Dog Days of Summer: Your 5-year B1G Predictions

I'm poor, trying to support a family including 2 young children. Do you feel better about yourself now? There are plenty of ways to make wagers that don't involve cash.

What is the difference between $10 and a 12 pack of Nordeast? Or are you just going to make him wear a Jerry Kill T-Shirt to the 2017 home opener? Way to take something way to personally. I do not feel one bit better about myself. Way to try and lay on a sob story though. There is nothing wrong with a freindly $5 or $10 wager between friends regardless of you "poor" status.

What is the difference between $10 and a 12 pack of Nordeast? Or are you just going to make him wear a Jerry Kill T-Shirt to the 2017 home opener? Way to take something way to personally. I do not feel one bit better about myself. Way to try and lay on a sob story though. There is nothing wrong with a freindly $5 or $10 wager between friends regardless of you "poor" status.

And there is nothing wrong with keeping your mouth shut and being thought a fool as opposed to opening it and removing all doubt. My money and what I do (and don't do) with it is my business. Unless you want to start paying my bills, shut your mouth about it.

Washington media is a little different than minnesota media.
You can think last year wasn't an a terrible season if you'd like. That's your choice.

Really? You are going to go with the Washington media is a little different? It is OK to admit you are wrong. Sometimes it is actually refreshing.

The first half of last year was terrible, no question. There was marked improvement in the 2nd half. And based on where Maryland was and where Minnesota was prior to 2011 the level of "terribleness" in their respective seasons is not close.

I get it, you preferred Edsall over Kill. Now, just move and admit you were wrong. It will feel good.

And there is nothing wrong with keeping your mouth shut and being thought a fool as opposed to opening it and removing all doubt. My money and what I do (and don't do) with it is my business. Unless you want to start paying my bills, shut your mouth about it.

Wow. I touched a nerve. I sincerely apologize.

I see how it is. You are allowed to opine, but others are not. I got it. I am done, no more thread hijack.

FYI...I completely agree with you on Kill. He will be the coach here in 5 years.

Really? You are going to go with the Washington media is a little different? It is OK to admit you are wrong. Sometimes it is actually refreshing.

The first half of last year was terrible, no question. There was marked improvement in the 2nd half. And based on where Maryland was and where Minnesota was prior to 2011 the level of "terribleness" in their respective seasons is not close.

I get it, you preferred Edsall over Kill. Now, just move and admit you were wrong. It will feel good.
The best game the gophers played all year was the first game of the year.

I see how it is. You are allowed to opine, but others are not. I got it.

WTF are you talking about? Telling people that their manhood or bravado (or whatever synonym you want to use) is tied to their willingness to part with their money is crossing a personal line and has nothing to do with Gophers football. This site would get along better if people would stick to Gophers football and not make personal attacks and/or push their own agendas. Rosemountain and I had a disagreement about Jerry Kill's status and agreed that we could make a friendly (non-monetary) wager about it. You're the one who came in and basically called us pu$$ies because we'd rather argue with our brains than with our wallets. Keep it to Gophers football and leave your personal attacks out of it.

So where does everyone see the B1G in five years?

WTF are you talking about? Telling people that their manhood or bravado (or whatever synonym you want to use) is tied to their willingness to part with their money is crossing a personal line and has nothing to do with Gophers football. This site would get along better if people would stick to Gophers football and not make personal attacks and/or push their own agendas. Rosemountain and I had a disagreement about Jerry Kill's status and agreed that we could make a friendly (non-monetary) wager about it. You're the one who came in and basically called us pu$$ies because we'd rather argue with our brains than with our wallets. Keep it to Gophers football and leave your personal attacks out of it.

Really? You need to calm down. I called you no names. Generally in my world wagers come down to a beer or a coffee or 5 or 10 bucks, that is all. I just found it entertaining that both of you said, "I don't do money" and were rather adament about it. Nowhere did I tell you that "your manhood or bravado is tied to your willingness to part with money." Nowhere. That is you inferring something that was not there. I did sarcastically say "Way to go boys." If that is a personal attack, my bad. I feel as if you are being rather sensitive if that is the case. If you took it personally, I apologize. I am serious about that.

Again, I agree with you. Jerry Kill will be the coach here in 5 years.

Really? You need to calm down. I called you no names. Generally in my world wagers come down to a beer or a coffee or 5 or 10 bucks, that is all. I just found it entertaining that both of you said, "I don't do money" and were rather adament about it. Nowhere did I tell you that "your manhood or bravado is tied to your willingness to part with money." Nowhere. That is you inferring something that was not there. I did sarcastically say "Way to go boys." If that is a personal attack, my bad. I feel as if you are being rather sensitive if that is the case. If you took it personally, I apologize. I am serious about that.

Thank you for the apology. Your comments were over the line. Please don't talk about other people's money.

So where does everyone see the B1G in five years?

Stewart Mandel just did an article about the levels of college football programs that was a follow-up to the same story he did 5 years ago. His conclusion was that not much had changed over the past five years. The haves are basically still the haves and the have-nots are still the have-nots.

The BT in 5 years will not be too much different, but for Penn State. Sconnie could have a few down years as compared to the last two, but unfortunately Bret B has that program up and running. I agree that Iowa could fall off if Kirk leaves. tOSU and Michigan appear to be on a collision course to rule the conference again. Whatever you think of Urban, the guy can coach and will have tOSU up and running. I do not trust MSU to sustain their success and Nebraska over the past 10 years has a good program, but not a national contender. I think that will continue. I believe Jerry Kill can elvate Minnesota to the "Mason level" and beyond. I think he will have a better BT winning percentage than Mason did.

The best game the gophers played all year was the first game of the year.

I honestly think that had to do more with USC than it did with the Gophers. However it was a better effort than any of the next 5. Miami of Ohio included. If you are unwilling to admit they improved during the year, then we will just have to agree to disagree. That is fine. I think we will see Kill bring steady improvement to this program and he will be the coach here in 5 years. I will admit the one thing I do not like is that Kill appears to want to get out of NC Games against BCS opponents. Not a fan of that.

I don't think so. I don't think hiring an older coach was the right way to go. I think it'd be tough for any coach to survive 6 years in this program through an athletics director transition. I'd rather have edsall than kill still at this point. Their years were equally as terrible last year.

I was wondering what the source of you pessimism was. I understand you feel Kill was outcoached last year quite a bit, but doesn't the finish to the season matter more than the first games for a new coach to be judged on in your opinion?
I saw the team get much better in alot of key aspects down the stretch. That, combined with a recruiting class I personally liked alot, and Kill's track record of winning and overachieving makes me bullish on his future here.

I was wondering what the source of you pessimism was. I understand you feel Kill was outcoached last year quite a bit, but doesn't the finish to the season matter more than the first games for a new coach to be judged on in your opinion?
I saw the team get much better in alot of key aspects down the stretch. That, combined with a recruiting class I personally liked alot, and Kill's track record of winning and overachieving makes me bullish on his future here.

As they say, some people wouldn't be happy if they were hung with a new rope. I suspect Rosemountain just finds pessimism easier. His mother probably once told him "Cheer up, things could be worse!" So he cheered up and sure enough things got worse. Ever since then he believes that things could be worse and probably will be.

Hey people are entitled to their opinions and outlooks. I come here to discuss gopher football. If he's got insight into my favorite team, or another point of view than my usual rosy outlook i'd like to know, but it should be based on facts or evidence or logic. A "gut" feeling does nothing for me other than present another's opinion and allow me to move on understanding we disagree.
Rosemountian has been around, he's no damn troll. All the more reason i'm curious why he thinks we're not set up for success under Kill.

I disagree. That second half of the USC game was the best football the gophers have played since the middle of brewster's tenure.

The team got better towards the end of the year, no doubt.
I was pleased the team got better toward the end of the year. It seemed like that staff simplified things for an inexperience qb midway through the year. They made some good adjustments despite their roster getting worse due to injury.

But I'm not going to pretend that improvement meant I was impressed by their coaching. A couple of performances the staff had the team neither motivated to give an effort nor schematically sound. (new Mexico state, Michigan, purdue).

I have predicted kill won't be here in five years. That doesn't mean I think there is a 0% chance ye will succeed. It's early in the game. So far my impression of kill is mediocre at best. We will see what happens.

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