Do they finally get it?


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Sep 9, 2009
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Does the AD department and the U get it right this time? Does Maturi finally get it, do they really know what it is going to take to get this program turned around, do they? I have been disappointed so many times in the last 30 yrs. my confidence is next to nil that this current regime is going to do anything good anymore when it comes to this FB program. I still think Maturi should be fired over this, I'm sick of all the talk on how they are committed, got the resources and all this other BS!

I hear you WD. I am focused on Bruininks. I think he is driving the ship on this one. He pushed Maturi's hand to fire Brew. He is the one that has the clear message about what we are looking for. I have confidence in him. If they go out and bring in a Trestman or Trestman-like coach then they don't get it and I am not sure what I will do.

You are right if I have to watch maturi pattin himself on the back one more time it makes me puke!!!!!!!!!!!

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