Coyle on Johnson: "he clearly understands that winning is a big part of what we do here"


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Nov 11, 2008
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Per Marcus' Q&A:

Q: What conversations have you had with men's basketball coach Ben Johnson? How tough is it to be patient during a rebuild but wanting to see more success on the court?

What I really appreciate about Ben is he understands there's a sense of urgency. And we're going to do it the right way. Not for a second do I question Ben Johnson. I feel so fortunate to have an opportunity to work with him.

And what I appreciate about Ben is there is not an hour that goes by that I do not talk about NIL and the impact … He's built this program with younger kids. Those freshmen are now going to be sophomores. We have a talented freshmen class coming in. He signed some good recruits in the next couple years, so we'll continue to support him and to be patient with him.

But he clearly understands that winning is a big part of what we do here. And again, I have every bit of confidence in Coach Johnson. But we've got to build our NIL. We've got to give him the tools necessary to help him to continue to recruit.

Q: Are you concerned NIL will turn into a bidding war for the top athletes, and how do you compete if it does?

Yeah. NIL is not supposed to be used for recruiting. But that's what it's used for. And I'm so grateful for our coaches because we have not made false promises to kids. When we recruit, we tell kids if you have questions about NIL, you need to ask the kids on that team. And they can tell you what our NIL money looks like.

Jeremiah Carter is doing a wonderful job helping us organize our NIL and working with Dinkytown Athletes. But you're going to need NIL to be successful. It's not going away, and we've got to learn how to embrace it. And when we talk to donors and fans about it, they're trying to get their arms around it and understand what it is.

Go Gophers!!

Every time Coyle opens his mouth its an automatic cringe.
The nice thing is that it keeps me from trying to read into anything he says. If a competent AD said this, I would immediately think "that is a not so subtle warning shot." Coyle's lack of public speaking ability makes it clear that he has not ability to send a message through carefully crafted language, so whatever he said could mean one thing, or the opposite, or nothing at all. Maybe that's the genius of it, he botches all speaking opportunities so he doesn't have to worry about people reading between the lines.

Q&A with PP:

On men’s basketball coach Ben Johnson, you talk about all the elements you want to see from a program. But his team has had two straight last-place finishes in the Big Ten. From a competitive standpoint, what do you need to see from Ben in Year 3?​

Well, not acceptable. If Ben was sitting right here, he would tell you we’ve had this conversation multiple times: You need to win at this level. … I really appreciate the way Ben is doing things. Again, we talked about the sprint and the marathon mentality. He has been very deliberate. We’ve talked about this, how he wanted to build this program the right way. Very similar to P.J. P.J. talked about, we’ve got to remember when he got here, we talked about bringing in young kids, building it and letting it mature.

… We have a younger team. Obviously, our freshmen are now sophomores, Dawson Garcia is back. I like the freshmen that he brought in, so there’s no doubt in my mind it will be more competitive and we’ll have some more wins this year. … You’ve got to compete at a high level, and we have every expectation that we’ll do that.”

Go Gophers!!

Q&A with PP:

On men’s basketball coach Ben Johnson, you talk about all the elements you want to see from a program. But his team has had two straight last-place finishes in the Big Ten. From a competitive standpoint, what do you need to see from Ben in Year 3?​

Well, not acceptable. If Ben was sitting right here, he would tell you we’ve had this conversation multiple times: You need to win at this level. … I really appreciate the way Ben is doing things. Again, we talked about the sprint and the marathon mentality. He has been very deliberate. We’ve talked about this, how he wanted to build this program the right way. Very similar to P.J. P.J. talked about, we’ve got to remember when he got here, we talked about bringing in young kids, building it and letting it mature.

… We have a younger team. Obviously, our freshmen are now sophomores, Dawson Garcia is back. I like the freshmen that he brought in, so there’s no doubt in my mind it will be more competitive and we’ll have some more wins this year. … You’ve got to compete at a high level, and we have every expectation that we’ll do that.”

Go Gophers!!
I like the freshmen he has brought in but I also like the transfers. The new guards have more athletic ability for sure. Last years guards were exposed against Big Ten competition, Samuels right away and Cooper later. Cooper played hard and contributed a lot and had good play making skills (he set a program record for asists in a Big Ten Tournament game) - but lacked quickness and explosiveness necessary to be a top tier Big Point guard. Just my opinion. I wonder if Cooper will start at South Carolina. Lamont Paris is an amazing coach and has assembled a great roster. Paris was long time assistant at Wisconsin who brought University of Tennessee Chattanooga (Southern Conference) program to really unexpected and unprecedented level - they would have handled Gophers pretty soundly while he was there. In 2022 NCAA they were a #13 seed and lost to Illinois (#4) by one point. They beat us 76-53. Matt Ryan current Timberwolf was on that team.

Paris leveraged his results at UT-Chat to the SEC South Carolina job.

If you're waiting for Coyle to make some kind of definitive statement - such as "Johnson needs to win X # of games to keep his job," you will be waiting forever.

Coyle may very well have a number in his head that Johnson needs to hit, but Coyle is never going to make that public. It's just not his style.

and if or when Johnson is let go, it's a 100% lock that Coyle will handle that like he handled the Whalen firing/resignation. Lots of praise for Ben - we might even get the "mutual decision" line again.

I’m sure Ben is obsessing about winning. It’s the massive elephant room with this program and just like a thirsty person is desperate for water, Ben knows he needs wins.

We’ll see. He needs to produce this season.

PP: I thought it was Mark Coyle? PP? Paul Pierce....very, not that!
oh wait, I can click to expand, it does and at the bottom it says Pioneer Press....PP...well, of course.
That kind of day. :sneaky:

I’m sure Ben is obsessing about winning. It’s the massive elephant room with this program and just like a thirsty person is desperate for water, Ben knows he needs wins.

We’ll see. He needs to produce this season.
I don't think so. Ben's comments, Coyle's comments, the buyout, the we really don't want to fire this guy unless we have given him every chance possible to succeed cloud hanging over the all points to he has a fourth year in his pocket.

I don't think so. Ben's comments, Coyle's comments, the buyout, the we really don't want to fire this guy unless we have given him every chance possible to succeed cloud hanging over the all points to he has a fourth year in his pocket.
Sadly I'm in agreement... Unless things are just as bad as last year ...

BB people who know the talent on this team are not having serious conversations about his buyout. The only question remaining is defense. We have the athleticism for the defense to show up. That will be Thorson’s wheelhouse. He will get it done. The fear should not be Gopher BB. Focus your negativism on the winter weather.

This for this season. For 24 NIL and the portal will determine the success for obvious reasons.

1. You can’t keep this much talent on hold.

2. Is the culture strong enough to hold most of them?

This for this season. For 24 NIL and the portal will determine the success for obvious reasons.

1. You can’t keep this much talent on hold.

2. Is the culture strong enough to hold most of them?
3. Can't get excited over a crap schedule, so how do you get people to believe and return to the barn in that scenario

I don't think so. Ben's comments, Coyle's comments, the buyout, the we really don't want to fire this guy unless we have given him every chance possible to succeed cloud hanging over the all points to he has a fourth year in his pocket.
Likely barring another last place finish. Not sure what kind of AD would be able to stomach that.

I don't think so. Ben's comments, Coyle's comments, the buyout, the we really don't want to fire this guy unless we have given him every chance possible to succeed cloud hanging over the all points to he has a fourth year in his pocket.
I think there are levels.

If he has a mediocre season, I think he probably gets another year because we want to give him every chance to succeed.

If we finish 12th-14th, we have given him every opportunity to not fail miserably. It's time to move on.

There is a delta between success and miserable failure, I just can't imagine we go through another year and offseason of miserable failure (at least not the current version of it).

I think there are levels.

If he has a mediocre season, I think he probably gets another year because we want to give him every chance to succeed.

If we finish 12th-14th, we have given him every opportunity to not fail miserably. It's time to move on.

There is a delta between success and miserable failure, I just can't imagine we go through another year and offseason of miserable failure (at least not the current version of it).
I'm not saying what should be done or what I'd do. I saw enough in two years to tell me that competing for championships will not happen.
I'm saying what administration will do...I don't think 12th-14th alone matters. It's going to require scandal, transfers, or some type of unknown chaos or he's back....even at 12th thru 14th.
Not what i am in favor of...just what I see coming.

I'm not saying what should be done or what I'd do. I saw enough in two years to tell me that competing for championships will not happen.
I'm saying what administration will do...I don't think 12th-14th alone matters. It's going to require scandal, transfers, or some type of unknown chaos or he's back....even at 12th thru 14th.
Not what i am in favor of...just what I see coming.
Then why did Coyle fire Pitino?

BB people who know the talent on this team are not having serious conversations about his buyout. The only question remaining is defense. We have the athleticism for the defense to show up. That will be Thorson’s wheelhouse. He will get it done. The fear should not be Gopher BB. Focus your negativism on the winter weather.
I don't know Rock, I think I might have to disagree with you on your remaining question take. I would say coaching is pretty high up on the list.

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