Dog Days of Summer: Your 5-year B1G Predictions


Captain of Awesome
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
Just for fun, because there's darn near nothing else to talk about this time of year, five years from now, how do you see the B1G? Which teams will rise? Which will fall? Which coaches will remain?

For reference, to show how much things can change, here's the 2005 finish, compared to 2010 finish (easier for comparison w/o Nebraska):


Penn State: 1/6 (-5)
Ohio State: 2/1 (+1)
Wisconsin: 3/3 (0)
Michigan: 4/7 (-3)
Northwestern: 5/8 (-3)
Iowa: 6/4 (+2)
Minnesota: 7/10 (-3)
Purdue: 8/9 (-1)
Michigan State: 9/2 (+7)
Indiana: 10/11 (-1)
Illinois: 11/5 (+6)

My 2016 standings:


Michigan State: 1/3 (-2)
Michigan: 2/1 (+1)
Nebraska: 3/2 (+1)
Iowa: 4/6 (-2)
Northwestern: 5/5 (0)
Minnesota: 6/4 (+2)

Legends storylines 2012-2016: Kirk Ferentz retires, Iowa takes time to recover, next guy isn't the right fit. Hoke has Michigan in a national semifinal at least once. Dantonio has some lean years, 3rd/4th place finishes, while fans start to question if he still has "it". Nebraska adjusts to the B1G, gets to the title game at least once. Kill does admirably, finishing above .500 and consistently getting the Gophers to bowl games. Cracks the top 3 of the division once.

Wisconsin: 1/2 (-1)
Penn State: 2/6 (-4)
Purdue: 3/4 (-1)
Ohio State: 4/1 (+3)
Illinois: 5/3 (+2)
Indiana: 6/5 (+1)

Leaders storylines 2012-2016: Urban Meyer pulls O$U out of sanctions and hits the ground running, fast. Penn State, in the wake of scandal, tanks hard and people in Happy Valley aren't so happy. Wisconsin maintains their place toward the top of the conference but doesn't get to the Rose Bowl again. Indiana is Indiana. Illinois continues to bounce between respectable and not.

Minny plays .500 ball and Jerry Kill is fired for being too MAC-centric.
Minny begins the search for a big name. Lands on Joe Paterno Jr. and insists that this person has the name and pedigree to get MN to finish ahead of new ALLBIG Conf bottom dweller Colorado St.

Just for fun, because there's darn near nothing else to talk about this time of year, five years from now, how do you see the B1G? Which teams will rise? Which will fall? Which coaches will remain?

For reference, to show how much things can change, here's the 2005 finish, compared to 2010 finish (easier for comparison w/o Nebraska):


Penn State: 1/6 (-5)
Ohio State: 2/1 (+1)
Wisconsin: 3/3 (0)
Michigan: 4/7 (-3)
Northwestern: 5/8 (-3)
Iowa: 6/4 (+2)
Minnesota: 7/10 (-3)
Purdue: 8/9 (-1)
Michigan State: 9/2 (+7)
Indiana: 10/11 (-1)
Illinois: 11/5 (+6)

My 2016 standings:


Michigan State: 1/3 (-2)
Michigan: 2/1 (+1)
Nebraska: 3/2 (+1)
Iowa: 4/6 (-2)
Northwestern: 5/5 (0)
Minnesota: 6/4 (+2)

Legends storylines 2012-2016: Kirk Ferentz retires, Iowa takes time to recover, next guy isn't the right fit. Hoke has Michigan in a national semifinal at least once. Dantonio has some lean years, 3rd/4th place finishes, while fans start to question if he still has "it". Nebraska adjusts to the B1G, gets to the title game at least once. Kill does admirably, finishing above .500 and consistently getting the Gophers to bowl games. Cracks the top 3 of the division once.

Wisconsin: 1/2 (-1)
Penn State: 2/6 (-4)
Purdue: 3/4 (-1)
Ohio State: 4/1 (+3)
Illinois: 5/3 (+2)
Indiana: 6/5 (+1)

Leaders storylines 2012-2016: Urban Meyer pulls O$U out of sanctions and hits the ground running, fast. Penn State, in the wake of scandal, tanks hard and people in Happy Valley aren't so happy. Wisconsin maintains their place toward the top of the conference but doesn't get to the Rose Bowl again. Indiana is Indiana. Illinois continues to bounce between respectable and not.

2016 will be Philip Nelson's senior year if he redshirts this year - I don't want to put the expectations on him that others have, but I really do think MN could be in great position to threaten the Legends division crown in 2016, even if Nelson isn't the second coming of [insert great quarterback name here] as some have predicted.

My 2016 standings:


Michigan State: 1/4 (-3)
Michigan: 2/1 (+1)
Nebraska: 3/2 (+1)
Iowa: 4/6 (-2)
Northwestern: 5/5 (0)
Minnesota: 6/3 (+3)

Legends storylines 2012-2016: Kirk Ferentz retires/move to NFL finally.
Iowa could not have found a more perfect fit than Ferentz has been for them. They have some serious issues in store if they even have a slightly botched replacement hire. Losing their grip in Chicago combined with Iowa St potentially taking advantage ala Michigan/MSU under richrod/Dantonio would spell lean recruiting and it's not out of the question it will happen after Ferentz IMO. They fall to the bottom if Ferentz leaves.

Hoke has Michigan in a national title game IMO. He's putting together a tough team up there.

Dantonio has some lean years after his D coordinator leaves for the right gig, he retires before pressure mounts to fire him, the transition likely costs them the momentum gained on Michigan under richrod.

Nebraska will adjust to the B1G, gets to the title game several times, wins it once.

Kill does very well, puts together a tough offensive ground game and a sharp and disciplined squad consistently. Talent ends up being consistently better than NW, discipline consistently better than MSU, and they clip one of the other 2 teams often enough to be relevent to the BIG and national conversation.

Wisconsin: 1/2 (-1)
Penn State: 2/5 (-3)
Purdue: 3/3 (0)
Ohio State: 4/1 (+3)
Illinois: 5/4 (+1)
Indiana: 6/6 (0)

Leaders storylines 2012-2016: Urban Meyer owns the world for the next few years winning a national title within this span, "retiring" afterwards. Possible sanctions/scandals loom in 2016.

Penn State falls getting put on slap the wrist probation like U$C, Miami, etc. They don't care, ends up replacing O Brien within 3 years due to a lack of success unrelated to the scandal/sanctions, hire a college coach in 2015 and emerging once again at the end of this time frame.

Wisconsin maintains their place toward the top half of the conference but doesn't get to the Rose Bowl again. The best team in their entire history managed to spike away a rosebowl, thats as close as they'll get for a LONG time with OSU back now.
Alvarez retires and nobody is left to keep Bulimia in check, embarrassment ensues and burt's seat is hot after getting rolled by OSU for the 6th consecutive time.

Indiana is Indiana, Wilson will not elevate that program, they need a young buck/up and comer type.

Illinois is better but still searches for a signature season, they do end up winning 7-9 games a few times in this stretch, but follow them with 6 or less win seasons.

In 5 years the only coaches left in the league will be:

In 5 years the only coaches left in the league will be:

LOL - Lord it must be tough to be you every morning and have to face another day with all you negativity. Have you every tried anti-depressants?

OSU will dominate the leaders as PSU will get sanctions and fall off the map for years, Wisky will decline this year with BB and a staff of newbies, and the rest will be predictable. OSU will get caught with recruiting violations within 3 years.
The legends division will be the most competitive by far with Michigan and Nebraska being the dominant force while other programs pop up on occasion.

In five years Dr Don will have consumed all the cold beer in the world, resort to drinking warm beer and babbling about 'the good old days'.:drink:

In five years Dr Don will have consumed all the cold beer in the world, resort to drinking warm beer and babbling about 'the good old days'.:drink:

:clap: :clap: :clap: Now that is a bold prediction, 19.

LOL - Lord it must be tough to be you every morning and have to face another day with all you negativity. Have you every tried anti-depressants?

Rosemundaian is my anti-depressant.

In 5 years the only coaches left in the league will be:

Are you predicting that Kill will suffer a tragic and early death due to his health condition? Because that's the only way he's not the Gophers coach in 5 years from now.

Are you predicting that Kill will suffer a tragic and early death due to his health condition? Because that's the only way he's not the Gophers coach in 5 years from now.

I'm not saying that Kill won't succeed or anything, but this statement is completely false.

It can be false if it predicts with certainty an unknowable future.

Where is the certainty? This is a message board. I thought it was understood that we are all expressing opinions, especially when talking about the future. Do I have to preface every single thing I say with "in my opinion" for the benefit of all you Becky trolls?

LOL - Lord it must be tough to be you every morning and have to face another day with all you negativity. Have you every tried anti-depressants?

Believe it or not, my level of happiness in life is not at all related to sports teams. I enjoy going to games with my friends and family. Win or lose.

Are you predicting that Kill will suffer a tragic and early death due to his health condition? Because that's the only way he's not the Gophers coach in 5 years from now.

I would make a non-monetary wager on this if you are willing. No idea what the stakes could be, but I don't do money.
After 5 more seasons, kill will not be the coach. By whenever the postseason ends in the 2016-2017 season. I don't think kill will be the coach. And I am on the record of saying kill can get the gophers to bowl games if given the time.

Edsall would've made it though, right?

I don't think so. I don't think hiring an older coach was the right way to go. I think it'd be tough for any coach to survive 6 years in this program through an athletics director transition. I'd rather have edsall than kill still at this point. Their years were equally as terrible last year.

I don't think so. I don't think hiring an older coach was the right way to go. I think it'd be tough for any coach to survive 6 years in this program through an athletics director transition. I'd rather have edsall than kill still at this point. Their years were equally as terrible last year.

No, they weren't.

I would make a non-monetary wager on this if you are willing. No idea what the stakes could be, but I don't do money.

Absolutely. I don't do money either. Think up the stakes and I will agree if amenable. Of course, who knows if either of us will be here in January 2017, but that's half the fun I guess.

Edsall would've made it though, right?

4th Street - Tremendous, absolutley tremendous.

I don't think so. I don't think hiring an older coach was the right way to go. I think it'd be tough for any coach to survive 6 years in this program through an athletics director transition. I'd rather have edsall than kill still at this point. Their years were equally as terrible last year.

What drug are you on exactly? Their years were equally as terrible? Do I have to go find all of the Washington Post articles on what an absolute train wreck Randy Edsall was AGAIN for you?

Also, it is hilarious that you and DPDoll beat your chests on here all the time, but when it comes to wagers you both "don't do money." Wow, way to go boys.

Washington media is a little different than minnesota media.
You can think last year wasn't an a terrible season if you'd like. That's your choice.

Also, it is hilarious that you and DPDoll beat your chests on here all the time, but when it comes to wagers you both "don't do money." Wow, way to go boys.

I'm poor, trying to support a family including 2 young children. Do you feel better about yourself now? There are plenty of ways to make wagers that don't involve cash.

Absolutely. I don't do money either. Think up the stakes and I will agree if amenable. Of course, who knows if either of us will be here in January 2017, but that's half the fun I guess.
I have no idea what stakes could be.
So I guess this was a terrible idea.

Maybe the loser should be forced to back down in any dispute between the two parties in the offseason of 2017.

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