Doogie: After loss to UW, U fan base should wave white flag on Brewster


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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There's an old saying among Gophers fans: it's better to be dead than red.

And now, there's a new saying: Fire Brewster.

Tim Brewster is now 0-10 in trophy games as Gophers coach and 0-10 against top-25 opponents. If he's allowed to finish this season, there's a good chance he'll be 6-26 or 7-25 in Big Ten Conference games (0-8 or 1-7 this year).

That is Jim Wacker-like and, in fact, worse. Since a 17-6 win at Purdue in 2008, Brewster is 7-17.

We were told the program was "light years" ahead of when he took it over. Former coach Glen Mason should sue for libel.

In the oldest rivalry in college football, neither team had lost seven consecutive games -- until now. Four of those losses belong to Brewster.

It has come to this: after Wisconsin's 41-23 destruction of the Gophers on Saturday, Brewster and Badgers coach Bret Bielema exchanged words during the midfield handshake.

Brewster is upset, and rightfully so, that Bielema went for a two-point conversion after taking a 41-16 lead early in the fourth quarter. It was a classless move. But fours year into the Brewster era, do we really have to spend time debating the ramifications of the opposition possibly trying to run-up the score?

Here's my advice: stop them, which the Gophers did, but also stop them earlier in the game.

The Gophers are not capable of such a feat. It was a 14-9 game at halftime when Bielema told the Big Ten Network (shocking that Charissa Thompson didn't distract me), "My guess is we'll move them (in the second half)."

That's exactly what Wisconsin did, scoring touchdowns on three straight possessions.

In fact, it was comparable to last year's second half at TCF Bank Stadium, where the Badgers outgained the Gophers 302 to 11 in total yards.

The Badgers must have a great strength and conditioning coach. For six consecutive quarters, Wisconsin has physically manhandled the Gophers. Pancake blocks, etc.

Two garbage-time touchdowns from receiver Da'Jon McKnight made the score closer, and showed that offensive coordinator Jeff Horton needs to go in his direction more. Those were McKnight's only catches all-day.

The Gophers wore all-white jerseys with white helmets. It might've been symbolic of the fan base. One that is now waving the white flag on Brewster's tenure.

Go Gophers!!

Just another great weekend in Minnesota, getting pushed around again by a team that has owned you. Nice to see the Twins are falling right in line tonight.

The collective fan base here allows it too often... there is something to "Minnesota nice"... in many other markets, this futility would not be tolerated... many too many fans here in town just show up for the spectacle, and don't really care what the results are.

The collective fan base here allows it too often... there is something to "Minnesota nice"... in many other markets, this futility would not be tolerated... many too many fans here in town just show up for the spectacle, and don't really care what the results are.

Do you anyone not named Sid Hartman who doesn't want the coach gone?

A friend of mine, Joe K., won't budge... there are others as well, although not necessarily on this board.

I don't understand the need for a "Fire Brewster" article. Everyone is in agreement on this issue and has been since the South Dakota debacle. There has been no way Brewster sees 2011 for over a month now.

The collective fan base here allows it too often... there is something to "Minnesota nice"... in many other markets, this futility would not be tolerated... many too many fans here in town just show up for the spectacle, and don't really care what the results are.

I'm curious, what do you think fans that want Brewster gone should do? Egg his house? I don't get this argument. By "not be tolerated", what do you mean? Not show up at games?

At this point, it's kind of like beating a dead horse. I have rarely seen this message board so completely unified on an issue ever but it's almost unanimous that everyone agrees that Tim Brewster needs to go. I agree that after the South Dakota game even most of the die-hards came around.

I don't know if it is really doing any good anymore - Brewster is a horrible coach and just about every college football fan in the country knows it.

Not tolerated? I don't understand your point Doogie? Are you getting the point that the vast majority of season ticket holder think that this is OK?

The collective fan base here allows it too often... there is something to "Minnesota nice"... in many other markets, this futility would not be tolerated... many too many fans here in town just show up for the spectacle, and don't really care what the results are.

So to show the U that we won't tolerate futility anymore we are supposed to give up and not show up anymore? I'm lost with this. What exactly can Joe Spectator do to show his frustration besides throwing a boo out there when there is bad play calling? It's not like we are all loving the program where it's at right now.

You tell us what we can do that the U will listen to and not tell us to get bent.

Not tolerated? I don't understand your point Doogie? Are you getting the point that the vast majority of season ticket holder think that this is OK?

I don't understand the point either. Most folks that I know simply shake their heads in disbelief but I'm not sure that's the same as not being harsh. I don't think there are too many on this board (or anywhere else in the state either) that are going to come running to Brewster's defense at this point.

If you're a booster you make noise. If you know a booster you tell him to make noise. You e-mail Maturi. You put public pressure on the administration through chat rooms, call-in shows, or letters to the editor. If you are a season ticket holder, you express your frustration and let the ticket office you may not renew next year. You blame Weber.

If you're a booster you make noise. If you know a booster you tell him to make noise. You e-mail Maturi. You put public pressure on the administration through chat rooms, call-in shows, or letters to the editor. If you are a season ticket holder, you express your frustration and let the ticket office you may not renew next year. You blame Weber.

Well played sir :clap::clap::clap::D:D

It was sealed after the loss to NIU. It shouldn't have taken you this long. I don't care when it happens, but he's gone for sure.

I'm curious, what do you think fans that want Brewster gone should do? Egg his house? I don't get this argument. By "not be tolerated", what do you mean? Not show up at games?

Agreed. Not sure where you're going with this Doogie. The sentiment on this board has been to fire the guy for the last two years.

He's going to be gone. I wished it had worked out better for him, but it didn't. He wasn't up to the job. But I'm not going to dance on his grave.

I've been beyond frustrated by Brewster at times, but I wasn't ready to throw in the towel. That changed after today. When you're down 3 scores with 5 minutes left to play, you onside kick. It's not that hard. Unless you have a lot of money on the Gophers to beat the spread, I can think of no other reason why you kick deep. It's not like we had all our timeouts, not that it matters.

Fire Brewster. Now.

It might not hurt to chant...

"Board of maturi....Board of maturi..." a few times every game just to make sure that the regents, the ad and the prexy all know that people are VERY upset and angry about the direction of the program and the negative impact it has on the Game Day Environment within TCF BANK STADIUM. Don't assume that macturi and prexy b "understand anything..." prexy b is the lamest of lame ducks. maturi is just plain lame. He did, after all mastermind brewball.

Maybe you shouldn't have fired Glen Mason in the first place.
He took a crummy job that nobody else wanted and made the
Goofers respectable, but you thought that wasn't good enough.
Reep it!

Learn to spell reap. Mason had to go. Brewster was the wrong hire, but Mason had to go. I never thought we were consistently respectable under Mason.

"Board of maturi....Board of maturi..." a few times every game just to make sure that the regents, the ad and the prexy all know that people are VERY upset and angry about the direction of the program and the negative impact it has on the Game Day Environment within TCF BANK STADIUM. Don't assume that macturi and prexy b "understand anything..." prexy b is the lamest of lame ducks. maturi is just plain lame. He did, after all mastermind brewball.

You write like a child.

And, for what little you say, you use too many words, sir or madam, which ever the case may be. ; 0 )

WAIT GUYS & GALS!!! Because of the $$$$ in the contract buyout during the season vs. after, HE WILL NOT BE FIRED UNTIL AFTER THE SEASON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO MATTER WHAT !!!!!!!!! SO ACCEPT IT!!!!!!!!!!

A friend of mine, Joe K., won't budge... there are others as well, although not necessarily on this board.

I'm with Sid & Joe K, just relax and let the season play out. People act like little children having temper tantrums around here. I would be more upset with the overrated & overhyped professional baseball team that get's their @$$ kicked EVERY time they win the weak AL Central and make the playoffs.

I'm with Sid & Joe K, just relax and let the season play out. People act like little children having temper tantrums around here. I would be more upset with the overrated & overhyped professional baseball team that get's their @$$ kicked EVERY time they win the weak AL Central and make the playoffs.

I'm not and one of those guys is a close personal friend. The season and seasons have played out enough. Brew is in over his head.

I'm with Sid & Joe K, just relax and let the season play out. People act like little children having temper tantrums around here. I would be more upset with the overrated & overhyped professional baseball team that get's their @$$ kicked EVERY time they win the weak AL Central and make the playoffs.

Gardenhire should be fired as well. But I guess at least Gardenhire could actually put together a decent season even if he is a total failure in the playoffs. What's Brewster's story?

Agreed. Not sure where you're going with this Doogie. The sentiment on this board has been to fire the guy for the last two years.

He's going to be gone. I wished it had worked out better for him, but it didn't. He wasn't up to the job. But I'm not going to dance on his grave.

Might be punch-drunk... stream of consciousness... stupid take on my part... people are starting to not show up... reach out to Maturi, others, etc. The message has been sent to "U" administrators... hard to see any possible way that Brew is back next year... so again, dumb on my part to suggest that the fan base is soft... plenty have made their thoughts well known.

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