Doogie and Jerry Kill on 1500ESPN this Morning


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Nov 20, 2008
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The Judd and Phunn show will have Doogie on wrapping the Gopher season and Kill is expected to join as well. 10:40AM for Kill.

9:20am » Jon Krawczynski - AP Sports Writer
10:00am » Darren "Doogie" Wolfson - KSTP-TV Sports Department
10:40am » Jerry Kill - Head Coach - U of M Football
11:00am » Wally Shaver - University of Minnesota Hockey Play by Play.

Biggest thing I took away was the Kill has a five year vision that has been presented to Maturi and Kahler. Followed by this, "We don't want to be in the middle. We want to be in the upper eschelon." He said he doesn't want to be the middle of the road, he wants to be the best.

Biggest thing I took away was the Kill has a five year vision that has been presented to Maturi and Kahler. Followed by this, "We don't want to be in the middle. We want to be in the upper eschelon." He said he doesn't want to be the middle of the road, he wants to be the best.

So do the other 11 Big schools.

Lets hope President Kaler, the Regents and an AD that all have the same goals and fully support Coach Kill. At this point, all we have lip service and an AD who has a track record of irrelevance.

Coach Kill has a huge task on his hands.

Of course Kill wants to be at the top of the conference. Any coach that has a goal of finishing in the middle or bottom of their conference needs to get out of coaching.

Still good to hear him say it. Hopefully he will get the support he needs from the administration and he recruits the right players to execute his schemes in the Big Ten.

The beauty is that no one can prove you wrong for five years! It's all good. After all, I am all in favor of TENURE for the Coach at the U of M. We have had too many 4 year "try outs." Tenure and the only ay out for the U of M needs to be a termination with NO buy out for "...due cause..." types of situation. The key to such a plan would be to find coaches who have the sense of pride that would insure that they would "step-down" if their own goals for the program were not being met.

The coaching salary "arms race" will most likely force the creation of a "supe conference" in which the "select" programs choose to let insanity rule and those programs who believe that they have objectives and common sense enough to NOT let the "arms race" dictate what is reasonable to pay for a football coach.

For some, common sense will rule. For some, may common sense be damned...

; 0 (

Positive banter afterwards by the hosts. A coach does not have to be liked to win but it does not hurt if you need positive PR. We are hearing that Kaler gets it. His record at Stony Brook seemed to show his understanding of athletics being important to the university overall. Giving Kill a 7 year contract might be another sign. Asking JM to retire and getting a new AD will be a next step.

The elephant in the room is a $285million dollar stadium that needs to be full.

My problem with Mase was that he was prefectly happy being in the middle and would give you every reason under the sun as to why we shouldn't shoot any higher.

And let Wayne start a tirade in five, four, three, two, one.....

Of course Kill wants to be at the top of the conference. Any coach that has a goal of finishing in the middle or bottom of their conference needs to get out of coaching.

Still good to hear him say it. Hopefully he will get the support he needs from the administration and he recruits the right players to execute his schemes in the Big Ten.

And THAT is why getting the stadium was SO essential, ButchNashGuy. The U of M administrators FINALLY committed to something having to do with the Football Program. They can NOT undo what they have done. It is sink or swim time for any prexy at the U of M as far as the football program is concerned. The stadium is that WONDERFUL "ball and chain" that will dictate to the prexy, board of regents and EVERY other interest at the U of M what MUST be done!

Life is good!

; 0 )

After all, I am all in favor of TENURE for the Coach at the U of M. We have had too many 4 year "try outs."

In the past 58 years of Golden Gopher football, only one head coach was fired before his fifth season. But hey, facts, schmacts.

In the past 58 years of Golden Gopher football, only one head coach was fired before his fifth season. But hey, facts, schmacts.
How long was Wacker here? I thought it was just 3 years for some reason.

And THAT is why getting the stadium was SO essential, ButchNashGuy. The U of M administrators FINALLY committed to something having to do with the Football Program. They can NOT undo what they have done. It is sink or swim time for any prexy at the U of M as far as the football program is concerned. The stadium is that WONDERFUL "ball and chain" that will dictate to the prexy, board of regents and EVERY other interest at the U of M what MUST be done!

Life is good!

; 0 )

+1 Couldn't agree more. Just a hunch, but wouldn't be surprised to learn that some on the Board of Regents are cursing the day the decision was made to build TCF Bank Stadium. As you say, the stadium is a wonderful ball and chain.

Of course Kill wants to be at the top of the conference. Any coach that has a goal of finishing in the middle or bottom of their conference needs to get out of coaching.

The reason I pointed it out is that many have questioned what turning the program means. Does he mean middle of the road in five years or competing for the title inf 5 years? I think this is one of the best definitions he has given to date.

It's coach speak.. I'm not reading too much into it. All I can do is cheer as hard as I can in full support of our Gophers, coach Kill and his program.

Of course Kill wants to be at the top of the conference. Any coach that has a goal of finishing in the middle or bottom of their conference needs to get out of coaching.

Still good to hear him say it. Hopefully he will get the support he needs from the administration and he recruits the right players to execute his schemes in the Big Ten.

+1- This!

The sad thing is Brewster said this was the goal sooner than later, and he was hung with it. Hopefully Kill will be understood here and well supported.

Call the fire department!

My problem with Mase was that he was prefectly happy being in the middle and would give you every reason under the sun as to why we shouldn't shoot any higher.

And let Wayne start a tirade in five, four, three, two, one.....

After reading Replacement Gopher's comment wren started lighting 100 candles to Saint Glen.

The reason I pointed it out is that many have questioned what turning the program means. Does he mean middle of the road in five years or competing for the title inf 5 years? I think this is one of the best definitions he has given to date.

Yep, many of us hear even thought when he said it would take five years, that he meant it would take five years to get to 4-4 in the B1G. Glad to see he views anything but being at the top as unsuccessful.

Kill is handling things the right way overall. He lowered expectations when he arrived and now he will gradually start to build them up. He knows he won't have 5 years to just start winning, realistically he needs to show steady growth in years 2 and 3 or he is likely to be sent packing by his new boss who will want to hire "his guy" to run the team if he sees any sign that they guy he inherited is not getting the job done. It is what did in Gill in Kansas more then likely and anyone who thinks the exact same thing can't happen here once Maturi finally steps away is kidding themselves.


I thought he sacrificed 1000 bulls to the god of mediocrity, Glen?

That comment has earned you an official certificate from wren that you are a "Brewster Apologist". Each certificate is individually numbered and your number will be 2,473,602. Congratulations - You are in a very select group.

Not with a 7 yr contract he won't be sent packing quickly.

Having a 7 year deal might buy him a little slack but if the improvement is not showing on the field it won't save him. I think people have a tendency to really underestimate the loyalty factor or lack of loyalty factor in college athletics and especially football.

Coaches surround themselves with their guys. When a new coach comes on board he typically clears out every assistant and the strength and conditioning staff. When Brewster took over at MN he got rid of a few long time secretaries that had been part of the football program over 20 years to replace them with younger hotter secretaries. Kill got rid of the video staff, both of whom had been at the U for over 10 years, to bring in his guy. Meyer is doing the same thing at OSU right now.

It works the same way with Athletic Directors. You can bet when the new guy comes on board that he will take a hard look at all the associate AD's and other department heads. It would not shock me to see him change many of those positions. At the same time all the coaches he inherits will be on a short leash. If he feels like they are not getting the job done he will want to make a move quickly because he does not want one of Maturi's guys making him look bad.

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