Bought my wife a hoodie with the same color scheme a couple of years ago. Liked it then, still like it. Nice alternative. Just hope they don't overuse them.
I really liked them. white, black or anything between (like anthracite) is okay. What I hate is when student sections whether it be ours or in high school feel they always need to have a different theme every game and end up wearing colors that aren't anything close to the school's. If your going to where a costume to the game, please where a maroon or gold top and just limit the costume to a mask. You can change into the full thing after the game.
I think they well serve the purpose of displacing the white-over-gold as the ugliest Gopher uniforms ever. Maybe the ugliest possible. But it's a good challenge to try to think of something that would look worse.
I liked them overall. But I think black jerseys with maroon lettering would be my favorite alternate combo. Gold in black is cool, but way too much like Iowa.
Voted yes. As far as alternate color uniforms go these weren't bad as at least you could tell it was us still. The ones I can't stand are the ones where you look at it and can't tell who the team is that is wearing them. Overall I am not a big fan of this trend in college athletics but it isn't going away anytime soon. Uniform budgets must be through the roof these days with all the alternate helmets and jerseys that everyone wears in order to wow recruits.
They are great! One "alternate" is nice to have. When I first saw them I started laughing as I anticipated the Internet meltdown from the "only school colors" people
I like the idea of a special uniform - to be used maybe once a year for a big game, but these gray/black outfits are being done by everybody everywhere. Okay for Halloween, but otherwise, blah. I liked the gold we had in one of our road games - would like to see more of that when traveling.
The only time I could conceive of the Gophers wearing anthracite is for Halloween. Even then, I found the uniforms to be less than appealing. I'd rather than we did what Michigan did and wear some throwback uniforms. Where can you find "anthracite" as a U of MN school color?
I do have to say that it was tough to pick up on the maroon trim on the jerseys and pants, at least on TV. Having two colors so similarly dark as maroon and charcoal grey may be a bit questionable, but I also think that had that game been played in daylight, you'd certainly be able to see those maroon highlights and those colors together would really pop.
I didn't realize that Coach Kill was responsible for those uniforms, so wearing those was a nice tribute to him no matter what.
Maybe too much of a history buff but I hate gray on a northern team. As the color of a uniform, I can't separate it from the rebel south. Northern teams should either stick to their own colors or wear black.