Denver Post: CSU football's to-do list includes beating Minnesota


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Nov 11, 2008
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per the Denver Post:

Minnesota at CSU

A look at three key story lines for Saturday's game in Fort Collins:

1) Can the Rams mount an effective running game against the strong Minn- esota defense?

Whether running back Treyous Jarrells, who missed the opener after arthroscopic knee surgery, gets significant work or otherwise, CSU must have a balanced attack to have a chance to win.

2) Can quarterback Nick Stevens build off the confidence-boosting exerience of making his first career start against a hapless opponent?

Yes, he looked good against Savannah State, but...

3) Can the Gophers eat up yardage on the ground with senior Rodrick Williams and freshman Rodney Smith?

After losing standout RB David Cobb to the Tennessee Titans, Minnesota still depends on its running game.

Go Gophers!!

Their "to-do list" should include keeping it close against Minnesota.

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