True. However, the Coaching Staff belated admitted that Mitch was hurt for a number of games early in the year. They needed to have
someone play QB if he couldn't. Streveler at least in games, couldn't throw. He was so bad that when he came in on the Wildcat, nobody on the Defense or in the stadium worried about him even trying to throw the ball. Probably up until the Nebraska game maybe even the Michigan game, they were concerned that Leidner wouldn't be able to hang in there much longer.
There was still about half the season to go, they had 4 wins and they had no back-up QB that they trusted to play, if they had to play him.
They then choose Croft.
Mitch has gotten healthy. He's played very well since that Nebraska game. Only would say that it's pointed out the major failure of this staff.
Even if Mitch had stayed healthy, 5 years in and they had
nobody on the bench that was capable of replacing a beaten-up QB for even half a game. Heck, maybe this season was a blessing in disguise. No decent High School QB would want to go to a school where the vast majority of time all he was able to do was turnaround and hand the ball off.
This year we've heard from some recruits that they've been told that the Gophers were indeed gonna "open things up". Some people that are now begrudgingly praising Leidner, were then screaming "No! Never! We only need to run the ball to win!" This year, with a guy at QB who has been more often than not, awful in his College Career, those High School kids have watched him direct an Offense that, "threw" the air at least, shredded 3 of the best Defenses in the country.
The Gophers better not want for a back-up QB again. Maybe even one who can not only throw the ball, but be able to take off an run when those Linebackers get out of the damn box and have to drop back into coverage.
That would open up all kinds of things wouldn't it.