Denzell Perine commits to FIU

We'll see if he cancels his trip tomorrow to MN.

I don't know anything about this guy, but maybe we will get a committment from Wedley Estime now.

Did Denzell have a chance at being admitted at the U?

Where does it say he's committed? He's not listed on their commitment page. It says he's high on FIU but not committed.

It has changed twice today. He was committed earlier today and now just listed them as High. I assume he is still coming here tomorrow. Kill will get the job done I hope, but then Kill might read the kid as not really wanting to be a Gopher.

From what I have read, Perine will still be visiting this weekend.

Based on what?

I doubt it with a 2.5 gpa. He might be a good football player but I would question his ability to remain eligible here.

I entered the "U" system (UMD, Then the "U") with that GPA, and left it with a 3.75 in a tough program. Test scores might make up the difference, as it did in my case. An easy qualifying score (36 on the ACT) versus having to take it over and over again. I think we get a little excitable sometimes and need to let things happen, then comment. Now if I will only take my own advice...

I entered the "U" system (UMD, Then the "U") with that GPA, and left it with a 3.75 in a tough program. Test scores might make up the difference, as it did in my case. An easy qualifying score (36 on the ACT) versus having to take it over and over again. I think we get a little excitable sometimes and need to let things happen, then comment. Now if I will only take my own advice...

Sometimes kids are smart and don't take their studies seriously. Perine might not have realized he had potential to be a college football player and win a scholarship. Being smart doesn't automatically get you good grades, hard work does. I got As in classes I had no business getting As in because I showed up, did the work and demonstrated that I was serious about the class. That said, GPA is the best indicator of success in college.

A good buddy of mine from high school had like a 2.95 GPA in high school (not terrible but not good). He literally did nothing, at all. He went to college, decided he wanted to be a lawyer, and got top 99 percentile on the LSAT and admitted to Uchicago, Vandy, etc. Point is that a lot of people do not give a crap in high school. Also, and some may not agree, but high school is too easy for a lot of people. They can not ever do anything and pass by.

All i am trying to say is that a high school GPA means very little about overall intelligence. It can inflate ones supposed intellect or make them look erroneously stupid.

I entered the "U" system (UMD, Then the "U") with that GPA, and left it with a 3.75 in a tough program. Test scores might make up the difference, as it did in my case. An easy qualifying score (36 on the ACT) versus having to take it over and over again. I think we get a little excitable sometimes and need to let things happen, then comment. Now if I will only take my own advice...

Are you saying that you scored a 36 on the ACT?

Denzell Perine, another guy on the 'All Cool Names' list to have gone away. Ahh well, we're still in the mix for Wedley Estime, so hope lives!

All self-inflating aside, Denzell scored a 19 on his ACT and reports a 2.5 GPA.

So I will ask again, did Denzell have a chance at being admitted at the U?

All self-inflating aside, Denzell scored a 19 on his ACT and reports a 2.5 GPA.

So I will ask again, did Denzell have a chance at being admitted at the U?

Shouldn't be a problem as long as he has the right courses.

Denzell Perine, another guy on the 'All Cool Names' list to have gone away. Ahh well, we're still in the mix for Wedley Estime, so hope lives!

Where did he go? He is scheduled to be here today.

All self-inflating aside, Denzell scored a 19 on his ACT and reports a 2.5 GPA.

So I will ask again, did Denzell have a chance at being admitted at the U?

You can "get in" with that, specifically as an athlete I'm pretty sure. Otherwise, I doubt Kill would even be trying, you'd think they'd immediately go "Nah, he doesn't have a chance" and he'd move on.

Having a 2.5 doesn't mean he'll struggle in college either. Sometimes that can be a benefit, if you kind of struggled in HS, but found a way to develop good study habits in the end, college won't be much different in some regards. I went into college with a very high GPA, but I didn't work at it at all, and that first year was ridiculous how bad it was. I just wasn't ready for it, HS didn't prepare me at all to actually do things like study and read material for class LOL.

Well spotted

Are you saying that you scored a 36 on the ACT?

Yes that is what I said, and did. I had done it on the PSAT the year before, so it wasn't too unexpected, and lead to a ton of "why in the hell did you not do better in school" speeches from the parents. I tended to get "A"s in classes I cared about, "C"s in those I didn't and a few "B"s in some AP classes.

Yes that is what I said, and did. I had done it on the PSAT the year before, so it wasn't too unexpected, and lead to a ton of "why in the hell did you not do better in school" speeches from the parents.

I got those too after scoring 3rd in my class in the standard military math test while pulling home a D in algebra. Now that I'm a parent, I would'nt be able to speak with myself if this played out again. Funny how that works.

Was this aimed at me?

All self-inflating aside, Denzell scored a 19 on his ACT and reports a 2.5 GPA.

Are you making an accusation? I did that, sorry if you did not do so well. I would like an apology.
If not, I'm sorry if I misunderstood.

Yes that is what I said, and did. I had done it on the PSAT the year before, so it wasn't too unexpected, and lead to a ton of "why in the hell did you not do better in school" speeches from the parents. I tended to get "A"s in classes I cared about, "C"s in those I didn't and a few "B"s in some AP classes.

Oh, that's cool.

Hey, I'm being crowned King of England next Friday. I think there are still some open spots - wanna come to the coronation?

If you have something to say...

Oh, that's cool.

Hey, I'm being crowned King of England next Friday. I think there are still some open spots - wanna come to the coronation?

Say it. I received a 36 on both my PSAT and ACT. Sorry if that is a problem.

Awesome, your Highness.

Thank you, but I will request that I be known by the Latin title, Rex Anglorum, or less awesomely, Head of the Commonwealth. Either of these are more badass than a name that makes me look like I have the munchies.

I have that same problem.

I got those too after scoring 3rd in my class in the standard military math test while pulling home a D in algebra. Now that I'm a parent, I would'nt be able to speak with myself if this played out again. Funny how that works.

I tend to go watch TV and let the wife have this discussion. I don't think I would be able to keep a straight face if I was that much of a hypocrite. I guess what goes around does come around.

Say it. I received a 36 on both my PSAT and ACT. Sorry if that is a problem.

Since scoring a 36 on the PSAT could be achieved by a monkey randomly filling in circles, I'm going to say that scoring a 36 on that and scoring a 36 on the ACT are rather discordant.

I was in the honors program at the U. I met literally hundreds of the "best and brightest" across virtually all disciplines from chemical engineering to history to music to journalism to economics to animal science and back. Since we were all huge nerds, of course we would compare our class ranks, standardized test scores, etc. I myself scored a 32 on the ACT, and while I met several people who scored a 34, and even a few here and there who scored a 35, I never met a single person who scored a 36. Not one. And since less than 1 out of every 1,000 students who takes the ACT scores a 36, well...I'm not calling you a liar, but I'm saying that I don't believe you.

This is all just flinging monkey poo at each other, as there is no way for you to prove it, and no way for me to disprove it. I'm just going to go on record as saying that I don't believe you. Sorry if that is a problem.

Since scoring a 36 on the PSAT could be achieved by a monkey randomly filling in circles, I'm going to say that scoring a 36 on that and scoring a 36 on the ACT are rather discordant.

I was in the honors program at the U. I met literally hundreds of the "best and brightest" across virtually all disciplines from chemical engineering to history to music to journalism to economics to animal science and back. Since we were all huge nerds, of course we would compare our class ranks, standardized test scores, etc. I myself scored a 32 on the ACT, and while I met several people who scored a 34, and even a few here and there who scored a 35, I never met a single person who scored a 36. Not one. And since less than 1 out of every 1,000 students who takes the ACT scores a 36, well...I'm not calling you a liar, but I'm saying that I don't believe you.

This is all just flinging monkey poo at each other, as there is no way for you to prove it, and no way for me to disprove it. I'm just going to go on record as saying that I don't believe you. Sorry if that is a problem.

I've met quite a few, but then again, my wife is at Caltech. They tend to attract those types. I can promise you that none of them pulled a 2.5 GPA in high school. That doesn't make it impossible.

Of the people I know that have accomplished that, it is a combination of high intelligence and working hard to prepare themselves for how to take the test.

I highly doubt an individual with a 2.5 GPA could manage a 36, but I'm sure it has happened before and it will happen again.

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