Did Jeff Dubay talk Gopher football?

With KFAN. He admitted to getting a second chance. He went to treatment and took a leave of absence while still working with KFAN. They allowed him to return (2nd chance) and he continued using.

You could also argue that he's been given other chances in that since he was fired from KFAN he has been in and out of jail more than once. I don't know how you'd want to calculate that as far as "chances" go.

But this would be his 3rd chance on radio.

This would be his second job in radio, so I would call it his second chance. But whatever.

So when was his second chance? Moron.

His second chance was when they initially found out about his drug abuse and kept him employed under a zero-tolerance policy. They even paid for him to go to a 30-day rehab program and told the public that he was gone from the show for a "leave of absence". When he started using again the second he was out of rehab, he was gone.

EDIT: Sorry, didn't see that Bob posted all of this above.

And it is absolutely his third chance (at least) given that most people would be fired immediately as soon as their employer discovered habitual usage of hard-line narcotics. Him getting to stay on at KFAN was his second chance.

Parski1 said:
So is he on his 3rd or 4th chance?

Just as my lawnmower always starts on the last pull, all addicts who successfully recover do so after their last relapse. We should pray for this recovery.

It doesn't mean that you have to trust them, hire them, etc., but you will be a better person for maintaining a compassionate attitude toward them.

Look what Puffy's addiction is doing to us!

A few thoughts -
I'm a recovering alcoholic and drug user. I went through rehab 3 times (2 outpatient and 1 30-day inpatient) before I was ready to make some changes in my life. Everyone's different - some people are ready sooner, and some people are never ready to make the changes that are needed to get sober and stay sober. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

On a totally different topic - Bob likes Common? When I'm up in the cities, if I tune in KFAN and Common is on, that's an automatic punch of the seek button. I can't stand his schtick. IMHO, if you are going to present yourself as a "Sports" station, then you should be talking about sports at least a majority of the time. It drives me nuts when the KFAN crew starting doing their "we're too good to talk about sports" routine. If you want to talk politics, then go work at a different station.

This would be his second job in radio, so I would call it his second chance. But whatever.

You seemed so passionate about it before when you thought someone else was a "moron" and now it's "whatever"? Odd.

Since you've another poster a "moron" over semantics, I'll argue semantics with you. It's his second radio station that has employed him, but KFAN did give him two chances (in his own words on the Hartman interview).

IMHO, if you are going to present yourself as a "Sports" station, then you should be talking about sports at least a majority of the time. It drives me nuts when the KFAN crew starting doing their "we're too good to talk about sports" routine. If you want to talk politics, then go work at a different station.

+1 million. It's obnoxious when Barreiro calls sports the "toy department". We get it, you're a genius intellectual who's too good for sports. That's why your entire career has been as a sports writer and sports radio personality. The funny thing is that Barreiro is kind of a dullard though he fancies himself well-informed and insightful. If Barreiro were even 10% as smart as he thinks he is, he'd be the smartest person ever.

Sports, sports, sports from noon to 3? I know Reusse is a pariah around here, but sports, sports, sports is what you get on 1500 from noon to 3. I do like Reusse on the radio for the most part, so I like it.

While nothing has been announced or is certain, it sounds like KTWN is sticking with music when they get the Twins, although with a format tweak.


Good point. I can't stand anything from Reusse so I forget about him, but you're right, he does talk sports. I do think it would be easier for Dubay to take on Reusse than PA.

But yeah, you're right, it seems like KTWN will stick with music and hopefully Dubay does alright with that gig as well.

I guess we'll agree to disagree. This is always a HUGE drain on society, both financially, and socially/emotionally. It's the other people whose lives an addict ruins that I care about. I have no doubt that easily tens if not hundreds of thousands of tax dollars are spent on each addict like Dubay. No doubt.

We all pay, we should all care. Whether it's worth it, I leave up to you. If it was a member of my family, maybe I would feel differently.

Wouldn't it be best for society if an addict, such as Jeff, got a regular job and came back into society as a tax-paying citizen? I don't see how Jeff getting another chance could be anything but good for him or society. What's the other option? Throw all addicts in prison for the rest of their lives?

Anyway...back on topic - glad to hear Jeff is back on the radio - hope it's permanent. I always enjoyed listening to him on KFAN and in the last 10 years of sports radio I can't think of many others that talked about or promoted Gopher sports as much as he did.

Studies show that an "average" addict relapses between 4-6 times before they can finally kick it.....

Good luck Dubay!

This reminds me of an old story about quitting smoking. The guy said "Quitting smoking is easy. I have done it a thousand times."

I am fortunate enough never to have been addicted so I can't speak to how hard it is to break an addiction, but it has to be very hard, if it it takes multiple tries for most people to do it.

I thought Dubay sounded good on KTWN

Dubay sounded good on the radio, sounds like a radio professional something they have been lacking since
Perkins has been going alone. If I were KTWN I would think about hiring the guy but on a performance contract
that very much indicates he uses or has a relapse and he is out, and has to pay back any sign on bonuses or ratings performence related bonuses he might get. Jump into being an addict again and you are out.

He was better on the radio than just PA alone on KFAN when they were a duo. PA has never been as good since.
I would not have Dubay on alone but he is good with another announcer at the helm and is good at talking sports.

I enjoy Common Man because he and Mileski are a good combo and their segments are enjoyable to listen to. But I hate Paul Allen. Especially when Charch comes on and talks out of his ass about gopher football. Stick to fantasy football and video games, bud.

I hope everyone can agree that the world will be a very slightly better place if Jeff Dubay can beat his addiction once and for all.

I would think a community that is willing to give a football team so many "chances," that has repeatedly had its heart ripped out, doused in gasoline and set ablaze, only to come back with hope and anticipation every new season, would be able to extend some hope and anticipation to someone in Dubay's shoes.

I enjoy Common Man because he and Mileski are a good combo and their segments are enjoyable to listen to. But I hate Paul Allen. Especially when Charch comes on and talks out of his ass about gopher football. Stick to fantasy football and video games, bud.

Disagree 100% - Enjoy Charch and his Fantasy Football takes. Dan Cole has to be the worst radio personality ever (not at all enjoyable).

Nicely said

I hope everyone can agree that the world will be a very slightly better place if Jeff Dubay can beat his addiction once and for all.

I would think a community that is willing to give a football team so many "chances," that has repeatedly had its heart ripped out, doused in gasoline and set ablaze, only to come back with hope and anticipation every new season, would be able to extend some hope and anticipation to someone in Dubay's shoes.

I agree with your sentiments and appreciate the style with which you delivered them.

Disagree 100% - Enjoy Charch and his Fantasy Football takes. Dan Cole has to be the worst radio personality ever (not at all enjoyable).

I find the Common Man funny at times, but he isn't a sports guy.

I like Charch, but I like him in the same format that you like him, talking about fantasy football (I also like when he talks technology). He's completely clueless when it comes to college athletics and he is just "meh" when it comes to actual sports. He's great with fantasy though, in my opinion.

Paul Allen by himself is just to clever for his own good. Unlistenable.

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