WHAT on earth are you trying to say eg#9????????? Why hasn't Minnesota won a Conference championship...even tied for a conference championship since 1967??????? And then they tied for the Conference championship with Purdue and Indidan.
If you try that lame old excuse that they haven't had coaches good enough...you HAVE to point your finger directly at the administration of the University of Minnesota. THE ADMINISTRATION hires the coaches...fires the coaches and hires the replacement coaches. They did not really WANT to win a championship in 44 years so they purposly hired bad coaches and couldn't find decent replacement coaches??????? Is that also why the administration abandoned the BRICK HOUSE?????????? Is that why the administration accepted a place to play in which the Gophers ranked in importance BEHIND the twins and vikings???????? Has the administration been totally inept, incapable of making good hires, totally incompetent since 1967????? It would certainly seem so when evaluating the plight of the football program.
It is so easy for you to try to say that the Gophers SHOULD not be considered with that list of teams...but...WHAT is the reality of the situation eg#9?????? What are you smoking down there in iowa eg#9??????? The administration at the University of Minnesota has gotten exactly what the administration at the University of Minnesota has WANTED and has SUPPORTED and has bought and has paid for regarding the football program. Ever since 1967.
I stand by what I say: ALWAYS!
; 0 )