D-Line Injuries From Strib

It's that kind of mentality that contributes to our putrid following in the metro. If people are going to invest time and money in following a team, they should know the health of the players they are investing their time and money in.

I bet it doesn't take a week to find out if someone tears an ACL at Wisconsin or Iowa.

Maybe you haven't been following the Wisconsin drama this week, but nobody has any idea over there whether their best QB OR their best RB is healthy...so, there's that

Transparency with the fan base (to a certain extent), is important in driving interest.

Do you think the guys at the Oregon tailgates on Saturday morning have to wonder if the injury their starting DT suffered a week prior is season ending or not?

The casual fair weather fan isn't gonna care, but I'd hope the U is interested in attracting a better caliber of fan.

They don't need to attract the higher caliber fan; that guy is coming to the game regardless. They need to worry about attracting the more casual fan. The casual fan attendance is what determines whether or not the stadium is filled or not.

Quote Originally Posted by tinyarch View Post

This may sound cynical, but it's an honest question.

Didn't Coach Kill infer that the reason he was bringing in his own strength and conditioning coach was to make our kids bigger and stronger? Why then have we had such a string of consistent injuries on the Offensive and Defensive line? I'm not trying to make any accusations, I'm just trying to figure out why we've always got guys injured. Is this just a common thing for all programs?

It's a fair question.

The question was a ridiculous question, in fact the whole premise made no sense, Almost every major college football coach has his "own" strength and conditioning coach, so Kill did not "bring anyone in" in a deviation from standard practice.

Every football coach other than the old St. Johns coach, talks about making the team faster and stronger, so I guess I really do not understand what the point is. Yes, players getting injured is a common thing for all programs over time.

Sometimes players get injured in bunches, so what? Injuries are random events. Just because a series of players get hurt in short period of time, it does not logically follow that firm statistical interpretations can or ever should be made from that small sample size.

Injuries happen to EVERY team over the course of the year.

Nebraska had 3-4 lost for the year in one day earlier this year.

NW lost a starter for the year.

OSU lost Braxton for the year.

MSU's QB Cook was injured in their game Sat, and the significance is unknown.

As mentioned, Wisky has some injuries as well.

That's just off the top of my head. It's happening all over the conference, and to powerhouse programs as well. Let's not act like it's just our program and how Kill is running it that our players get hurt.

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