Decker Hurt and out


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Nov 12, 2008
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Decker was hit on the knee in the Denver Pittsburgh game and is out for the rest of the game.

I sure hope that wasn't an ACL injury but it looked troubling.

Reminded me of some of the ACL injury hits that have been occurring over the last few weeks. It would be sad to see him miss the rest of the playoffs if they win this game.

Hope he is ok. One of the best Gophers in a long time, and by all accounts a good guy.

you forgot to mention one of the key facts of that hit. it was from that dirt-bag, cheap shot artist james harrison. the guy intentionally tries to injure players. should be tossed from the league or suspended for a long time without pay. surprised someone hasn't tried to take harrison's cheap ass out yet.

you forgot to mention one of the key facts of that hit. it was from that dirt-bag, cheap shot artist james harrison. the guy intentionally tries to injure players. should be tossed from the league or suspended for a long time without pay. surprised someone hasn't tried to take harrison's cheap ass out yet.
I agree, this type of player should be tossed!

I agree that Harrison is kinda a dirt-bag but that play wasn't cheap at all in my opinion. With them calling so many "hit to the head of a defenseless receiver" personal fouls now days, more defensive players are going to go low which won't be good as well.

From the Denver Post:

"Updating a previous item, the Denver Post reports that Eric Decker is believed to have suffered an MCL sprain in Sunday's Wild Card win over the Steelers, not a torn ACL as originally thought.
Decker is likely done for the postseason, but his 2012 outlook would be much more positive on an MCL sprain as opposed to an anterior cruciate ligament tear. According to the Post, "the injury turned out to be not as serious as it looked." Decker will undergo a Monday MRI to confirm the severity. Jan 8 - 9:35 PM"

Go Gophers!!

Harrison is so cheap - that was a real shot at Deckers knee.

Calling Harrisons shot cheap is ridiculous. He's been fined hundreds of thousands of dollars for going high. He doesn't go high and deckers foot happens to stick. Probably the cleanest hit Harrison has had all year.

Decker has always had injury problems unfortunately. The good thing for him is that he has always bounced back to play at a high level.

james harrison and the steelers organization...suck it! harrison is the biggest coward I have ever seen play football. someone should take him out. Good to see good guys win and the steelers go home early!

Calling Harrisons shot cheap is ridiculous. He's been fined hundreds of thousands of dollars for going high. He doesn't go high and deckers foot happens to stick. Probably the cleanest hit Harrison has had all year.

harrison is way too much of a pussy to try and hit someone in their body! He'll take the head or knee, probably got taught by a coach like rosemountain - the football genius.

It wasn't dirty. I hated seeing Decker go down, but it's football, people get hurt.

The game of football (esp at that level) moves so quickly that it is quite tough to intentionally try to line a guy up and cheap shot someone. It looked like "see ball, see player, hit player" to me, nothing more.

If Tebow didn't lead him in to Harrison, this wouldn't have happened. Not a dirty hit, but a receiver has a certain trust with his QB to not put him in certain situations. I hope it's just an MCL sprain and that Decker will be full go for camp. Usually there is a test that a trainer can do immediately to tell if the ACL is intact or not. It worried me when word came immediately that Decker was out for the game. I thought they already knew it was an ACL at that point.

Decker went over the middle for the team, not Tebow. The broncos won because:
1) The safety was scratched or he dies. The newb blew it in ot.
2) The steeler d-line lost 2 starters the first 5 minutes.
3) ike Taylor played the worst game in the history of db's
4) Oh, The steeler qb played with one leg.
Tebow, and the spread option offense is a joke. Please don't shove the john 3:16 crap in my face.

Harrison is so cheap - that was a real shot at Deckers knee.

I agree it was a cheap shot. I am surprised more players are not wearing knee braces like the o-line, that protect acl and mcl's. They are great, I know from personal experience.

I know people will say they restrict movement and that is a bunch of bull.

Great win for The Broncos!!! Can't wait for the next SNL skit about Tebow!!!!

I agree it was a cheap shot. I am surprised more players are not wearing knee braces like the o-line, that protect acl and mcl's. They are great, I know from personal experience.

I know people will say they restrict movement and that is a bunch of bull.

Great win for The Broncos!!! Can't wait for the next SNL skit about Tebow!!!!

Which knee? Left knee, right knee, hynee, kidney, or weenee? :)

good one Dr. btw, did you see I nominated you for the AD position!!!

Which Knee?

good one Dr. btw, did you see I nominated you for the AD position!!!

Bad mistake! It has been reported that the good Doctor has been sending out picture of his knees per the following question from him "Which knee? Left knee, right knee, hynee, kidney, or weenee?"

What ever happened to "hit 'em high, hit 'em low"?

Now it's "Don't touch their head, watch out for their knees. Make sure you don't hurt 'em!"

What ever happened to "hit 'em high, hit 'em low"?

Now it's "Don't touch their head, watch out for their knees. Make sure you don't hurt 'em!"

I suppose we could go back to the good old days, when football was in danger of being banned because so many players were getting killed. That concussions weren't taken seriously in the past doesn't mean they weren't serious. To deliberately attempt to take out someone's knees has been a no-no for a very long time.

Decker went over the middle for the team, not Tebow. The broncos won because:
1) The safety was scratched or he dies. The newb blew it in ot.
2) The steeler d-line lost 2 starters the first 5 minutes.
3) ike Taylor played the worst game in the history of db's
4) Oh, The steeler qb played with one leg.
Tebow, and the spread option offense is a joke. Please don't shove the john 3:16 crap in my face.
They also scored more points that the Pitt did...

Decker went over the middle for the team, not Tebow. The broncos won because:
1) The safety was scratched or he dies. The newb blew it in ot.
2) The steeler d-line lost 2 starters the first 5 minutes.
3) ike Taylor played the worst game in the history of db's
4) Oh, The steeler qb played with one leg.
Tebow, and the spread option offense is a joke. Please don't shove the john 3:16 crap in my face.[/QUOTE]

As annoying as many may find the "John 3:16 crap," I find this response just as annoying. No one is shoving it in YOUR face. No one knows or cares who you are. If you don't like it don't watch! Do we really need to act like a victim when watching a FB game. Be a man and tune out what you don't like. Husbands do this all the time.

As annoying as many may find the "John 3:16 crap," I find this response just as annoying. No one is shoving it in YOUR face. No one knows or cares who you are. If you don't like it don't watch! Do we really need to act like a victim when watching a FB game. Be a man and tune out what you don't like. Husbands do this all the time.

Now who is playing the victim...

Bad mistake! It has been reported that the good Doctor has been sending out picture of his knees per the following question from him "Which knee? Left knee, right knee, hynee, kidney, or weenee?"

Link please.

I think a play can be both legal and dirty and this was both. Watch Harrison. Wouldn't you think a guy would open his arms if he was trying to tackle someone? He didn't. He clearly launched himself with nothing but his head & shoulders with no intention of tackling.

Legal, but dirty.

I think a play can be both legal and dirty and this was both. Watch Harrison. Wouldn't you think a guy would open his arms if he was trying to tackle someone? He didn't. He clearly launched himself with nothing but his head & shoulders with no intention of tackling.

Legal, but dirty.

Good Point!!! Legal but dirty!!


I give you a point, go ahead pass go and collect your $200

Not a dirty hit at all. Tons of players don't open their arms when they tackle, it is why tackling is so horrible in football. As fast as the game is played today, you can't fault harrison for that hit. Would you be saying it was a dirty hit if Decker didn't get hurt? No chance.

I think Mark Schlereth(sp) summed it up pretty well with the new tackling rules. Either you go high and risk giving the guy a concussion and knock him out of a game or two, or go low and risk ruining someone's career. It is what it is, just bad luck for Decker.

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