dead last in b10 next year

I'll follow up GopherOhana's point.

Let's flip it around.

Please provide insightful analysis as to why next year will be BETTER than this year. Recent data clearly indicates a linear downward trend. What happens to break it?

The Gophers will be BETTER next season because they'll have a decent PG filling in for Nolen, an athletic two guard named ANDRE Hollins and a beast in the middle named Mbakwe. Throw in Mo Walker at center and Sharp shooter Oto on the perimeter and you have a recipe for a successful season. Barring injury, I see 10 BT wins in 2011-12. Seriously.

Recent data? One down season? You'd make a SPECTACULAR statistician, buddy.

You see one down season, I see 10 down games, IN A ROW (with one statistical anomaly thrown in)

Were you investing in real estate in 2008 because 2007 was just one down year? Personally I was avoiding it because the previous 10 months had indicated the situation was worsening, but hey that's just me. My spectacular statistical analysis has treated me just fine thanks much.

Originally Posted by dboy
section, at least you're not PMing me obscenities today... my how you've grown.

and i should be banned??

You in fact are banned. Nice work.

The first smile on my face all day.


Originally Posted by Section201
Yeah, no bunnies !

section, at least you're not PMing me obscenities today... my how you've grown.

and i should be banned??



Let's be clear. I have never sent you obscenities via PM or any other mechanism. I have in fact never sent you a PM.

I am proud of that.

For those of you calling for Tubby's head...

Do you really think that this program is going to attract a better coach/recruiter than Tubby?

What do you expect from a college basketball coach, do you expect him to be a miracle worker?

First it's Royce White, impossible to predict that whole episode, I'm sure that Royce told him that his troubled past was behind him. And what do you expect him to do, turn down a nationally ranked top 25 recruit?

Don't forget that this program lost some experience at Forward this offseason when Paul Carter transferred for personal reasons, again nothing to do with Tubby.

Then Devoe comes into Tubby's office demanding more playing time.. what would you do as a coach? Do you give in and show him and the team that you don't actually have control? Or do you do the appropriate thing and decline respectfully?

Then you lose Al Nolen who is your best perimeter defender, the leader of your offense, and truthfully best all around player to a season ending injury.

Did anybody on this board really expect that this team was going to have a successful end to this season with everything negative happening?

Last I checked, most teams with 3 generally untalented true freshmen getting significant minutes don't fare too well..


GopherHoopsFan - Optomistic about program's future.... with Tubby at the helm

There will be a lot of skepticism going into next year. Hard to win with no experienced guard play.

You see one down season, I see 10 down games, IN A ROW (with one statistical anomaly thrown in)

Were you investing in real estate in 2008 because 2007 was just one down year? Personally I was avoiding it because the previous 10 months had indicated the situation was worsening, but hey that's just me. My spectacular statistical analysis has treated me just fine thanks much.

Ha, nice try, buddy. Troll elsewhere.

This may be controversial, but i just don't think we are going to miss Hoff much. You just can't have a 2 guard that is unable defend or penetrate. The loss of Al really showed how much of a 1 dimentional player Hoff was - catch and shoot. He is absolutely painful to watch on the defensive end, and has no chance to prevent penetration. On a good team, Hoff would have been a shooting specialist. I will agree that Blake was pretty good in a 3 guard offense like last year.

If they can replace his points i would agree with you. It will be interesting to see if the offensive sets improve next year with a more athletic team.

To "if's" in regards to next year.

1. Does Trevor bolt?
2. What about Ralph? ( Papa pushing him toward the NBA)
3. Iverson a shadow of what he was late last year.
4. Anybody can be a great shooter during practice ( Otto)
5. Will Coleman and Hollins be freshmen of influence?
6. Who survives Maverick or Chip? One will be gone.
7. Will Mo be 100 %?
8. Do we get the point guard we are after?
9. If he stays, will Rodney still be a dunk specialist?
10. Does Tubby still have fire in his belly?
Summary: That is alot of "if's" for predicting 10 wins in the Big Ten

1. Does Trevor bolt?
2. What about Ralph? ( Papa pushing him toward the NBA)
3. Iverson a shadow of what he was late last year.
4. Anybody can be a great shooter during practice ( Otto)
5. Will Coleman and Hollins be freshmen of influence?
6. Who survives Maverick or Chip? One will be gone.
7. Will Mo be 100 %?
8. Do we get the point guard we are after?
9. If he stays, will Rodney still be a dunk specialist?
10. Does Tubby still have fire in his belly?
Summary: That is alot of "if's" for predicting 10 wins in the Big Ten

I do have some questions about Tubby but I don't doubt he still has the fire.

They other 'ifs' are all legitimate.

Why are people so confident that Chip isn't going to be a part of the squad next year? Is it because he may pursue football instead? transfer? I had seen that he may decide to go with football, but if not, i don't see him leaving. Not positive on his minutes, but he has got plenty as a freshman. I definitely like his potential and would be disappointed if he wasn't back next season

Next year will be very interesting. We will be better, but I agree with the poster who hopes a couple of players leave on their own for a place that fits them better.

My opinion would be that we'll be solidly in the field of 68 next year

Without Williams, Mbakwe, Nolen, Sampson, Hoffarber and Armelin ... I just don't see it. Who is going to score, who is going to rebound, who is going to defend ... the questions go on and on. A Calipari-type recruiting class would be needed to overcome those losses.

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