Did the Philadelphia Eagles beat the Vikings by playing FleckBall?


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2019
Reaction score
This stat line for the Eagles offense looks eerily familiar...

— 24 first downs
— 259 yards rushing on 48 carries (5.4 yds/carry)
— Just short of 40 minutes time of possession



Also add turnover margin (the ball is the program).

Good point!

It's interesting; I get the impression that sports media types (and some fans) think Fleck is hopelessly trapped in the past, and that he needs to fundamentally change to a more "modern" offensive concept.

After last night, I'm wondering if instead of being behind the times Fleck is actually ahead of the curve.

Good point!

It's interesting; I get the impression that sports media types (and some fans) think Fleck is hopelessly trapped in the past, and that he needs to fundamentally change to a more "modern" offensive concept.

After last night, I'm wondering if instead of being behind the times Fleck is actually ahead of the curve.

I'd puke if I saw the Gophs go pure 4-wide spread every play like some colleges, but that's just me. I prefer a balanced offense (with a powerful offensive line) that errs on the side of whatever talent is on the roster.

Regardless, last night's game would have looked totally different with fewer Vikings turnovers. Philly had the benefit of milking the clock with a lead and the Vikings doing everything to stop the QB. I think Philly would have opened up the offense had the game been closer in the second half.

I remember back in Kill's first season we were platooning with Gray and Shortell at QB. On one drive we had Shortell go in and we ran 10 plays (all rushes), 95 yards and a touchdown. The guy in front of me complained that "we didn't throw one pass with the freshman". Some people will never be satisfied.

Of course Philly's Fleckball was entirely enabled by the Vikings' interior D-line and linebacker corps being miserably non-existent. And it wasn't the lead - Philly started running the ball down 7-3.

Who cares how Eagles won. Some won money on the outcome. Great week, ViQueens lose twice and the Jets lost their QB.

Of course Philly's Fleckball was entirely enabled by the Vikings' interior D-line and linebacker corps being miserably non-existent. And it wasn't the lead - Philly started running the ball down 7-3.

Building the program by starting with the offensive and defensive lines is a key tenet of Fleck's philosophy.

I don't care what style you play, you'll win games more often than not if you take care of the fundamentals!

How in the possible world does it make sense to have a rule saying what JJ did should turn the ball over??

What “problem” does this rule address/solve??

(Obviously talking outside of kickoffs)

this is the worst on-field rule in football
anywhere else a fumble out of bounds is no big deal, but in this one spot it is catastrophic

Yeah. I've never been able to figure out why the defense is automatically awarded the ball on a fumble through the endzone with no change of possession established, and especially awarded a touchback. I can't think of any scenario under current rules where an offense could purposely take advantage of a fumble into the endzone if that rule were to go away. The rule should have the ball going back to the offense at the point of the fumble with no advancement (no fumblerooski). If you have to award the ball to the defense, then give it to them at the 1 yard line or point of lost possession.

Yeah. I've never been able to figure out why the defense is automatically awarded the ball on a fumble through the endzone with no change of possession established, and especially awarded a touchback. I can't think of any scenario under current rules where an offense could purposely take advantage of a fumble into the endzone if that rule were to go away. The rule should have the ball going back to the offense at the point of the fumble with no advancement (no fumblerooski). If you have to award the ball to the defense, then give it to them at the 1 yard line or point of lost possession.
That's the weird part of the rule. If this happens anywhere else on the field the ball just goes back to where the player fumbled from.

This stat line for the Eagles offense looks eerily familiar...

— 24 first downs
— 259 yards rushing on 48 carries (5.4 yds/carry)
— Just short of 40 minutes time of possession

No, terrible take on your part. It is not Fleck ball when you have the thre of

I just think it is funny that a team running the ball as much as Philly did against the Vikings is seen as something so unusual in today's NFL where teams are so pass happy.

They found something that was working and they stuck with it.....not too far from what Fleck has done with his teams during his year's here....might not always be pretty but tough to argue with the results.

Jalen Hurt and long ball or QB scramble on every play.
Murray and others are confused as to what is “Fleckball”.

It is not Tresselball where you eat lunch, sit back and watch a massively superior team control the ball at will.

Nor is it Sanford ball where you run if there are six, seven, eight, nine, ten, or eleven defenders in the box.

Murray and others are confused as to what is “Fleckball”.

It is not Tresselball where you eat lunch, sit back and watch a massively superior team control the ball at will.

Nor is it Sanford ball where you run if there are six, seven, eight, nine, ten, or eleven defenders in the box.
Fleck has shown he will build offense around personnel. He will run first if his line is imposing its will. He will also look at Nebraska and decide to throw 44 times. That was easier than dealing with odd blocking schemes needed.

He will likely need to throw 25-30 times tomorrow to open the field for the run game.

This stat line for the Eagles offense looks eerily familiar...

— 24 first downs
— 259 yards rushing on 48 carries (5.4 yds/carry)
— Just short of 40 minutes time of possession

They beat the Vikings because they(vikings) have not figured out that the ball is the damn program yet. That offense is scary good and Flores is a helluva DC, but you'll never win turning the ball over 4 times per game.

This stat line for the Eagles offense looks eerily familiar...

— 24 first downs
— 259 yards rushing on 48 carries (5.4 yds/carry)
— Just short of 40 minutes time of possession

Hopefully the gophers can do the same tomorrow.

Vikings should just blow it up and try to get Caleb imo
Too early. There's enough talent to get into the playoffs. They're 2-0 without all the fumbles.

Either way, if you do blow it up and then don't get Williams or one of the other top QBs, I think we can kiss JJ goodbye.

Almost zero chance Kirk isn’t back next year.

There is no reasonable alternative, that wouldn’t be cost-prohibitive (free-agent route).

We’ll get a rookie next year, hopefully someone who can realistically look at starting in 25.

Good point!

It's interesting; I get the impression that sports media types (and some fans) think Fleck is hopelessly trapped in the past, and that he needs to fundamentally change to a more "modern" offensive concept.

After last night, I'm wondering if instead of being behind the times Fleck is actually ahead of the curve.
You got all that from one game?

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