Coyle and Kaler release statement... Don't back down

Oh I figured. Your callousness of due process and truth kind of outed ya.

And your supporting BLM, but just not wanting actual black people around you or in your schools does not make you in any way unique. Almost cliched actually.

The only due process that right wing zealots like is for white male landowners. Many of them are against the U.S. Constitution because it gives too many rights to women, minorities and the federal government. Like I said - you will fit right in over at the political board.

It's really the only thing at play here.

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bingo. the EOAA and their title IX "function" is essentially nothing more than that of an extra-judicial kangaroo court masquerading as the purveyors of f-ed up, "leftist" political garbage that's passed off as "effective, real world policy"

President Kaler is a sanctimonious POS for hiring Teague supporting him and then facing nothing of consequence other than the scandal that Teague brought to the AD and the U itself. He get's an F in the media for grandstanding on these code of conduct violations by the 10 players and waving facts as the basis without providing supporting evidence due to student privacy laws. President Kaler isn't the leader I thought he was, and he deserves a vote of no confidence by the board of regents, not for this scandal but for hiring Teague and his handling of that scandal that perpetrated attitudes of entitlement in Athletics. The court of public opinion has already come out against the players overwhelmingly in the media and their boycott stance but no blow back or fallout of the President for being the Supervisor of a perpetual sexual harasser in AD Norwood Teague. You go President Kaler keep wringing out worthless statements with University Vision as the core message when you yourself did not keep the University's vision or best interest at heart.

The only due process that right wing zealots like is for white male landowners. Many of them are against the U.S. Constitution because it gives too many rights to women, minorities and the federal government. Like I said - you will fit right in over at the political board.

my God, you come off as a putz. i picture you having silly ass #imstillwithher and #RussiaDidIt bumper stickers on you car. Give it up regressive-left meme.

p.s. when are you finally going to just admit to everyone that your real name is joel maturi?

The only due process that right wing zealots like is for white male landowners. Many of them are against the U.S. Constitution because it gives too many rights to women, minorities and the federal government. Like I said - you will fit right in over at the political board.

I am not going to argue with some handicap guy in a group home who has some internet privileges. I hope you get better man. Good Luck.

I'm confused on what you guys want Kaler and Coyle to do in this situation. A group conducts an investigation and recommends these ten players get punished for whatever they did or didn't do. Let's say they ignore it and let the appeals process play out and let the players continue to practice and play in the bowl. The information would get out through a source that five players playing for the Gophers football team are being recommended for expulsion but administrators and coaches ignored the situation and continued on as if nothing happened. This would look even worse for them in the media compared to what is happening now.

I'm confused on what you guys want Kaler and Coyle to do in this situation. A group conducts an investigation and recommends these ten players get punished for whatever they did or didn't do. Let's say they ignore it and let the appeals process play out and let the players continue to practice and play in the bowl. The information would get out through a source that five players playing for the Gophers football team are being recommended for expulsion but administrators and coaches ignored the situation and continued on as if nothing happened. This would look even worse for them in the media compared to what is happening now.

I wanted them to put out a statement that these players were suspended for Student Code of Conduct violations of the University and limit the commenting policy on that alone. Not sending out a service notice like criminal due process in an 82 page allegations and investigation letter that was extremely one sided.
Putting out the poorly worded donor letter by the President before the media statement about the suspensions and all. Lack of unifying statements by administration, and allowing all of these media accusations and speculation without releasing much if any information.
Saying all students suspended indefinitely without any kind of announcements for the appeals process or what appears to be any kind of fair due process. Putting out a letter that says the coach was consulted and supported this decision. The President being a hypocrite about putting himself out there about this, but hiding behind it was the employees fault when he was the supervisor and very little apology to the University community or to the Employees that were harassed by Teague. Just a bit of hypocrisy in all of this after letting the players play, suspending them twice, gaining the bowl bid which benefits the University financially and then suspending them again. They could have avoided all of this by not re-instating or going through a third trial of public opinion all over again.

I'm confused on what you guys want Kaler and Coyle to do in this situation. A group conducts an investigation and recommends these ten players get punished for whatever they did or didn't do. Let's say they ignore it and let the appeals process play out and let the players continue to practice and play in the bowl. The information would get out through a source that five players playing for the Gophers football team are being recommended for expulsion but administrators and coaches ignored the situation and continued on as if nothing happened. This would look even worse for them in the media compared to what is happening now.

Coyle could have put an end to any of this mutiny stuff by the team by calling in the players individually and explaining the Administrations point of view without revealing all conduct or privacy issues, and especially meeting with the coaches on how they would handle all of this to the media in explaining this crisis situation. Coyle could have avoided some of this damage by explaining some of the reasoning for indefinite suspensions and the appeal process. He could have been firm with the media and players and not allowed this situation to continue to embarrass the program or the players more. All of the handling of this has damaged the program further and caused further ridicule and unwarranted scrutiny of players not involved regardless of how you feel about the conduct of the individuals or the point of view of the administration or the players. By not being out front or up front and continuing to let players play they further damaged credibility after they didn't need the players to play. There is a lot that could have been done that would have avoided this severe backlash against the football program, and the black eye on the University itself. Much damage was done by punishing, re-reinstatement and conflicting messages from the University and Athletic department themselves. They have known about this ticking time bomb since 09/2/16. A lot of this should have been nipped in the bud before allowing it to spiral out of control. The AD and president put winning football games during the season, and making a bowl game with financial incentives above good leadership and making decisions that should have stopped this thing from spinning out of control. The disruption to players not involved and other student athletes in the program is an affect that could have been minimized. Players or athletes in the Wrestling program being treated completely different by the AD for participating in illegal xanax drug selling to other students and athletes.

A lot of this current nonsense was preventable from all party's including Central Administration.

This is at its foundation a political problem. An Obama political appointee named Russlyn Ali formulated and disseminated the mandates in 2011.

The mandates will likely be rolled back in the next few years. Too late to save the 10.
And these mandates were put in place because many universities were not taking sexual assaults on campuses seriously. Overall it should be a good thing even if it causes pain to our football team in the short and mid term. I would rather take the high ground here than be a FSU or SEC type of school that puts football at a higher priority than the university communities' safety.
Can't we aspire to promote and protect a positive environment for all students and still have a football team to be proud of?
You're right this sounds like the perfect target of our "Grab them by the *ussy" president elect.

The only due process that right wing zealots like is for white male landowners. Many of them are against the U.S. Constitution because it gives too many rights to women, minorities and the federal government. Like I said - you will fit right in over at the political board.

You're a looney tune

I assure you I am not Prexy K. I wish I made that kind of money. I am stating my opinion. Which maybe you should take note of; check back and see if it ends up being correct.

Where did I say you were incorrect in your opinion...just because your post was brownnoseresque didn't make your opinion just seemed to revel in it like you figured out a secret...but that is just my online bias assuming anyone who agrees with fascist dictators is a sell out or a rube.

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