Doogie article

The article made it seem as if Brewster inherited an awesome running attack and destroyed it. It might have been a mistake to make such a radical change in the offense, but the 2006 team wasn't exactly a rushing juggernaut. The string of top running backs had run out by then.

Thanks for the link... not my finest work... will have a Tim Davis Q & A later.

Thanks for the link... not my finest work... will have a Tim Davis Q & A later.

I appreciate the new weekly effort, Doogie. If you would like some (hopefully) creative criticism, I would prefer a more intensive interview, rather than a chopped article and a chopped Q&A with the position coach of the week. Maybe the time commitment from the coach's side is too much to ask for, but there is a dearth of actual content from coaches in this market, and I would really like to read more from them.

Take it for what it's worth, but that's my 7 cents (inflation an all).

Doogie, when you do the Q&A with Davis, ask him who will be making the line calls this year? If it's going to be one of the O linemen, ask him if in hindsight, having the QB making the line calls contributed to some of the offensive problems last year.

Nice article. On a side note I've always liked Gordie Shaw from the outside looking in. I thought he was a true Gopher.

Unregistered user: I have no problem with that... my issue: most of the coaches have been very tough to track down for this purpose, which is understood with the minimal vacation time they get. Many have been away for the last few weeks, and won't be back in town until next week... and the best way to do those is via email, not phone.

Unregistered user: I have no problem with that... my issue: most of the coaches have been very tough to track down for this purpose, which is understood with the minimal vacation time they get. Many have been away for the last few weeks, and won't be back in town until next week... and the best way to do those is via email, not phone.

Thanks for your efforts Doogie. I too really enjoy hearing from the coaches and am excited to read what Coach Davis has to say about the line. Davis seems like a real cool dude.

Unregistered user: I have no problem with that... my issue: most of the coaches have been very tough to track down for this purpose, which is understood with the minimal vacation time they get. Many have been away for the last few weeks, and won't be back in town until next week... and the best way to do those is via email, not phone.

I hope you didn't read my post as a total criticism. I can certainly understand trying to balance a whole new venture with the very odd schedules that coaches have at this time of year. My point being that there are enough people (this board, strib, presspatch, et al) that try to offer opinions of the squad. I think it would be enlightening to see some more intensive Q&A sessions. MV at FBT offers a fresh perspective, and I think you also have a nice chance to carve a more unique niche in the local press. And let's face it...there is a gapping hole that could be filled.

I like what you're doing, and I will continue to read.

Thanks for the link... not my finest work.

Doogie you have only one "finest work". This was a fine article even if not your "Finest".

Thanks sec105... that's why I never post a piece without at least one other set of eyes taking a look...
MV's work rocks... he is a must-read for any Gophers fan... I am attempting to strike a little bit of balance between the hardcore fan and casual fan...'s readership is likely half and half.

Hey Doogie:

I just wanted to say thank you for all of the hard work and coverage you provide our favorite college football team. I may not always see eye-to-eye with your views but I definitely respect your views and the work you put into it all. I wish more people from the local media would put in the time and effort you do...also the passion you clearly have for the program. Thanks again!

Was at captain's practice today (organized by Weber & Hoese)... other participants included Stoudermire, Green, Eskridge, Bennett, Eure, & Alipate (few others as well, but didn't recognize them)... Eure is a monster... I'll be shocked if he doesn't contribute... Bennett & Stoudermire look bigger... in fact, Bennett up to 210 lbs (played last year at 203 he told me)... his max bench is up to 390 from 370.

Thanks for the update Doogie! I would love it if Eure steps up...someone needs to in that spot.

Was at captain's practice today (organized by Weber & Hoese)... other participants included Stoudermire, Green, Eskridge, Bennett, Eure, & Alipate (few others as well, but didn't recognize them)... Eure is a monster... I'll be shocked if he doesn't contribute... Bennett & Stoudermire look bigger... in fact, Bennett up to 210 lbs (played last year at 203 he told me)... his max bench is up to 390 from 370.

Keep this stuff coming. It's fun reading these little insights. Thanks!

"I'm not an OL guru" was definitely an accurate statement. Doogie, I'll give you the same suggestion I've made several times on here: Watch the games again and only pay attention to how much time Weber typically had to survey the field and make a play and how many holes you can see that the RBs didn't seem able to find. Then count how many times an RB was unable to gain so much as an extra inch by powering forward on contact. NO OL blocks everybody on every play. Watch the other teams, including the ones whose OLs have big reputations and see how often their QB is hurried or they're shut down at the line on 3rd and short.

Our offensive problems last season were invested in inconsistent QB play, poor RB size, strength and play and finally, but not least of all, silly offensive schemes and playcalling that knocked the wheels off of what had been solid drives. The word on the street inhabited by Minnesota football coaches says Fisch was woefully unprepared to handle the OC job and it showed in all aspects of the unit.

No unit on the field depends so heavily on coaching and teamwork as the offensive line. It's the one place on the field where pure, raw talent is basically meaningless without coaching and chemistry.

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