Do the Gopher

I'm saddened by the fact that Kenny Loggins is too 'unknown' for the students to enjoy. If a lame Neil Diamond song gets a crowd excited, there's no reason that a classic like 'I'm Alright' can't be enjoyed during 'Do the Gopher'. And more students know of the brilliance of Caddyshack than you think, I'd wager. Maybe I'm just one of those guys that too hung up on this, as I've wanted 'I'm Alright' to be the feature song leading into the 4th quarter for like 15 years now.

Yes, that's probably it.

Oh, and for those of you who weren't aware of the 'true' origins of 'I'm Alright', enjoy this short film on it's origins

Warning: this vid (and its associated set of 11 other 'films)' are for those who were aware that music was made in the 70s and 80s.

I second this motion

Just play Gangnam Style again.

Gangam style and the riding the horse dance is the current rage or sensation amongst the kids.
I'm going to agree with Gopher07, the students will enjoy Gangnam style.

Jump Around is forbidden at the U. It'd be epic trolling if we were to dominate Bucky at home (game well over before the 4th quarter) and played Jump Around.

LOL!!! YES!! Next year...just once before the game ends for classic slap in the face!

A better tradition would be to play a new song each week at the end of the third quarter. Maybe the team MVP from the previous game gets to choose, or something else.

A better tradition would be to play a new song each week at the end of the third quarter. Maybe the team MVP from the previous game gets to choose, or something else.

That was the whole "text your choice" to whatever number and we will play it later.

Mostly it just resulted in lame songs. Football has nothing to do with democracy.

Can we just be semi-original about at least one thing? No butter cup, no Jump Around, no Sweet Caroline. I'm 35, many years out of college, but I want whatever is going to get the students going w/o paying homage to Bucky, Penn State, or anybody else.

We die-hards are spread too thin amongst the blue hairs - my group alone has had the same 13 seats since day 1 of TCF, but we have a new blue hair behind us who scolded me during the NH game for standing on third down, in the first quarter(!). The student section is the one mass group in the stadium and is what everybody else feeds off of. Get them going and we are on our way.

So, whatever the students respond too that is somewhat unique to the UMN, has my vote.

this a thousand times. Copying someone is easy. I say get outta your mind by lil john. His music just gets me AMPED! ARGHGHGHGHG

I thought the whole idea was fan participation.

Sweet Caroline and Buttercup seem to relate quite well.(at least at pitt and wisky)

Original would be nice yes, but getting the whole crowd involved is the intent I believe.

Seems like a few restaurants copied the idea of selling a hamburger. How did that work out.

Jump Around is forbidden at the U. It'd be epic trolling if we were to dominate Bucky at home (game well over before the 4th quarter) and played Jump Around.

This is the only situation where i would find Jump Around acceptable. Otherwise I cringe when I hear it played.

Can we just be semi-original about at least one thing? No butter cup, no Jump Around, no Sweet Caroline. I'm 35, many years out of college, but I want whatever is going to get the students going w/o paying homage to Bucky, Penn State, or anybody else.

We die-hards are spread too thin amongst the blue hairs - my group alone has had the same 13 seats since day 1 of TCF, but we have a new blue hair behind us who scolded me during the NH game for standing on third down, in the first quarter(!). The student section is the one mass group in the stadium and is what everybody else feeds off of. Get them going and we are on our way.

So, whatever the students respond too that is somewhat unique to the UMN, has my vote.

+1. The Ski-U-Mah banner at the beginning of the game is very cool and very unique. It has the added benefit of people finding out what Ski-U-Mah is. Ski-U-Mah needs more pub because as many have said it is uniquely Minnesota.

Can we just be semi-original about at least one thing? No butter cup, no Jump Around, no Sweet Caroline. I'm 35, many years out of college, but I want whatever is going to get the students going w/o paying homage to Bucky, Penn State, or anybody else.

We die-hards are spread too thin amongst the blue hairs - my group alone has had the same 13 seats since day 1 of TCF, but we have a new blue hair behind us who scolded me during the NH game for standing on third down, in the first quarter(!). The student section is the one mass group in the stadium and is what everybody else feeds off of. Get them going and we are on our way.

So, whatever the students respond too that is somewhat unique to the UMN, has my vote.

Not exactly original, but we could play this video if we ever got up big on Northwestern, Purdue, Michigan, or Michigan State. Well maybe not till after the final tick against Michigan, but you get the point...

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