Do You Have Conference Pride?

I have no conference pride in bowls. They are meaningless.

Although, I am a huge duck fan this season after being a frog fan last season. (If we have another goddamn thread asking if we are rooting for the skunks. I swear to God....)


YES!!! Last year I was Horny for Life. This year, GO DUCKS!!

Yeah, I do. Come bowl season I always cheer for the Big 10 team. Except Wisconsin and Iowa ;) I can't stand this SEC monopoly on winning or being the best though.

Hard to root for something in a pointless bowl game. There are only a couple of bowls that matter and that's pushing it.

I'll cheer for a controversial Alabama win so the BCS becomes even more of a mess.
I'll cheer for Wisconsin to lose, just like I would any other week of the year.
I'll cheer for Iowa to lose, just like I would any other week of the year.
I'm ho hum about every thing else. Don't care. I love CF but I hate the bowl system.

I definately have Big Ten or B1G pride. While I loathe the Hawkeyes and Huskers, and I won't root for them in the bowl games, I want the B1G to be competitive and win all their bowl games. A stronger conference will make the Gophers look stronger as well as we improve and win more games. Would you prefer to be in the Big East or Big XII right now? After I moved to FL 18 months ago I have an even greater appreciation for the Big Ten. There is definately SEC pride and ACC pride down here. Stronger conferences, or at least stronger percieved conferences means better bowl games, more BCS spots, and more money for MN athletics in the long haul.


I wouldn't root for Wisconsin if they were playing the Packers. I'll root for Iowa, SCUM, tOSU if they're playing USC, Alabama, LSU, Florida, or Miami. The remainder of the B1G I'll consider rooting for unless they're playing Oregon, Oregon State, or Florida State.

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