Decker is a man


Importer Exporter
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
The guy makes an incredible TD catch in the corner of the end zone, gets a pop in the helmet (cheap shot?) and hangs on to the football. I couldn't believe he made the catch after I saw him rolling around on the ground with blood coming out of his mouth.

I also really like how Stoudermire is looking today -- Weber is doing a great job of not staring down Decker!

not a cheap shot.. hit was legit. But yea, Decker is a golden god.

Cals kind of a punk team though. Whats with all this flashy stuff? Just play.

I loved the flop when Stoudermire pushed their DB. He looked like he was taking classes from Greg Paulus.

I thought it may have been a cheap shot (Bryant Allen's hit, too) because it looked like they lead with their helmets. Did they make a rule change about that? Or is that NFL?

Not a cheap shot, in so much as he wasn't intending to, but it was a penalty that should have been called.

I loved the flop when Stoudermire pushed their DB. He looked like he was taking classes from Greg Paulus.

I thought it may have been a cheap shot (Bryant Allen's hit, too) because it looked like they lead with their helmets. Did they make a rule change about that? Or is that NFL?

He didn't lead with the top of the helmet, I don't think they view facemask tackles the same way.......

Okay, thanks for clarifying. I'm at a bar and they have the Michigan game on so I can't hear what any of the calls are.

I loved the flop when Stoudermire pushed their DB. He looked like he was taking classes from Greg Paulus.

I thought it may have been a cheap shot (Bryant Allen's hit, too) because it looked like they lead with their helmets. Did they make a rule change about that? Or is that NFL?

HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Yeah, I started LMAO when I seen him fall down. HAHAHA I can't stop laughing about it....just rediculous.

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