Disappointed in many fans


Well-known member
May 18, 2010
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Disappointed that many Badger and Iowa fans have nothing better to do than post negative posts on this hole. What a waste of a life.
I read many of the posts of the threads regarding Brewster. It is obvious that people want Brewster to change to be a negative coach and blast the media repeatedly and call out his players in public. He has chosen not to stoop to the new lows of the sportwriters and many uninformed fans. Brewster is working with his players privately.
He knows he has his hands full. Does he want to win? Of course. Are people patient frustrated? Of course we are. But that doesn't mean to do the antics that people are doing. I was talking to a prominent former Gopher his past weekend and he shakes his head. He believes that were on the right track. We can't trade for players like the Vikings can. It will get better. I believe in Brewster. I wish more of you would too.

If you follow with a post that isn't good for the program. I shudder at your personality.

what a self-righteous post. you must love looking in the mirror and seeing no flaws.

personally, i don't like the condition of the program and threfore think that enjoying the status quo isn't good for the program, but you've already said that any post disagreeing with you have a bad personality. what a hollier than thou person you must be.

Disappointed that many Badger and Iowa fans have nothing better to do than post negative posts on this hole. What a waste of a life.
I read many of the posts of the threads regarding Brewster. It is obvious that people want Brewster to change to be a negative coach and blast the media repeatedly and call out his players in public. He has chosen not to stoop to the new lows of the sportwriters and many uninformed fans. Brewster is working with his players privately.
He knows he has his hands full. Does he want to win? Of course. Are people patient frustrated? Of course we are. But that doesn't mean to do the antics that people are doing. I was talking to a prominent former Gopher his past weekend and he shakes his head. He believes that were on the right track. We can't trade for players like the Vikings can. It will get better. I believe in Brewster. I wish more of you would too.

If you follow with a post that isn't good for the program. I shudder at your personality.

Thanks Tim

Disappointed that many Badger and Iowa fans have nothing better to do than post negative posts on this hole. What a waste of a life.
I read many of the posts of the threads regarding Brewster. It is obvious that people want Brewster to change to be a negative coach and blast the media repeatedly and call out his players in public. He has chosen not to stoop to the new lows of the sportwriters and many uninformed fans. Brewster is working with his players privately.
He knows he has his hands full. Does he want to win? Of course. Are people patient frustrated? Of course we are. But that doesn't mean to do the antics that people are doing. I was talking to a prominent former Gopher his past weekend and he shakes his head. He believes that were on the right track. We can't trade for players like the Vikings can. It will get better. I believe in Brewster. I wish more of you would too.

If you follow with a post that isn't good for the program. I shudder at your personality.

What part of what Brewster has done so far makes you believe in him or think we are anywhere near being on the right track. We have regressed, but your right he can't make trades he does get to recruit who he wants though so he can't complain about players either.

He believes that were on the right track. We can't trade for players like the Vikings can. It will get better. I believe in Brewster. I wish more of you would too.

You have got to be kidding me! Every coach that has come in here I have wanted them to succeed and supported them, and I have said in the past that Brew needs 5 yrs. to see what he can do. But, after the start they have had this year going 0-4 at home and losing to SD, that's what did it for me. I'm sorry I can't be more positive but the reality is he is taking us nowhere at this point and I don't see any signs that it will change before the end of the season. This is year 4 and what progress are we seeing at this point?

Disappointed that many Badger and Iowa fans have nothing better to do than post negative posts on this hole. What a waste of a life.
I read many of the posts of the threads regarding Brewster. It is obvious that people want Brewster to change to be a negative coach and blast the media repeatedly and call out his players in public. He has chosen not to stoop to the new lows of the sportwriters and many uninformed fans. Brewster is working with his players privately.
He knows he has his hands full. Does he want to win? Of course. Are people patient frustrated? Of course we are. But that doesn't mean to do the antics that people are doing. I was talking to a prominent former Gopher his past weekend and he shakes his head. He believes that were on the right track. We can't trade for players like the Vikings can. It will get better. I believe in Brewster. I wish more of you would too.

If you follow with a post that isn't good for the program. I shudder at your personality.

Mrs. Brewster.....thanks for posting on Gopherhole. Your husband makes a lot of money and is absolutely horrible at his job. If I were this bad at my job, I would've lasted 6 months - not 4 years. Life isn't fair and taking criticism goes with the territory when you're in a high profile position. I would love to know which former Gopher you talked to this weekend. Was it your son Clint - since he's technically a former Gopher? Whoever it was must have had too many hits to the head because I don't know how anyone can say with a straight face that this program is on the right track. What does that even mean? 6-20 vs. B10 teams in 3+ years and 4 of those wins are against bottom feeders Purdue, Illinois, and Indiana. How is that on the "right track"? Instead of talking about wins, we're talking about scoring garbage TD's to make the final score look more respectable in the morning paper. Your husband talks out of his butt and flat out makes stuff up to stroke his ego. I could go and on and on but you're married to him so I shouldn't have to remind you.....

I agree with the first sentence. The Twins dominate Chicago, but I have no interest in joining a White Sox chat board to gloat about the results of those games.

Yes perhaps this is year four. But not year five. He was a rookie coach when we hired him. I believe he has learned from his makes in his first couple years. Yes, those are on him. Brewster is going to turn the program around and for those who don't make the pros like many college football players across the nation don't, they will become successful individuals.

No I'm not Tim, good grief another wild ill timed post. While I have never met him personally, some day I'm sure I will, it will be after the Gophers have turned the corner and it will be sooner than later than some of you.

Well, unfortunately I now have to allow the misinformed impatient fans to climb aboard this post.

It will get better. I believe in Brewster. I wish more of you would too.

If you follow with a post that isn't good for the program. I shudder at your personality.

Point #1: "Disappointed that many Badger and Iowa fans have nothing better to do than post negative posts on this hole. What a waste of a life."

You had me at disappointed and Badger/Iowa fans.

Point #2: "I read many of the posts of the threads regarding Brewster. It is obvious that people want Brewster to change to be a negative coach and blast the media repeatedly and call out his players in public. He has chosen not to stoop to the new lows of the sportwriters and many uninformed fans. Brewster is working with his players privately.
He knows he has his hands full. Does he want to win? Of course. Are people patient frustrated? Of course we are. But that doesn't mean to do the antics that people are doing. I was talking to a prominent former Gopher his past weekend and he shakes his head. He believes that were on the right track. We can't trade for players like the Vikings can."

I'm still with you.

Point #3: "It will get better. I believe in Brewster. I wish more of you would too.
If you follow with a post that isn't good for the program. I shudder at your personality."

Sorry, you lost even me here. The shudder part is really going to piss people off, but it will make for fun reading.

Disappointed that many Badger and Iowa fans have nothing better to do than post negative posts on this hole. What a waste of a life.
I read many of the posts of the threads regarding Brewster. It is obvious that people want Brewster to change to be a negative coach and blast the media repeatedly and call out his players in public. He has chosen not to stoop to the new lows of the sportwriters and many uninformed fans. Brewster is working with his players privately.
He knows he has his hands full. Does he want to win? Of course. Are people patient frustrated? Of course we are. But that doesn't mean to do the antics that people are doing. I was talking to a prominent former Gopher his past weekend and he shakes his head. He believes that were on the right track. We can't trade for players like the Vikings can. It will get better. I believe in Brewster. I wish more of you would too.

If you follow with a post that isn't good for the program. I shudder at your personality.

8-12 to start his career

7-17 since

Iowa and Wisconsin were Big Ten champs in year four of KF and BA...all most fans wanted this year was 6 or 7 wins.

8-12 to start his career

7-17 since

Iowa and Wisconsin were Big Ten champs in year four of KF and BA...all most fans wanted this year was 6 or 7 wins.

I believe Joe Tiller won a B10 title in year 4 as well with Drew Brees.....

While Brewster has certainly made mistakes along the way, I am not yet ready to throw in the towel. Sure, we are 1-5; and, yes, we lost to USD and Northern Illinois. However, this team has not quit on him and is still playing hard - no small feat for a head coach with a 1-5 team that has suffered the losses we have.

So, why am I not yet on the "fire Brewster" bandwagon? For the following reasons:

1) One of the mistakes Brew made was not to install the current offensive scheme in year one. Had he done so, we would be further along today. That said, we now have implemented the most effective scheme for the U to win in the B10. I do not want to go back to the spread. This dove-tails into #2;

2) Simple - continuity. With the hurdles the U has internally (see Vingo's post earlier today in a different thread re: central administration, etc.), it takes longer than normal (ie. longer than Ferentz in IA or Alvarez in WI) to turn this program around. In the past, firing/changes coaches has not made a difference and led to the success we all wish to see. I feel strongly that changes need to be made at the administrative level at the U;

3) Brew takes a lot of heat for his optimism and rose-colored glasses. While I will grant that he has said some things he should not have, I appreciate his enthusiasm and commitment. With the negativity in this town, and the uphill battle this program faces, those qualities in a head coach are much needed;

4) Recruiting ability. I know this has been debated at length and many feel the "talent" has not yet panned out, but I do feel we are more athletic than in recent memory. I would like to see how the underclassmen develop in the next 1-2 years. Sadly, however, the current negativity generated by some fans and local media may drastically affect the current recruiting class; and

5) In basically a summary point, I believe we are better off waiting another year or two to see if Brewster can turn this thing around than starting over at square one again. If we make a coaching change, we are almost guaranteed a minimum of 3-5 years of ineptitude, as we change schemes, the new coach brings in "his" players and we wait for them to develop. Given that alternative, I am not yet ready to throw in the towel on Brew.

I believe Joe Tiller won a B10 title in year 4 as well with Drew Brees.....

Gary Barnett was in the Rose Bowl in year four, as well.

Hayden Fry went to the Rose Bowl in year three.

Those two, along with Tiller and Alvarez, had a much tougher re-build than Brewster walked into.

Disappointed that many Badger and Iowa fans have nothing better to do than post negative posts on this hole. What a waste of a life.
I read many of the posts of the threads regarding Brewster. It is obvious that people want Brewster to change to be a negative coach and blast the media repeatedly and call out his players in public. He has chosen not to stoop to the new lows of the sportwriters and many uninformed fans. Brewster is working with his players privately.
He knows he has his hands full. Does he want to win? Of course. Are people patient frustrated? Of course we are. But that doesn't mean to do the antics that people are doing. I was talking to a prominent former Gopher his past weekend and he shakes his head. He believes that were on the right track. We can't trade for players like the Vikings can. It will get better. I believe in Brewster. I wish more of you would too.

If you follow with a post that isn't good for the program. I shudder at your personality.

A couple of points here. 1. What makes you and this "prominent" former Gopher think things are on the right track? I'm honestly curious because by any objective measure, Brewster has been a complete mess of a coach. There is a huge difference between "believing" we're on the right track and "hoping" we're on the right track. At this point, "hope" is all I see.

2. Please spare the board this whole "if you don't agree with me, I shudder at your personality" arrogance. The fact that you would even say something so ridiculous will make others shudder at YOUR personality.

Oh well, I tried. Gopher fans have been trying to get rid of every coach going back to the days of Big Ten and National Championships. I'll leave you folks be...

Oh well, I tried. Gopher fans have been trying to get rid of every coach going back to the days of Big Ten and National Championships. I'll leave you folks be...

Well, seeing as how you can't answer a simple question, your leaving isn't much of a loss...

Yes perhaps this is year four. But not year five. He was a rookie coach when we hired him. I believe he has learned from his makes in his first couple years. Yes, those are on him. Brewster is going to turn the program around and for those who don't make the pros like many college football players across the nation don't, they will become successful individuals.

No I'm not Tim, good grief another wild ill timed post. While I have never met him personally, some day I'm sure I will, it will be after the Gophers have turned the corner and it will be sooner than later than some of you.
Well, unfortunately I now have to allow the misinformed impatient fans to climb aboard this post.

Where do you assume Brewster will be coaching when we turn the corner from the debacle that has been the Brewster era. I was a fan of hiring him as many others on this board were, but he has clearly proven he is in way over his head and I wish him the best of luck as a position coach but his time at the U is very near the end.

Oh well, I tried. Gopher fans have been trying to get rid of every coach going back to the days of Big Ten and National Championships. I'll leave you folks be...

How many of those coaches ever had a Division 1 or pro head coaching position ever again, one. Lou left on his own and had success here and later. As others have said, if the university kept making mistakes firing these coaches then surely one program in 50 years would have identified minnesota's error and hired one of these great coaches that were fired unjustly.

Gary Barnett was in the Rose Bowl in year four, as well.

Hayden Fry went to the Rose Bowl in year three.

Those two, along with Tiller and Alvarez, had a much tougher re-build than Brewster walked into.

Yeah, but they are all better coaches than Brew. Apples and oranges. =)

While Brewster has certainly made mistakes along the way, I am not yet ready to throw in the towel. Sure, we are 1-5; and, yes, we lost to USD and Northern Illinois. However, this team has not quit on him and is still playing hard - no small feat for a head coach with a 1-5 team that has suffered the losses we have.

So, why am I not yet on the "fire Brewster" bandwagon? For the following reasons:

1) One of the mistakes Brew made was not to install the current offensive scheme in year one. Had he done so, we would be further along today. That said, we now have implemented the most effective scheme for the U to win in the B10. I do not want to go back to the spread. This dove-tails into #2;

2) Simple - continuity. With the hurdles the U has internally (see Vingo's post earlier today in a different thread re: central administration, etc.), it takes longer than normal (ie. longer than Ferentz in IA or Alvarez in WI) to turn this program around. In the past, firing/changes coaches has not made a difference and led to the success we all wish to see. I feel strongly that changes need to be made at the administrative level at the U;

3) Brew takes a lot of heat for his optimism and rose-colored glasses. While I will grant that he has said some things he should not have, I appreciate his enthusiasm and commitment. With the negativity in this town, and the uphill battle this program faces, those qualities in a head coach are much needed;

4) Recruiting ability. I know this has been debated at length and many feel the "talent" has not yet panned out, but I do feel we are more athletic than in recent memory. I would like to see how the underclassmen develop in the next 1-2 years. Sadly, however, the current negativity generated by some fans and local media may drastically affect the current recruiting class; and

5) In basically a summary point, I believe we are better off waiting another year or two to see if Brewster can turn this thing around than starting over at square one again. If we make a coaching change, we are almost guaranteed a minimum of 3-5 years of ineptitude, as we change schemes, the new coach brings in "his" players and we wait for them to develop. Given that alternative, I am not yet ready to throw in the towel on Brew.


Deconstructing your post

While Brewster has certainly made mistakes along the way,

understatement of the year. That's like saying Mussolini got the trains to run on time.

I am not yet ready to throw in the towel.

You're in a distinct minority there

Sure, we are 1-5; and, yes, we lost to USD and Northern Illinois. However, this team has not quit on him and is still playing hard - no small feat for a head coach with a 1-5 team that has suffered the losses we have.

I do agree with you there, but I suspect the ice is getting thin on Lake Morale. There's a 55-0 embarrassment waiting to happen. And I'd trade some of Brewster's motivational results for a W vs either of the schools you mentioned

So, why am I not yet on the "fire Brewster" bandwagon? For the following reasons:

1) One of the mistakes Brew made was not to install the current offensive scheme in year one. Had he done so, we would be further along today. That said, we now have implemented the most effective scheme for the U to win in the B10. I do not want to go back to the spread. This dove-tails into #2;

I don't disagree with you, but this goes to Brewster's #1 failing, which is a lack of experience. Someone who knew what he was doing in year 1 would have installed a scheme that fit the players he had, and he would have stuck with it. Instead we've been stuck with a 4 year OJT program at head coach.

2) Simple - continuity. With the hurdles the U has internally (see Vingo's post earlier today in a different thread re: central administration, etc.), it takes longer than normal (ie. longer than Ferentz in IA or Alvarez in WI) to turn this program around. In the past, firing/changes coaches has not made a difference and led to the success we all wish to see. I feel strongly that changes need to be made at the administrative level at the U;

While the U has its issues at the leadership level, this is a lame excuse. Brewster got presented with a gift wrapped new stadium in year 2. I'm convinced that if we had hired Dantonio instead of Brewster we'd be a lot further along. Maybe not the 6-0 that MSU has right now, but we wouldn't be 1-5, either

3) Brew takes a lot of heat for his optimism and rose-colored glasses. While I will grant that he has said some things he should not have, I appreciate his enthusiasm and commitment. With the negativity in this town, and the uphill battle this program faces, those qualities in a head coach are much needed;

I concur that positivity is a good thing. Your mouth writing checks your azz can't cash isn't

4) Recruiting ability. I know this has been debated at length and many feel the "talent" has not yet panned out, but I do feel we are more athletic than in recent memory. I would like to see how the underclassmen develop in the next 1-2 years. Sadly, however, the current negativity generated by some fans and local media may drastically affect the current recruiting class; and

If you haven't noticed, there has been zero, nada, zilch news on the recruiting front in the last several weeks. I'd venture that a 1-5 record has more to do with that than what a bunch of clowns (present company included) is posting on a message board. And Brewster's recruiting ability has been vastly overrated. Granted, the bar wasn't set terribly high by his predecessor, and we definitely have better athletes than under Mason. But they aren't better football players, and that's on Brewster and his staff. And say what you will about Glen, he knew how to recruit, develop, and coach up running backs and offensive linemen. Brewster has yet to recruit & develop an impact player at any position, save for possibly Marquies Gray, and he's playing OUT of position.

5) In basically a summary point, I believe we are better off waiting another year or two to see if Brewster can turn this thing around than starting over at square one again. If we make a coaching change, we are almost guaranteed a minimum of 3-5 years of ineptitude, as we change schemes, the new coach brings in "his" players and we wait for them to develop. Given that alternative, I am not yet ready to throw in the towel on Brew.

A)I was watching "Caddyshack" the other night. Your first statement reminds me of the Bill Murray "I don't think the heavy schtuff is gonna come down for a while yet!" line

B)Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result (A. Einstein). A 5th year of Brewster's coaching would be an example of that.

C)I won't argue that a coaching change will eff up the 2011 season, but I strongly disagree wih your 3-5 years of ineptitude statement. Yeah, if we hire an inept coach (again) that would be true. But as you pointed out, if we do our homework, get lucky, and hire the next Ferentz, Alvarez, or Dantonio I'd say we'd be in the black by year 3. Maybe even sooner.

While Brewster has certainly made mistakes along the way, I am not yet ready to throw in the towel. Sure, we are 1-5; and, yes, we lost to USD and Northern Illinois. However, this team has not quit on him and is still playing hard - no small feat for a head coach with a 1-5 team that has suffered the losses we have.

So, why am I not yet on the "fire Brewster" bandwagon? For the following reasons:

1) One of the mistakes Brew made was not to install the current offensive scheme in year one. Had he done so, we would be further along today. That said, we now have implemented the most effective scheme for the U to win in the B10. I do not want to go back to the spread. This dove-tails into #2;

Agreed, most here do, however, this is still a mistake Brewster made, it's his to own up to, it's not simply a forgiven point because he realized it later

2) Simple - continuity. With the hurdles the U has internally (see Vingo's post earlier today in a different thread re: central administration, etc.), it takes longer than normal (ie. longer than Ferentz in IA or Alvarez in WI) to turn this program around. In the past, firing/changes coaches has not made a difference and led to the success we all wish to see. I feel strongly that changes need to be made at the administrative level at the U;

Agreed, continuity IS very important, changes at the administration level here are more critical than anything, but harder to institute, we get a shot when Joel and Bruininks retire.

It still doesn't forgive the season we are having in year 4. You don't lose to FCS opponents in year 4. Brewster made several key mistakes to get to this point, none can simply be forgiven or discounted due to administration incompetence

3) Brew takes a lot of heat for his optimism and rose-colored glasses. While I will grant that he has said some things he should not have, I appreciate his enthusiasm and commitment. With the negativity in this town, and the uphill battle this program faces, those qualities in a head coach are much needed;

His personality is PERFECT for the U, the fact it rubs alot of old codger cynics and pessimistic fatalist minnesotans wrong is IMO a good thing, we need that here every once in awhile.
I really hope the next coach does the same thing, and makes a rose bowl win, recruiting, and some form of Gopher Nation the battle cry on day 1, However, he needs to know how to scheme and coach techniques, which is a big problem for Brewster

4) Recruiting ability. I know this has been debated at length and many feel the "talent" has not yet panned out, but I do feel we are more athletic than in recent memory. I would like to see how the underclassmen develop in the next 1-2 years. Sadly, however, the current negativity generated by some fans and local media may drastically affect the current recruiting class; and

We are MUCH more athletic a team than in 07' when Brewster took over, there are seriously some freakish athletes on this roster. They will continue to develop regardless of who is the coach, and IMO many other coaches could put them in positions/schemes to maximize those athletic talents. This will be Brewster's legacy, and to his credit. He will not be able to reap their talents however, due to his other mistakes(FCS losses, rivalry losses, embarrassing losses, etc)

The current class will actually be better if we get a new coach early enough to recruit and the new coaches class next year will be tops. There is really no program that recruits as poorly as we did before Brewster anymore, the recruiting level will remain high regardless, we just might have 20 new names in Feb than the ones we have now

5) In basically a summary point, I believe we are better off waiting another year or two to see if Brewster can turn this thing around than starting over at square one again. If we make a coaching change, we are almost guaranteed a minimum of 3-5 years of ineptitude, as we change schemes, the new coach brings in "his" players and we wait for them to develop. Given that alternative, I am not yet ready to throw in the towel on Brew.

Waiting another year would be a disaster, TCF will be empty next season. A new coach will have pieces to work with here, a new stadium to recruit to, and a new system to display Brewster's athletes in. Our D will be seasoned and our Oline will be deep and talented, these things will help the transition, Brewster's transition was BRUTAL due to our last coach simply not giving a damn from Nov to Aug, it won't be that bad again

I get what your trying at, but it's pretty bad right now, pretty stale and negative. A breath of fresh air and a honeymoon period would do this program good. Honestly I can see the next guy coming in and succeeding in small ways that would go along ways to placating the masses(running QB, aggressive D, smarter gameplan, blowout wins against FCS teams/NC teams)

It's time man, it just is.

B)Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result (A. Einstein). A 5th year of Brewster's coaching would be an example of that.

C)I won't argue that a coaching change will eff up the 2011 season, but I strongly disagree wih your 3-5 years of ineptitude statement. Yeah, if we hire an inept coach (again) that would be true. But as you pointed out, if we do our homework, get lucky, and hire the next Ferentz, Alvarez, or Dantonio I'd say we'd be in the black by year 3. Maybe even sooner.[/B]

Employing Einstein's logic, a similar case could be made for repeatedly firing coaches and bringing in the next guy; it has not worked, and the program has not achieved the success we all wish to see.

I do not like our chances to "get lucky", especially with the current administration in place. Many on this board seem to think our next hire will be the next Bear Bryant. I think the Dan McCarney rumor today shows a more likely candidate and potential hire. Are you still as ramped up about firing Brew if the next guy is someone like McCarney? I have nothing against McCarney, but instead, I am making a point of what the potential pool of candidates would likely look like. Given this, I prefer to see if Brew can turn this thing by the end of 2011.

Let's lower the bar yet again!

Oh well, I tried. Gopher fans have been trying to get rid of every coach going back to the days of Big Ten and National Championships. I'll leave you folks be...

People back in the early 1960's were fresh off a world war and knew a thing or two about what it takes to win. The first sign of being pushed and they pulled the plug on leaders in the field. They fired them. No questions asked. The only requisit was victory. Second place was not tolerated at any stage. Now, you apply that to the teams after the last national championship, and yes, fire the coach. Isn't it nice that tolerating second best has become a norm! Now, during this nasty recession, the average amount of time to fire a CEO is just over 3 months on the job. Why? Because there is no time to wait and see anymore. We are starting to relearn the lessons of our forefathers. Those who fail to learn this lesson believe the head coach has the luxury of learning on-the-job. Not on my watch. It's my tax dollar and ticket revenue that pays his total benefits package. So, I would be remiss in my duties if I didn't speak up.

Disappointed that many Badger and Iowa fans have nothing better to do than post negative posts on this hole. What a waste of a life.
I read many of the posts of the threads regarding Brewster. It is obvious that people want Brewster to change to be a negative coach and blast the media repeatedly and call out his players in public. He has chosen not to stoop to the new lows of the sportwriters and many uninformed fans. Brewster is working with his players privately.
He knows he has his hands full. Does he want to win? Of course. Are people patient frustrated? Of course we are. But that doesn't mean to do the antics that people are doing. I was talking to a prominent former Gopher his past weekend and he shakes his head. He believes that were on the right track. We can't trade for players like the Vikings can. It will get better. I believe in Brewster. I wish more of you would too.

If you follow with a post that isn't good for the program. I shudder at your personality.

Sorry, but I know probably a 2 dozen former players, and all are in agreement about the program right now, and their view is exactly the opposite of what you have stated. They want a change right now, the sooner the better.

I do not like our chances to "get lucky", especially with the current administration in place. Many on this board seem to think our next hire will be the next Bear Bryant.
No one expects this. What people do hope is that our next hire will be competent and will be a better coach than Brewster. That is a low bar and one I think most candidates can clear.
I think the Dan McCarney rumor today shows a more likely candidate and potential hire. Are you still as ramped up about firing Brew if the next guy is someone like McCarney?
No. If McCarney is the next guy I would rather they stick with Brewster. For everything I have against the man at least he seems to be at heart a good intentioned guy. McCarney is a wife beater and not someone I could stomach representing this program.

I want someone on the sidelines that can not only win games but that I can feel good about supporting. A good coach and a good man. I think Brewster is at least half of that.

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