Did AD Cost Departing Staff future job opportunities?

Why do you care what Kill says on tv about our program.
Bielema did the same thing on his way out of UW and nobody in Wisconsin gave a rat's butt.

I don't. Did you see what I was responding to? You said "he kept us out of news". Those were your EXACT words. He didn't keep us out of national news, we were on them yesterday. So, you said it, not me.

As far as the "buying time" bit? No response?

The implied question was whether the delay cost them job opportunities, and I answered it (no).
I don't recall anyone being nearly as worried about the families of Brewster's assistants, they all had to move too, it's part of life as a coach.

I agree with your first point, your second point is idiotic.

Brew was fired in October. LOL. There was no "delay" cost with Brewster.

I have serious questions about how Coyle operates....

I love Kill and TC.

But I'm not gonna base evaluations of either group just on their relationships.

If Coyle can get the programs running and winning... fine, even if I don't like / understand him.

I wish Kill / TC the best, I want to see them succeed (but wtf Kill... OC?) too.

I don't. Did you see what I was responding to? You said "he kept us out of news". Those were your EXACT words. He didn't keep us out of national news, we were on them yesterday. So, you said it, not me.

As far as the "buying time" bit? No response?

Being in the news because a former coach is flaming your team is far different than being in the news because your players are boycotting a bowl game in support of players that allegedly sexually assaulted a girl.

We both know that the buying time bit was my rhetorical response to the guy calling Coyle a snake so I didn't think that it really needed a response.

We were on the front page of ESPN yesterday with Kill essentially calling him a gutless snake.

What time did he buy in finding a coach? Like what time was gained by playing the Holiday Bowl with Claeys that would have been lost if we fired him before the Holiday Bowl?

Weird post.

I think the "steering us out of the national news" there was in reference to the boycott. As long as the boycott was still on it was a national news story, and would have been even worse if the players actually did boycott the bowl. And I really think there was a good chance that if Claeys was fired before the bowl game they would have gone through with the boycott, and not played the game.

Coyle will never say it, but I think he had decided to fire Claeys right after the whole mess with the boycott. It's just that he knew he had to wait until after the bowl game or he would have to deal with a team not willing to play a bowl game after they had accepted a bid for the first time ever. People can say what they want about how bad things are right now, but there is no doubt they would have been worse if that happened. Coyle was buying time, maybe not to find a coach (though I don't doubt he put out some feelers in that time), but time for the players' emotions to die down.

Um. . . you said "kept us out of the national news". It certainly did not keep us out of the national news. You're statement was completely wrong. You're entire first sentence just shows where you stand on this issue. You make false statements (kept us out of national news) and then change the argument when you get confronted on it. Shocking that some imbecile who uses that frame of logic would also make the statement "boycotting a bowl game in support of players that allegedly sexually assaulted a girl.". The boycott was about due process.

How is that a rhetorical response? Do you know what that means?

But just so we're clear:
(1) He did NOT keep us out of national news - - > We both agree on that.
(2) He did NOT buy any time - - > We both agree on that.
(3) You do not understand how to use rhetorical devices - - > see thread.

So, every single thing was wrong about post. That's truly impressive.

That's not true at all.
He kept us out of national news in that we're not currently the headline story on CNN about how our team boycotted a bowl game in support of rapist's (which is what that headline would have read).
Jerry Kill running his mouth on ESPN is not 'national news'.
We do both agree that he didn't buy any time, but he was likely looking and had a list of agent contacts ready-to-go as soon as he fired Tracy.
You can twist it anyway you want, he did what he had to do give the circumstances.

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