Did we lose any Gopherhole members during this turn around?

Maybe I don't understand yours. The complaints about the Offense in hindsight may have been valid for the San Jose State game. The complaints for the Iowa game where very valid. They looked reasonable and sounded reasonable at the time. They were even a little valid for Michigan. Limegrover and even Claeys said so themselves.

Sending the RBs and yes QB's between the Guards again and again didn't work with the personnel they had and the talent and fronts the other team had. They weren't going to until they completed some passes or gained some yards "outside" to loosen things up in the middle. They saw that and to their great credit, they recognized their mistakes, admitted them and corrected them.

Reading your posts you seem to think that they were lying to protect their players and anyone who disagreed with that then or now is an..well at least you didn't say idiot or ignorant this time. :eek:

Don't know if you were going on and on back then to protect the Coaches or you really didn't see what was happening.

Do what you want, say what you want; it's the internet and t's still America right?! :cool:

Just let the rest of us take Limegrover at his word. He's come off as quite honest in the past and our "eyes and ears" agree with him on this one.

Ok, that's what I thought. I took exception to GopherinPhilly's initial post, and some of my comments to him offended somebody else. Sigh. Both of you have the right to say "I told you so," due to Limegrover's interview. That lazy, unimaginative dolt probably saw the posts criticizing him and figured he better change before those calling for his head got their wish. Good thing Kill went to be press box, which according to GopherinPhilly "forced him to call the game differently."

I must say, so there is no confusion, Iceland12, I meant that totally sarcastically. Limegrover was harder on himself than he needed to be. If our QBs complete a couple of passes to wide-open receivers against Mich and Iowa (great play calls!), if Leidner doesn't fumble the opening possession at Mich, if the players blocked and used the fundamental techniques they've been taught for at least 2.5 years, and if they believed in the system and their coaches...the presnap motion and shifts wouldn't have been necessary. Afterall, it's as much about goofing around and having fun than actual scheming. The playbook would have opened up. As a testament to the staff, they took a leap of faith in trusting the players with MORE and the players started believing in themselves...and executing. Voila.

We're still running a fair amount of two-scoop vanilla dives between the tackles and pounding in there for a lot of less than 2-yard gains. , But, now Nelson has gotten much more confident, isn't missing as many throws to those wide-open receivers that result in part from those gut shots. The outside run game has also benefited from a heavy dose of vanilla.

My point has always been and continues to be on this topic: Kill and his staff know more than you, me, GopherinPhilly and any other posters here that think they won't get it done here..."at this level." I'm good with "we should pass more," "we should have punted," and "Johnny should play more." That was not the message I initially responded to.

Ok, that's what I thought. I took exception to GopherinPhilly's initial post, and some of my comments to him offended somebody else. Sigh. Both of you have the right to say "I told you so," due to Limegrover's interview. That lazy, unimaginative dolt probably saw the posts criticizing him and figured he better change before those calling for his head got their wish. Good thing Kill went to be press box, which according to GopherinPhilly "forced him to call the game differently."

I must say, so there is no confusion, Iceland12, I meant that totally sarcastically. Limegrover was harder on himself than he needed to be. If our QBs complete a couple of passes to wide-open receivers against Mich and Iowa (great play calls!), if Leidner doesn't fumble the opening possession at Mich, if the players blocked and used the fundamental techniques they've been taught for at least 2.5 years, and if they believed in the system and their coaches...the presnap motion and shifts wouldn't have been necessary. Afterall, it's as much about goofing around and having fun than actual scheming. The playbook would have opened up. As a testament to the staff, they took a leap of faith in trusting the players with MORE and the players started believing in themselves...and executing. Voila.

We're still running a fair amount of two-scoop vanilla dives between the tackles and pounding in there for a lot of less than 2-yard gains. , But, now Nelson has gotten much more confident, isn't missing as many throws to those wide-open receivers that result in part from those gut shots. The outside run game has also benefited from a heavy dose of vanilla.

My point has always been and continues to be on this topic: Kill and his staff know more than you, me, GopherinPhilly and any other posters here that think they won't get it done here..."at this level." I'm good with "we should pass more," "we should have punted," and "Johnny should play more." That was not the message I initially responded to.

"If everything had went perfectly and those damn, talent-less players had just done their jobs than Limegrover wouldn't have been so stressed-out that he had to lie to protect them".

Seriously, and you wonder why people disagree with you?

1. Disagreeing isn't offensive. When somebody says that you're wrong, it's usually not because they are offended, it might be because you're wrong. Something that never, ever seems to enter into your mind.
2. You should go back an look before you imply that I said "I told you so". Even said that the "experts" were wrong when they said that the Gophers "had no Passing Attack" after the Non-Conf season. Said that they couldn't know that because the Gophers hadn't needed to throw. Yeah, was wrong there.
3. Though Limegrover certainly seems to be saying "I told you so" to you, for which you call him a liar, for noble reasons maybe, but a liar just the same. Even though you constantly tell us that "Kill and his staff know more than we do". Except apparently, when you disagree with them.
4. If you're okay with people asking ""we should pass more," "we should have punted," and "Johnny should play more." why does it give you fits?
Kill and the Staff have done a great job. Been right way more than they've been wrong. In this case, by their own admission they were wrong, something that many people with a whole lot less knowledge than they have noticed, and for some reason even the idea of them being wrong seems to piss you off.

Or maybe it's as simple as you having to admit that you were wrong that you just can't handle. Don't know, don't know you personally only know what you post. Either way, maybe you should just let it go rather than constantly telling people to forget what Limegrover said, he didn't really means it.

have to remember, this is Mn. Very few ride the bandwagon, but a lot jump on and off. They mostly tell you I was always here..

"If everything had went perfectly and those damn, talent-less players had just done their jobs than Limegrover wouldn't have been so stressed-out that he had to lie to protect them".

Seriously, and you wonder why people disagree with you?

1. Disagreeing isn't offensive. When somebody says that you're wrong, it's usually not because they are offended, it might be because you're wrong. Something that never, ever seems to enter into your mind.
2. You should go back an look before you imply that I said "I told you so". Even said that the "experts" were wrong when they said that the Gophers "had no Passing Attack" after the Non-Conf season. Said that they couldn't know that because the Gophers hadn't needed to throw. Yeah, was wrong there.
3. Though Limegrover certainly seems to be saying "I told you so" to you, for which you call him a liar, for noble reasons maybe, but a liar just the same. Even though you constantly tell us that "Kill and his staff know more than we do". Except apparently, when you disagree with them.
4. If you're okay with people asking ""we should pass more," "we should have punted," and "Johnny should play more." why does it give you fits?
Kill and the Staff have done a great job. Been right way more than they've been wrong. In this case, by their own admission they were wrong, something that many people with a whole lot less knowledge than they have noticed, and for some reason even the idea of them being wrong seems to piss you off.

Or maybe it's as simple as you having to admit that you were wrong that you just can't handle. Don't know, don't know you personally only know what you post. Either way, maybe you should just let it go rather than constantly telling people to forget what Limegrover said, he didn't really means it.

Help me find the post where I said our players lacked talent. I can't find where I said Limegrover lied. Your battle on the Olson and Bush thread and this one are about your place in this whole thing, Iceland12. It doesn't appear we're on the same team. Let's take this to another thread, started by you and titled "this is how my hatred started." Maybe we can work some things out.

have to remember, this is Mn. Very few ride the bandwagon, but a lot jump on and off. They mostly tell you I was always here..

I'm afraid it's not just Mn. I think that's why it's a band-wagon, not a band-submarine. Allows for easy on, easy off.

Help me find the post where I said our players lacked talent. I can't find where I said Limegrover lied. Your battle on the Olson and Bush thread and this one are about your place in this whole thing, Iceland12. It doesn't appear we're on the same team. Let's take this to another thread, started by you and titled "this is how my hatred started." Maybe we can work some things out.

Olson and Bush?

Sometimes a little fire can get the lethargy off the snide.

1991 - Frank Layden, Utah Jazz president, on a former player: "I told him, 'Son, what is it with you. Is it ignorance or apathy?' He said, 'Coach, I don't know and I don't care.' "

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