Denzell Perine commits to FIU

Since you are calling me a liar, I am going to take issue with this.

Since scoring a 36 on the PSAT could be achieved by a monkey randomly filling in circles, I'm going to say that scoring a 36 on that and scoring a 36 on the ACT are rather discordant.

I was in the honors program at the U. I met literally hundreds of the "best and brightest" across virtually all disciplines from chemical engineering to history to music to journalism to economics to animal science and back. Since we were all huge nerds, of course we would compare our class ranks, standardized test scores, etc. I myself scored a 32 on the ACT, and while I met several people who scored a 34, and even a few here and there who scored a 35, I never met a single person who scored a 36. Not one. And since less than 1 out of every 1,000 students who takes the ACT scores a 36, well...I'm not calling you a liar, but I'm saying that I don't believe you.

This is all just flinging monkey poo at each other, as there is no way for you to prove it, and no way for me to disprove it. I'm just going to go on record as saying that I don't believe you. Sorry if that is a problem.
I went to high school with 3 others who received 36's. The certain Education program I went into had a total of 6. In the past, the PSAT was scored the same as the ACT, so back then 36 was also a perfect score. I have two cousins who have also score 36s on the ACT. Sorry, but you are wrong and continue to be the only poo flinging monkey here.

I also knew a couple people who got a 36 on their ACT but they were all absolute geniuses. Both of them went to Ivy League schools out of HS and neither one of them received anything but an A throughout HS (without really trying). I'm not saying that it is not possible to get 36 on your ACT with a 2.5 GPA, but most people who are even in the 30's on their ACT could sleep through HS and get a 4.0.

If it is any comfort to you I personally know one person that scored a 36, a nice young lady that took the full ride that Tulsa offered her for the score. I also know three others that scored 34 or 35 two of which are attending the U. This is in a small population from the last three years at our high school. So Iam just saying th e36 ACT might not have been impossible. I believe he was a little confused about the PSAT score as that is a different scoring system. I wonder if he qualified as a National Merit Scholar?

In the past, the PSAT was scored the same as the ACT, so back then 36 was also a perfect score.

False. Are you thinking of the PLAN? The PSAT and ACT aren't related and aren't even the same type of test, so why would they both be scored under the exact same matrix?

The PSAT is, and has always been, scored to a maximum of 240 since its creation and implementation. Someone who actually took it and would remember their ACT score from however long ago would know this.

Good lord. Move this to the off topic board or just p.m. each other.

This is worse than listening to KFAN.

Good lord. Move this to the off topic board or just p.m. each other.

This is worse than listening to KFAN.

No one is prying your eyes open, strapping you to your chair and forcing you to stay on this thread, refreshing it ad infinitum.

I don't know...maybe, don't click on the link?

I don't know...maybe, don't click on the link?

If it were titled "Useless pissing contest" I wouldn't. I thought there might be some additional information about Denzell Perine somehow buried in this Denzell Perine thread. Silly me.

My friend scored a perfect score on the ACT and had to retake the test 2 separate times to make prove he didn't cheat. I'm calling bs that you got a perfect score.

Thank you, but I will request that I be known by the Latin title, Rex Anglorum, or less awesomely, Head of the Commonwealth. Either of these are more badass than a name that makes me look like I have the munchies.

How about we just roll with Your Majesty, Your Majesty? And not to butt in on your conversation, but if that other guy doesn't want to accept the invitation to your coronation, then I will, provided you pay for my round tip tricket to London and back. Mmmkay? Great, great...

So why don't you have your people call my people, and we'll get this all arranged!

I also knew a couple people who got a 36 on their ACT but they were all absolute geniuses. Both of them went to Ivy League schools out of HS and neither one of them received anything but an A throughout HS (without really trying). I'm not saying that it is not possible to get 36 on your ACT with a 2.5 GPA, but most people who are even in the 30's on their ACT could sleep through HS and get a 4.0.

I slept through highschool and was Valedictorian, but only got a 32 on the ACT.

I'm smarter than everyone. If you don't believe me, I don't fukin care

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