Do College Football Refs Have It In for Your Team?

This touches more on conflicts in officials.

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Fascinating. Although it is always rich to hear Michigan fans complaining about officiating.

This Capron was fired in 2002 after Purdue lost to Wake Forest. They were called for 6 penalties for 66 yards while Wake had 3 for 35.

Purdue was certainly more important in the Big Ten picture back then, perhaps why Dellaney went to bat for them. He certainly has nothing to say about putrid officiating these days, in fact he fines coaches that step out of line. Like a little Cuban dictator.

The worst ever: when we had Penn St. beat after a great 4th down pass knockdown; and JoPa starts screaming for PI; the ref. throws a flag about 5 seconds after the play is over. We go on to lose of course.

ARRRGGGHHH!!! I was at that game. Easily the worst call that I've ever seen.

Some of you might remember hearing about this Big Ten crew. Story has some interesting information about background checks.

The Yahoo! Sports story reported no evidence that linked Pamon to gambling on games. But noted sports betting analyst R.J. Bell of said that in both controversial late-season games, a disproportionate amount of money was bet on the teams that benefited from the objectionable calls, though Bell said that possibly is mere coincidence. According to Bell, Penn State opened as a seven-point favorite over Purdue and closed an 8.5-point favorite, while Illinois opened as a 15.5-point underdog to Ohio State and closed as a 15-point underdog. Bell said it is unusual for a marquee team like Ohio State to be bet down.

"If a game is fixed, the benefiting team will be bet more heavily," Bell said. "And that was the case in both games in question."

Even if the Big Ten finds that Pamon in no way compromised himself as an official or violated Big Ten policies, the conversation alone could potentially be damaging.

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