Division Names . . .

Little Caesar's and Papa John's. Seriously, it wouldn't surprise me if a conference did try to sell the naming rights for their conferences and divisions one of these days. I think it would be a terrible thing though, to monetize everything. That would lead to schools selling off the naming rights to their teams themselves.

How about the Tradition and Prestige divisions? It plays into history and sounds a lot better than Legends and Leaders and imo!

There was an organization called DENSA, a parody of MENSA. It was for the bottom 98%. One of the questions on their test was "Who is buried in Grant's Tomb, and why?"

But if you want to be picky, no one is buried in Grant's Tomb, they are entombed.

Is it known who exactly came up with Legends and Leaders? Did they not test the names first? If they hired a marketing firm, I hope they go a different way this time.

How about A$$holes Division and Appetite Division. Most people don't know the difference between their A$$hole and their Appetite.

now that the "powers to be" selection of Legends and Leaders was met with a resounding thud, what names would you suggest? Checking other boards, some have suggested Black and Blue, Lakes and Plains, Forest and Prairie, and, of course, East and West. Creative GopherHolers: Any ideas? I suspect East and West would be the consensus favorite. That said, however, maybe someone on this site has a better idea.

Go Gophers!!

Black and Blue, Lakes and Plains, Forest and Prairie- I like any of those. What I *don't* like and would be very disappointed to see would be the East and West denomination, because that's so fricken boring and it's what EVERYBODY does.

Now that we've got enough teams to form actual divisions, I really hope they still plan to be creative about naming them.

There was an organization called DENSA, a parody of MENSA. It was for the bottom 98%. One of the questions on their test was "Who is buried in Grant's Tomb, and why?"

But if you want to be picky, no one is buried in Grant's Tomb, they are entombed.

Ahhh, but that's a trick question on several levels. No one's buried there, they're entombed, but beyond that it's not just Ulysses S. Grant in that tomb, as he was entombed alongside his wife Julia.

I'll go with Great Lakes and Great Rivers as my first choice.

I don't like this one so much, mainly because they sound like Jeopardy categories. :p

Maybe if you lose the 'Great' part, and just go with Lakes and Rivers? I dunno...

A few division names:

Cold and Effing Cold?
Fly and Over?
Whiskey and Beer?
NCAA Investigation and Non-Investigation?
Subject to Sanctions and Just Clearing Sanctions?
Boosters with $$ and Clean Programs?
Relevant Then and Relevant Now?
Long and Joy?

Dr. Don and Art Vandelay divisons sound as good as anything I've heard here.Legends and Leaders is starting to go from crap to not that bad.

Performance and Arts?
MBA and MFA?

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