitting hairs.

And how do I expect absolute accuracy from everyone but myself? Please cite some examples. Thanks in advance!

Say what you mean, and mean what you say. It's not that hard. I don't care if you "meant" Division I-A, that's not what you said.

And if you really are intending it to be "just FBS" teams, is 112/120 "the worst"? Is it? By the most objective measure there is available, there are at least 8 teams worse than the Gophers. Call me crazy, but I don't equate "worst" with "9th worst". It's not splitting hairs.

And how do I expect absolute accuracy from everyone but myself? Please cite some examples. Thanks in advance!
Here is one example:

Pardon me, but is 112/120 the same as 120/120? Well, is it? And no, 93% of college teams are ahead of the Golden Gophers. You have most of DI-AA and all of DII, DIII, all the NAIA teams, and most of the JuCo teams. But, don't let facts get in the way of you being a complete and utter colostomy bag. And a liar, to boot.

I pretty sure I know what you mean but since everyone else has to "say what you mean and mean what you say," I'm just shocked that you would let a mistake like this go. But you notice how no one calls you out for a silly mistake (until now) because everyone knows what you mean. But god forbid anyone else makes this mistake because you would have dismissed the entire post because one word is missing.

Stop the stupid nit picking, you make just as many dumb mistakes as everyone else you call out. The Gophers are one of the worst teams in FBS (Football Bowl Subdivision) this year and I have a hard time believing there are actually 8 teams worse than them.

It is not nitpicking to say that the Gophers are not the worst team in the FBS if they are not the worst. "One of the worst teams" is not the same as "the worst team".

It is not nitpicking to say that the Gophers are not the worst team in the FBS if they are not the worst. "One of the worst teams" is not the same as "the worst team".
Look I'm not going to keep doing this, but yes on a college football message board when someone claims a team, that has gotten blown out in 3 straight games and were never competitive in those games, is the "the worst team in college football", to help make a point on how they shouldn't be celebrating like they just won the Rose Bowl after making a tackle on a 2nd string Nebraska player when they are down by 30, that is nit picking.

People have blown past the entire point of the original post just to argue that the Gophers are one of the worst teams in college football not the worst, which had nothing to do with the original post. That is nit picking.

The Gophers are one of the worst teams in FBS (Football Bowl Subdivision) this year and I have a hard time believing there are actually 8 teams worse than them.

See, this is a defensible point. Why didn't you just say this in the first place? It really is not that hard.

And, regardless of what you may think, I hold myself to the same standards as I do everyone else. I don't like that I made the omission of the word "not", and I am going to fix it right now.

Look I'm not going to keep doing this, but yes on a college football message board when someone claims a team, that has gotten blown out in 3 straight games and were never competitive in those games, is the "the worst team in college football", to help make a point on how they shouldn't be celebrating like they just won the Rose Bowl after making a tackle on a 2nd string Nebraska player when they are down by 30, that is nit picking.

People have blown past the entire point of the original post just to argue that the Gophers are one of the worst teams in college football not the worst, which had nothing to do with the original post. That is nit picking.

In all honesty, did you watch the game? Did you actually see this "celebration" that has gotten under Doogie's skin? It was about the least self promoting type of celebration i've ever seen. The Gopher sideline was pumped up and into the game until the end of the game, and they were chearing on their teammates. It really wasn't bad at all. I personally liked it, it showed that they were still fighting until the end. I would NEVER have thought it would get this kind of reaction. It was absolutely not the kind of celebrating that was a "look at me" type of thing. No offense, but I don't think you watched the game (or at least you didn't see the celebration).

This article was aimed at the masses of MN fans who don't follow college football. If you followed the Gophers at all, you'd know the article was blatantly inaccurate. If you watched the game, you'd have laughed at anyone's assesment that it was a bad kind of celebration (or even a celebration at all). It was much more a display of emotion than a celebration.

This article was entirely for the people who already don't follow the Gophers, it's just a piling on thing to generate clicks. I wish Doogie wouldn't have resorted to it because at times he is much better than that.

People have blown past the entire point of the original post just to argue that the Gophers are one of the worst teams in college football not the worst, which had nothing to do with the original post. That is nit picking.

You're both nit picking. He nitpicked when he said that we weren't THE worst team in college football and you nitpicked his assesment of it. Whoever typed "the worst" did it for hyperbole and it's not a big deal to call them out on it. The response should have been "well, one of the worst" and...problem solved.

The whole argument is strange though. The Gophers are one of the worst BCS teams in the country, could even be in the running for the worst. They'd be about a .500 team in a midmajor conference. That is purely speculative. I could list 20 teams that we'd be favored to beat. It doesn't really matter though, because we are at an unacceptable level for a BCS school.

See, this is a defensible point. Why didn't you just say this in the first place? It really is not that hard.

And, regardless of what you may think, I hold myself to the same standards as I do everyone else. I don't like that I made the omission of the word "not", and I am going to fix it right now.
Alright this actually a pretty ridiculous argument at this point but just to show you what I mean when I say that you are nit picky and will completely avoid a post just to because you don't like it. Also if you held yourself to the same standard that you apply to everyone else you would have caught the mistake in your post before you went looking for nit picky things you could correct on other people's posts.

Original Post:
I agree with the point about the celebrations after in-completions, tackles down the field and the stupid trash talking. Some one should tell these guys that there is no reason to celebrate the basic plays they should make, specially when you are the worst team in college football.
Tell me, what is the main point of this post? Is it that the Gophers are the worst team in college football? Or is it that the Gophers could show a little humility when they are getting killed and not celebrate like they are winning the Rose Bowl after every semi-decent play?

You blow off the entire point of the post just to so you can argue the wording of the little bit of hyperbole at the end of the post, what is the point of that?

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