Cut Bait or Wait?


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Jun 5, 2009
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I have been a Tim Brewster apologist, but tonight sealed it for me. Seeing NDSU kick the crap out of South Dakota and this performance against NIU; I'm done. I truly feel that Tim Brewster has no idea how to be a head coach or put a gameplan together. We completely lost any momemtum this program had going into a new stadium. What a waste of the past 4 years.

With that said, we aren't getting a big name coach to take over this mess, so can I throw out Craig Bohl's name from NDSU? He at least knows how to bounce back after a subpar year, and seems to be a great game planner. He has roots with the Huskers program.

By the way, I say cut bait. This is a disaster.

I was on board with giving him the whole year even after the USD loss....after this, time for him to pack his bags NOW

With the state of the program I still think we would have some serious interest from some decent big name coaches. You have a brand new state of the art stadium, you are guaranteed to play Michigan, Michigan State, Wisconsin, Iowa and Nebraska every year.

Coaches have to be intrigued by that I would think.

Why can't we get a good coach in here? At one time, we made Mason one of the ten highest paid coaches in the entire country.

how can you be okay after the usd loss, but at your wit's end with a loss to niu??? NIU has talent light years ahead of 8 or 9 win type team would have won this game by 3 touchdowns, easy.

We need an athletic director competent enough to hire the right guy. He got sold a bill of goods last time. I would rather have a successful D-1 subdivision coach then a retread BCS coach.

Lame duck President. Lame AD. Nothing is going to happen.

Sh*t BarnBoy, I think you're right. This is a putrid program and there's no reason for hope or belief that it will turn around. UNBELIEVABLE.

Can't really tell if you're being sarcstic. I am dead serious.

By now, everyone knows that Brewster is going to be gone at the end of the season. The interested coaches are paying attention. I'm not sure anything would be accomplished by firing Brewster now. It's sort of like in baseball when you're getting beaten badly, and you make the starting pitcher finish the game so you don't wear out your bullpen in a disastrous game.

It might be satisfying to fire him now, but I'm not sure if it does us any actual good. I think we will have a new coach named very shortly after the final game.

At this point, I'd be satisfied with a coach who would use us as a springboard to another job. If the new coach can get a new job in a few years, that would indicate the he has improved the Gophers. Holtz took the Gophers out of the gutter, and let them good enough that Gutey could coast with them.

without a decent football budget, no big name is coming here. the board has never really cared about winning. having the smallest budget gets you what you pay for. brewster needs to go NOW though. it's really enough now.

I'd like to look hard at Al Golden from Temple. Anyone that can turn around a program that was ready to go FCS into a decent team that gave Penn St. all they wanted today is worth looking at. He's a leader and can coach. I can't believe it would be that hard to get him out of Temple.

without a decent football budget, no big name is coming here. the board has never really cared about winning. having the smallest budget gets you what you pay for. brewster needs to go NOW though. it's really enough now.

Good Lord...the budget is 7th in the Big Ten and the team is 11th in performance on the field. Stop blaming the budget.

Good Lord...the budget is 7th in the Big Ten and the team is 11th in performance on the field. Stop blaming the budget.

No kidding, there were qualified coaches that were interested when Brewster was hired for the salary he received. Maturi just picked the least qualified. Budget is an excuse.

"run, run, pass


~The Brew

On second thought, this is the worst of a long line of incompetent coaches here. How can any coach got 0-3 at home with this schedule? This is just a bad joke that is can't be true, but it is. We are the Cubs of college football!

"run, run, pass


~The Brew

Haha, this reminds me of a rendition of the Rouser that I saw somewhere...

Minnesota, give me a break,
On the field you guys don't even rate,
Come January you'll be at home,
Around the edge and stopped in front,
Run, run, pass, punt
The same s*** every game!

Haha, this reminds me of a rendition of the Rouser that I saw somewhere...

Minnesota, give me a break,
On the field you guys don't even rate,
Come January you'll be at home,
Around the edge and stopped in front,
Run, run, pass, punt
The same s*** every game!

whats really sad though is thats what actually happens ever 4 downs. run run pass. for *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#s sake a 7 year old playing madden is less predictable than brew. i can count on one hand the number of times we've passed from an I formation and run from a 3 wide set. give us some goddamn variety if youre going to fail, at least show us youre TRYING

Can't win here?

The stadium is fantastic, the band is fantastic, Mpls is a great city... everything is great until the game starts... You can't get a winning team here? I don't believe it ! Joel had better be getting prospects lined up soon - do a Tubby for the football team.

Maturi needs to go before there can be any chance of this program turning around. Brew's record has been brutal and his incessant big promises have provided the nails for his own coffin. Until a new AD gets here and makes football a real priority, this will never get better. The only thing left this season is to see if that number is the loss column can hit double digits, I say yes.

There is no way this team will win four more games, so like it or not, Maturi will be hiring the new coach.

This team won't win another game regardless of who the coach is. Why wait?

thank god Joel gave Timmy that extension. It has really really helped recruiting. Brew can really really recruit.

thank god Joel gave Timmy that extension. It has really really helped recruiting. Brew can really really recruit.

Actually yes, it is good he got the extension. It provided stability for recruiting (whatever you think of his recruiting its better to have the stability than not) while reducing the buyout to make it even easier to fire him.

There's only three reasons that firing him now makes sense. One is if there's someone on staff who you think is a viable candidate long-term (there isn't). Second is to be able to more freely begin contact candidates whether directly or through back-channels. This is legitimate, but doing it now versus Nov. 15th is probably only a minor benefit, as most of the back-channel communication will occur either way.

The third reason is the reason I think there's a chance they will do it. And that's if the atmosphere around the program has become so toxic that you must do it to take the pressure off. If Brew is kept hanging around even though everyone now agrees that he's gone, the atmosphere in TCF over the remaining games will be morgue-like and likely have blocks of empty seats. Those that do still show up will not be happy. It was the prospect of this that caused Maturi to fire Monson 8 games into the basketball season, and I think he's in a similar spot now. While naming Horton or Cosgrove the interim coach isn't going to excite anyone and may not even win anymore games it will at least relieve the pressure. Once that's done, the focus can be on changing the direction of the program and who is best do it, and not one of anger, waiting for Brew's head to roll.

The third reason is the reason I think there's a chance they will do it. And that's if the atmosphere around the program has become so toxic that you must do it to take the pressure off. If Brew is kept hanging around even though everyone now agrees that he's gone, the atmosphere in TCF over the remaining games will be morgue-like and likely have blocks of empty seats. Those that do still show up will not be happy. It was the prospect of this that caused Maturi to fire Monson 8 games into the basketball season, and I think he's in a similar spot now. While naming Horton or Cosgrove the interim coach isn't going to excite anyone and may not even win anymore games it will at least relieve the pressure. Once that's done, the focus can be on changing the direction of the program and who is best do it, and not one of anger, waiting for Brew's head to roll.

I agree wholeheartedly with this take. There's a minor but not huge advantage to hiring a new coach in that you get a more official jump on the process. But at this point, it's about making the fans know you give a flying crap about the direction of the team. The actual outcome of games under an interim coach vs. Brewster is secondary. The perception of the entire administration's desire to field a good team is the primary issue now.

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