Did Jeff Dubay talk Gopher football?


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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Jeff Dubay is back, at least temporarily. I saw a tweet that he was on with Eric Perkins on 96.3 KTWN. I have never listened to this station and was only able to tune in for a few minutes. He certainly sounds the same. Did he talk Gopher football at all? Did he reveal anything that was interesting? Maybe he is auditioning for that station as they are the new home of the Minnesota Twins.
Regardless of the length of stay at the radio station, I'm glad it appears he is back on track. His addiction doesn't remind me of any other person I've known with similar problems. Strange indeed.

I hope and pray that Puffy stays clean. I don't wish that garbage on ANYONE. I had no clue he's on KTWN, what time? I'll have to scope it out as I was a huge fan of PA and Dubay in their day.

Dubay is definitely a friend of the Gophers. Glad he is getting another shot.

Dubay is definitely a friend of the Gophers. Glad he is getting another shot.

Ever since his 'debacle' the PA Project hasn't come CLOSE to the Gopher coverage the show had when it was PA and Dubay. Jeffy covered the Gophers very, VERY well (especially football and hockey).

I heard him on Chad Hartman's show a few weeks back. Talked about his addiction and said he has been clean for about a year now ( I think )
He sounded good - like the old Dubay. When he left I stopped listening to KFAN. I hope he gets back on the radio because as others have said he is a big Gopher fan.

I always enjoyed listening to him, good to hear he's got his life back on track, I wish him well.

Dubay was the only guy on that station who knew anything about college sports. I bet there isn't a single person there that can name one Gopher player other than Gray.

Loved Dubay, hate PA. I'm listening to KTWN tomorrow. I hope he can become a regular.

So is he on his 3rd or 4th chance?

Who cares? If he messes up again, it's absolutely no skin of your back. If he doesn't, he's a guy who knows a lot about sports and does a decent job talking about the Gophers. It's like with actors and musicians, who really cares how many chances they get, you're not going to foot the bill.

Also, there are plenty of people who it takes along time to recover. I don't know if I would hire Dubay at this point because a lot of people relapse, but I am glad someone else did, he is a vast improvement over most of the stuff on sports talk radio in the TC.

Dubay was the only guy on that station who knew anything about college sports. I bet there isn't a single person there that can name one Gopher player other than Gray.

I completely agree. Well, besides probably Gaardsy because he does the post game. I thought Gaardsy did an alright job with Gopher coverage last year, but I don't like him on his normal job. What really bothers me is that he is the antithesis to a typical college sports fan. He was (might not be with IA improving) a Gopher basketball fan and an Iowa football fan. I'm not sure if they has changed now that we've won the pig two times in a row and Iowa is improving.

So sometimes people need more than one chance. If he makes it, what the hell difference does it make?

Who cares? If he messes up again, it's absolutely no skin of your back. If he doesn't, he's a guy who knows a lot about sports and does a decent job talking about the Gophers. It's like with actors and musicians, who really cares how many chances they get, you're not going to foot the bill.

Also, there are plenty of people who it takes along time to recover. I don't know if I would hire Dubay at this point because a lot of people relapse, but I am glad someone else did, he is a vast improvement over most of the stuff on sports talk radio in the TC.

I guess we'll agree to disagree. This is always a HUGE drain on society, both financially, and socially/emotionally. It's the other people whose lives an addict ruins that I care about. I have no doubt that easily tens if not hundreds of thousands of tax dollars are spent on each addict like Dubay. No doubt.

We all pay, we should all care. Whether it's worth it, I leave up to you. If it was a member of my family, maybe I would feel differently.

I think Jeff is doing an audition Monday and Wednesday this week.

I guess we'll agree to disagree. This is always a HUGE drain on society, both financially, and socially/emotionally. It's the other people whose lives an addict ruins that I care about. I have no doubt that easily tens if not hundreds of thousands of tax dollars are spent on each addict like Dubay. No doubt.

We all pay, we should all care. Whether it's worth it, I leave up to you. If it was a member of my family, maybe I would feel differently.

I agree with what you're saying but I don't see how this has anything to do with Dubay possibly coming back to radio.

If he is continues to be an addict and continues to cause trauma in his life, he will be a drain on society. He would be a drain on society whether he worked at Walmart, dug ditches, or talked sports on the radio. In fact, you could argue that he'd be less of a drain because we'd know he was working. This isn't to say that I don't think drug dealers devastate the people around them. I am simply saying that his working a particular job during his hopeful recovery has no impact on that devastation.

We should all hope that a private business would be willing to hire some recovering drug addicts. It's a way for us (tax payers) to stop footing the bill. Dubay can be a productive member of society again and be off the government teet. If he fails, he fails. He will go back to being a drain on society, but he does that regardless of where he works at the time of his failure.

Any chance there is a podcast of this somewhere? I would like to hear what he sounded like.

I was able to listen to a bit of it the other morning. Didnt realize it was Perkins he was on with. Here was my assessment. For the 10 minutes I was able to listen, Dubay sounded good, and Perkins did not. The talk was not about sports, so Dubay wasn't able to shine. It was short, and then it was off to music. He needs to be on a sports station where he can talk about sports. I would listen every day if that was the case. Put him at 9-noon and I bet within 6 months, he has better ratings than PA.

So when was his second chance? Moron.

With KFAN. He admitted to getting a second chance. He went to treatment and took a leave of absence while still working with KFAN. They allowed him to return (2nd chance) and he continued using.

You could also argue that he's been given other chances in that since he was fired from KFAN he has been in and out of jail more than once. I don't know how you'd want to calculate that as far as "chances" go.

But this would be his 3rd chance on radio.

I was able to listen to a bit of it the other morning. Didnt realize it was Perkins he was on with. Here was my assessment. For the 10 minutes I was able to listen, Dubay sounded good, and Perkins did not. The talk was not about sports, so Dubay wasn't able to shine. It was short, and then it was off to music. He needs to be on a sports station where he can talk about sports. I would listen every day if that was the case. Put him at 9-noon and I bet within 6 months, he has better ratings than PA.

Do you know if that's going to be the format? Are they really planning on having him not talk about sports? I suppose he is the Culture Vulture and is pretty up to date on non-sports issues. But I agree, he really does shine when talking about sports.

I actually enjoy Common Man, but if I were KTWN, I'd put him at noon-3. There are a lot of people who want to hear about nothing but "Sports, Sports, Sports" and that isn't common's routine. I know quite a few sports nuts who turn off KFAN after PA because they want nothing but sports talk.

I guess we'll agree to disagree. This is always a HUGE drain on society, both financially, and socially/emotionally. Agree, but a lot of things are drains on society (smoking - the costs are usually delayed until later in life; drunk drivers; obesity; child abuse; domestic violence). I think that we should work to treat, or better, prevent these conditions. What are the alternatives? I think that Khomeni had Iran's opium addicts shot when he took over. I hope that not many would opt for that solution It's the other people whose lives an addict ruins that I care about. That is a tragedy. Many things that we do effect family members and greater society I have no doubt that easily tens if not hundreds of thousands of tax dollars are spent on each addict like Dubay. Indeed correct. Let's hope that he again becomes a happy and productive member of society No doubt.

We all pay, we should all care. Whether it's worth it, I leave up to you. I hope that it is. I don't think that we should give up on people. If it was a member of my family, maybe I would feel differently.


I would be surprised if he were to move into a job that is meant to directly compete with KFAN. But this is radio and the guy likely needs a job. I hope wherever he lands that he does well and is able to stay clean.

I would be surprised if he were to move into a job that is meant to directly compete with KFAN. But this is radio and the guy likely needs a job. I hope wherever he lands that he does well and is able to stay clean.

Yeah, that's just it. What he is good at is "talking sports" and that genre will always compete with KFAN.

I guess we'll agree to disagree. This is always a HUGE drain on society, both financially, and socially/emotionally. It's the other people whose lives an addict ruins that I care about. I have no doubt that easily tens if not hundreds of thousands of tax dollars are spent on each addict like Dubay. No doubt.

We all pay, we should all care. Whether it's worth it, I leave up to you. If it was a member of my family, maybe I would feel differently.

Um, so I would think that you would want the person to turn his or her life around. If he or she stays an addict that is a much bigger drain on family and society. Look at the figures for what it costs to imprison someone, or the medical costs, or the crimes that are committed, or the welfare costs if children are involved.. You also might want to check relapse statistics. Not that black and white that they get one chance and then that's it. Society doesn't stop paying then.

I guess we'll agree to disagree. This is always a HUGE drain on society, both financially, and socially/emotionally. It's the other people whose lives an addict ruins that I care about. I have no doubt that easily tens if not hundreds of thousands of tax dollars are spent on each addict like Dubay. No doubt.

We all pay, we should all care. Whether it's worth it, I leave up to you. If it was a member of my family, maybe I would feel differently.

Pure stupidity. Get a clue.

The perkins guy is just off putting. he is bad in a chad hartman way kinda bad. Justin Gaard did do a good job with the Gophs last year.

Do you know if that's going to be the format? Are they really planning on having him not talk about sports? I suppose he is the Culture Vulture and is pretty up to date on non-sports issues. But I agree, he really does shine when talking about sports.

I actually enjoy Common Man, but if I were KTWN, I'd put him at noon-3. There are a lot of people who want to hear about nothing but "Sports, Sports, Sports" and that isn't common's routine. I know quite a few sports nuts who turn off KFAN after PA because they want nothing but sports talk.

Sports, sports, sports from noon to 3? I know Reusse is a pariah around here, but sports, sports, sports is what you get on 1500 from noon to 3. I do like Reusse on the radio for the most part, so I like it.

While nothing has been announced or is certain, it sounds like KTWN is sticking with music when they get the Twins, although with a format tweak.


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