Did Wolitarsky really score?

Great Plains Gopher

Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
Reaction score
Official signaled TD. Replay official said his knee down at the half-yard line. In replays on BTN since, I can't see any good horizontal shot to establish how far forward from his knee was the ball. Was the knee really at the half yard line? If so, the ball would only have had to be 18" ahead of the knee, which from the end zone camera angle it seemed to be. Anyone see a better tape of this?

He was short, I remember thinking it was pretty clear on TV.

He was short, I remember thinking it was pretty clear on TV.

Ditto. As soon as I saw the replays it was very clear that his knee was down before the ball crossed the goal line.

Sucked, but the right call

No, it was a good call.

Yes, he did score...until the replay officials report came in from the Referee...then the points were taken away.

Those 30 or so seconds of certain victory were glorious, however fleeting.

The real question is, did Leidner under throw Wolitarskey? Throw that ball out there a few more yards and let the receiver go get it.

The real question is, did Leidner under throw Wolitarskey? Throw that ball out there a few more yards and let the receiver go get it.

I am not saying, but I am just saying. Had a similar thought. Don't get me wrong, was still a really nice throw by Mitch......but man if it had been even another foot or so longer I think Wolitarsky catches it in full stride and runs upright into the end zone.....doesn't even have to go to his knees/dive due to having to gather himself to make the kind of basket style catch he needed to make. Oh what could have/may have been if that ball was just thrown a tiny bit longer than it was......again was a good throw all things considered and the touch was pretty good on it.......not trying to throw Mitch under the bus at all.

The real question is, did Leidner under throw Wolitarskey? Throw that ball out there a few more yards and let the receiver go get it.

This...Mitch had a good game just because he was lucky on all them under thrown balls ...

had Woli jumped higher for the ball his momentum would have carried him into the endzone

My seat

Official signaled TD. Replay official said his knee down at the half-yard line. In replays on BTN since, I can't see any good horizontal shot to establish how far forward from his knee was the ball. Was the knee really at the half yard line? If so, the ball would only have had to be 18" ahead of the knee, which from the end zone camera angle it seemed to be. Anyone see a better tape of this?

I was sitting on the 2 yd line on the visitors side. Even in real time, I thought he was short. I was hoping the replay would be "inconclusive".

After looking at the play several times, I can't fault Leidner. It was a good throw, Wally had to slow down a step but all in all a good throw and their was a safety coming over as well if the throw had been a couple yards stronger he may have had a play on it.

Can't really fault any execution on the play, just wasn't quite long enough.

I was sitting on the 2 yd line on the visitors side. Even in real time, I thought he was short. I was hoping the replay would be "inconclusive".

I instantly turned to my son and said it was short. His knee was down at the 1 and ball was marked at the 1/2 yard mark. Right call.

I instantly turned to my son and said it was short. His knee was down at the 1 and ball was marked at the 1/2 yard mark. Right call.

I wonder how it would have played out if they marked him down originally. Probably just would have hurried up to the line and spiked it, or even Michigan would have tried to call TO. Harbaugh was trying to do that anyway, but it was not granted.



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