D.L. Wilhite


Aug 12, 2009
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Did anyone happen to see D.L Wilhite cussing out Brewster after his face mask penalty on the open drive after halftime? Wilhite got called for a face mask on a sack of the QB and Brewster went up to him to have a chat. Whilhite went off on him and was dropping f bombs in his face. Brewster had to physically grab his arm to keep him under control. If this would have happened at a big time program it would have been all over ESPN.

Wilhite was ticked and using profanity, but it wasn't directed towards Brewster. It was in response to Ryan Collado getting in his face on his way off the field. Wilhite looked bad in the interaction - no doubt - but that tv clip didn't tell the real story. Wilhite didn't appreciate Collado getting on him. Fingerpointing is common when no one can explain what the hell is going on.

A facemask is not a team penalty, it's a player penalty... Wilhite needs to own up to his mistake.

BREW loved it as it was just another excuse for losing!!!!!!! it was the refs!!!!......... just a few plays away from 5 and 1 !!!!

That's the 2nd time a facemask penalty has screwed up one of our rare sacks. I'm not sure what Wilhite was saying "Coach, his facemask got tangled up in my fingers". Both times cost us a chance to get off the field. I have to think that some of this is on the coaching. There are many proper ways to take down the QB. Pulling a move that would be illegal in Mortal Kombat isn't one of them.

There were several signs yesterday that the team is on very thin ice from a morale & discipline standpoint
a)The Wilhite incident
b)Lair getting alligator arms on that pass play across the middle
c)Weber chewing out his receiver and gesturing on the field when he (Allen, I think) ran the wrong route

Any one of these can be explained away as the heat of the moment, but where there's smoke, there's fire

Wilhite comes from a good family and from what I understand is a really good guy. If Collado of all people really got in his face, Wilhite was right to go off like he did. Just my opinion.

Willhite got called for a personal foul a couple of plays before the facemask which negated a holding call on the Badgers. It was another terrible call by the refs. Tolzein hands the ball off and fakes a bootleg run. Willhite tackles him. Personal foul.....absolute BS. If the QB wants to act like he has the ball, he should get hit. This was on the same drive with the infamous "stopped forward progress" call....:mad::mad:

T I have to think that some of this is on the coaching. There are many proper ways to take down the QB.

Oh please, those guys are fighting to get their hands on anything to bring the QB down. Unfortunately, by accident, they get the mask on occasion. I think that people who have played tackle football would give Wilhite some slack on this one.

Did anyone happen to see D.L Wilhite cussing out Brewster after his face mask penalty on the open drive after halftime? Wilhite got called for a face mask on a sack of the QB and Brewster went up to him to have a chat. Whilhite went off on him and was dropping f bombs in his face. Brewster had to physically grab his arm to keep him under control. If this would have happened at a big time program it would have been all over ESPN.

But he's such a stand-up kid from a model family. I, I, I just don't believe it.

Your kidding me......the kid f---ed up and someone called him on it and he is mad? What a joke.

anyone who has acually played at this level knows that that little outbursts like this are commen on any team. these are grown men playing a very stressfull demading sport. emotions run hot.

anyone who has acually played at this level knows that that little outbursts like this are commen on any team. these are grown men playing a very stressfull demading sport. emotions run hot.

1+ This young man was real close to making a big play for his team, instead it turned into a big negative play. Don't remember the play exactly, but as he was getting to the QB I think the QB was ducking. Unfortunate situation, but one that came from effort.

give the kid a break. he was frustrated with himself mostly and really didn't a teammate to call him out. He knew what he did was wrong. Tempers fly during a football. No problem with this whatsoever.

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