Do the Gopher

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Wild animal with a keyboard
Jan 17, 2010
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Needs some work. Need some students to make it "our" own thing, but the green shoots are there.


I legitimately e-mailed Joel Maturi with this idea in 2007. I still have the e-mail. Maybe Teague went through Maturi's e-mail and decided to put it into action. I also suggested they'd use "I'm All Right" by Kenny Loggins and I think it would be better if they'd use it.

I'll admit I was skeptical the first game about it and thought they were trying to hard, but after last game it's growing on me. Count me in for doing the Gopher this Saturday under the TCF lights!

I will be doing the Gopher on Saturday.

They still need some celebrities doing the Gopher. It is Hall of Fame weekend, how about taping all of the HOFers doing the Gopher?

I like it and my only critique would be to shorten it a bit. It seems to drag a little. All in all I do think they have a nice vibe building between the third and fourth quarters.

I like it and my only critique would be to shorten it a bit. It seems to drag a little. All in all I do think they have a nice vibe building between the third and fourth quarters.

For sure. About two minutes to the end a bunch of people just sat down. Those still doing the Gopher all agreed it goes on too long. Anyone know the length its at? feels like 5-7 minutes to me.

They replaced Apache (Sugarhill Gang) with "Do the Gopher". I think everybody liked Apache more - students definitely did.

We need "Sweet Carolina" back at some point during the game for everybody.

If you want something like this to work, you will need the students. You will not get more than 4% of the students going with kenny loggins (as appropriate as it is, given the source of our little Gopher-dance).

I'm sorry. Sometimes the truth hurts.

Do the Gopher should be followed by Apache.

Apache should be followed by Jump Around.

And as soon as the Jump Around song comes on, everyone should sit down and pretend to be preoccupied with something else.

Do the Gopher should be followed by Apache.

Apache should be followed by Jump Around.

And as soon as the Jump Around song comes on, everyone should sit down and pretend to be preoccupied with something else.
Bucky fans would be soooooo pissed off if we did Jump Around.

Jump Around is forbidden at the U. It'd be epic trolling if we were to dominate Bucky at home (game well over before the 4th quarter) and played Jump Around.

I like the idea of the Gopher dance, but the song they start it off with is a total snoozer. It's only when they do "Let Me Clear My Throat" that the students really get into it. Just start with that.

I would approve of "I'm Alright," too. And I still prefer "Apache." But whatever it takes to get the students going.

Song doesn't match the "Gopher" dance. Levels is great, but they have too long of a clip and need to only do the 'hyped' part. They should switch it to "I'm Alright" so it isn't so awkward (I think the whole dance move is awkward.)

But, how funny is Teague in the promo video hahaha

They replaced Apache (Sugarhill Gang) with "Do the Gopher". I think everybody liked Apache more - students definitely did.

We need "Sweet Carolina" back at some point during the game for everybody.


This guy get's it.:cool02::clap::clap::cheer::cheer::drink::drink::cool03::cool03::party::party:

I'm sure were stuck with Do the Goldy for the season and probably going forward

They spent money filming the video and look like there trying to promote students from non-revenue sports
and there events as part of the video clips. The song goes on way to long and the "levels" song that goes with it is way
to boring at least the part they selected.

"I'm all right" by Kenny Loggins is too old and not contemporary enough for the students to like. Maybe they should actually poll the students and see what they want and if they want do the Goldy then let them pick the music to it and re-edit the music part. Apache into Let Me Clear my throat,
into Zombie nation is what they had dones in the past and seemed to work the best at least as far as engaging the students.
"Sweet Caroline" again to old and not contemporary enough plus who needs to copy the Boston Red Sox.
If we did buttercup I would want to vomit let the cheese head Becky lovers keep that trifle.

They replaced Apache (Sugarhill Gang) with "Do the Gopher". I think everybody liked Apache more - students definitely did.

We need "Sweet Carolina" back at some point during the game for everybody.

Amen! Do the Gopher is lame... Apache was what got the students going. That followed by the Zombie Nation song...

They spent money filming the video and look like there trying to promote students from non-revenue sports
and there events as part of the video clips. The song goes on way to long and the "levels" song that goes with it is way
to boring at least the part they selected.

"I'm all right" by Kenny Loggins is too old and not contemporary enough for the students to like. Maybe they should actually poll the students and see what they want and if they want do the Goldy then let them pick the music to it and re-edit the music part. Apache into Let Me Clear my throat,
into Zombie nation is what they had dones in the past and seemed to work the best at least as far as engaging the students.
"Sweet Caroline" again to old and not contemporary enough plus who needs to copy the Boston Red Sox.

If we did buttercup I would want to vomit let the cheese head Becky lovers keep that trifle.

U of Pitt doesn't think its too old!

Sweet Caroline is one song that all fans can get into. Most of the stuff that they play is foreign to most of us old duffers.

Something so innocent and not so innocent, could get the older folks like Dr. Don involved too.

On Saturday, I did the Gopher and I'm a better person because of it.

I could not get the Blue-Haireds to yell Ski-U-Mah, but we all did the Gopher.

Can we just be semi-original about at least one thing? No butter cup, no Jump Around, no Sweet Caroline. I'm 35, many years out of college, but I want whatever is going to get the students going w/o paying homage to Bucky, Penn State, or anybody else.

We die-hards are spread too thin amongst the blue hairs - my group alone has had the same 13 seats since day 1 of TCF, but we have a new blue hair behind us who scolded me during the NH game for standing on third down, in the first quarter(!). The student section is the one mass group in the stadium and is what everybody else feeds off of. Get them going and we are on our way.

So, whatever the students respond too that is somewhat unique to the UMN, has my vote.

Missed the first game, but when I saw this this week, I thought it was awesome. To be fair, they don't play the WHOLE video posted here.. they start it out, but by the time Teague shows up, they cut to fans doing it live. I'm pretty sure they swapped out songs too. But either way, I most certainly like this idea.. it should be something that's done EVERY week (not changed up every year).

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