Coyle and Kaler release statement... Don't back down


Mar 25, 2014
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Coyle changing his story again...

First Kaler explicitly states that the decision was made by Tracy. Then Coyle says he made the decision with consultation from Tracy. Now Tracy's name is not mentioned at all. Hmm...

Seriously, the University of Minnesota has 52,000 students. They are not going to allow 10 of them to dictate policy. I love athletics at the U; but I am also proud of the fact that it is a great University. I am not saying this situation was handled well, but the administration basically has backed themselves into a corner. They can't blink.

Coyle changing his story again...

First Kaler explicitly states that the decision was made by Tracy. Then Coyle says he made the decision with consultation from Tracy. Now Tracy's name is not mentioned at all. Hmm...


They said Kiante Hardin was given a copy of the 82 page report. Would be nice for it to leak out. At this point that's what needs to happen. Haven't heard much pertaining to the report, even from Hutton. He has been pretty quiet. Players looked pretty silly when asked if they had read the 82 page report. They were caught off guard and said no. Almost like duh, we should have thought of that.

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They said Kiante Hardin was given a copy of the 82 page report. Would be nice for it to leak out. At this point that's what needs to happen. Haven't heard much pertaining to the report, even from Hutton. He has been pretty quiet. Players looked pretty silly when asked if they had read the 82 page report. They were caught off guard and said no. Almost like duh, we should have thought of that.

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I want to see every fact that doesn't give up that girls name. I'm extremely upset at our administration, but unless the girl has confessed to lying, leave her out of this. Rape is a serious crime and it takes a lot to report it.

Still, **** Kaler for how he's handling this. I'd be happier to see all players not show up for bowl game if no facts are released.

They said Kiante Hardin was given a copy of the 82 page report. Would be nice for it to leak out. At this point that's what needs to happen. Haven't heard much pertaining to the report, even from Hutton. He has been pretty quiet. Players looked pretty silly when asked if they had read the 82 page report. They were caught off guard and said no. Almost like duh, we should have thought of that.

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He would be better advised to keep it private. Any good lawyer would tell his client involved in a sexual case to keep their mouths shut and not to advertise that they have been accused. What happens is a band wagon effect. First one lady comes out. Then another. Next thing you know, the guy has a reputation that just won't go unnoticed by the judge, the jury, and their former girl friends.

This is really simple. These 2 keep eluding to the fact that they're sitting on some sort of smoking gun that justifies 10 guys being suspended but that no one can know what it is.

If that's really the case ... LEAK IT TO THE MEDIA

Because right now this looks like a lynching. The only evidence the media has out there right now makes it look like these guys are casualties of a facist Title IX beauracracy in its war on boys.

Seriously, the University of Minnesota has 52,000 students. They are not going to allow 10 of them to dictate policy. I love athletics at the U; but I am also proud of the fact that it is a great University. I am not saying this situation was handled well, but the administration basically has backed themselves into a corner. They can't blink.

It is great that Prexy K has a new account on GH. Welcome.

This is really simple. These 2 keep eluding to the fact that they're sitting on some sort of smoking gun that justifies 10 guys being suspended but that no one can know what it is.

If that's really the case ... LEAK IT TO THE MEDIA

Because right now this looks like a lynching. The only evidence the media has out there right now makes it look like these guys are casualties of a facist Title IX beauracracy in its war on boys.

I hear ya, but think of it like this:

If they did they would be guilty of rape, as an accomplice after the fact. They would have needed to turn over such compelling evidence before in the criminal investigation. Unfortunately for them.....

It is great that Prexy K has a new account on GH. Welcome.

I assure you I am not Prexy K. I wish I made that kind of money. I am stating my opinion. Which maybe you should take note of; check back and see if it ends up being correct.

The recent presidential election clearly indicated that millions of Americans are fed up with Political Correctness and there have been no worse practitioners of it than colleges and universities, which have carried it to absurd extremes, as we all know. Minnesota, both the state and the university, have been in the vanguard of PC for decades, starting with affirmative action hiring practices as far back as the 1970s. Kaler buys into PC completely, and it seems Coyle may, too.

Seriously, the University of Minnesota has 52,000 students. They are not going to allow 10 of them to dictate policy. I love athletics at the U; but I am also proud of the fact that it is a great University. I am not saying this situation was handled well, but the administration basically has backed themselves into a corner. They can't blink.

You could argue the University is made up of students who are far more numerous than the staff that works there. And the students have a right to express their anger at what they see as an injustice (whether right or wrong). The administration made this mess and the AD looks like a joke with his handling of things. It might get much uglier before it gets better. We may need a new coach because Claeys could quit in support of his players (see Duke Lacrosse). Kaler and Coyle need to find a way out of this, but i'm not holding my breath.

I hear ya, but think of it like this:

If they did they would be guilty of rape, as an accomplice after the fact. They would have needed to turn over such compelling evidence before in the criminal investigation. Unfortunately for them.....

Ding ding ding!

there are legal standards these boys cleared - now allegedly there are 'university values' to deal with as well. my question is, who gets to set the values of the university of minnesota? are they elected? appointed by the governor?

GPG- correct. It was only a matter of time that an event such as this would be handled in this way. That's
true regardless of the actual facts of the case, which are scarce. Something like this was inevitable.

The recent presidential election clearly indicated that millions of Americans are fed up with Political Correctness and there have been no worse practitioners of it than colleges and universities, which have carried it to absurd extremes, as we all know. Minnesota, both the state and the university, have been in the vanguard of PC for decades, starting with affirmative action hiring practices as far back as the 1970s. Kaler buys into PC completely, and it seems Coyle may, too.

Isn't there a political board?

The recent presidential election clearly indicated that millions of Americans are fed up with Political Correctness and there have been no worse practitioners of it than colleges and universities, which have carried it to absurd extremes, as we all know. Minnesota, both the state and the university, have been in the vanguard of PC for decades, starting with affirmative action hiring practices as far back as the 1970s. Kaler buys into PC completely, and it seems Coyle may, too.

while i don't think political correctness is a bad thing, and i am a proud liberal and partisan, i agree that political correctness has no place in investigations involving rape and sexual assault...

what some of the players did may warrant an expulsion due to the rules of the school, but that doesn't excuse how poorly Coyle and Kaler handled this. They should have been prepared for this for months. Right now they look like they were blindsided

I wonder if Coyle and Kaler will still be unwavering when the conference reminds them there's a 2.8 million dollar check waiting to be picked up following a trip to San Diego.

what some of the players did may warrant an expulsion due to the rules of the school, but that doesn't excuse how poorly Coyle and Kaler handled this. They should have been prepared for this for months. Right now they look like they were blindsided

It shows how rotten the core over there still is. Between Coyle and Mega Tongue, Macturi seems like a competent AD. Someone, anyone, please clean house!

The handling of this whole mess at the top has gotten us to this point. The incident was what it was,
but there were a hundred better ways to get out in front of this and handle it better. Now, we've got a
"Mexican stand-off" two weeks from the bowl game. Nice job.

I am new to this board, but good to see that every board has an idiot. UpNorth wants some blacks run out of town and he ain't ashamed of it. Truth and due process be damned.

You should have spent some time on the GopherHole political board during the last six months. I was the lead cheerleader for Black Lives Matter during that entire period of time. You will fit right in over there because the Right Wingers love to tell Liberals (and Progressives) that they are racists. It is all part of their "the best defense is a good offense" political strategy.

Kaler hired Coyle because he has that elitist mentality. Birds of a feather. Coyle is just a puppet
with Kaler controlling the strings. It is the ivory tower mentally that has dragged this program down to pos it is. I hope the Regent's have the balls to sh-t can them both.

You should have spent some time on the GopherHole political board during the last six months. I was the lead cheerleader for Black Lives Matter during that entire period of time. You will fit right in over there because the Right Wingers love to tell Liberals (and Progressives) that they are racists. It is all part of their "the best defense is a good offense" political strategy.

Oh I figured. Your callousness of due process and truth kind of outed ya.

And your supporting BLM, but just not wanting actual black people around you or in your schools does not make you in any way unique. Almost cliched actually.

Oh I figured. Your callousness of due process and truth kind of outed ya.

And your supporting BLM, but just not wanting actual black people around you or in your schools does not make you in any way unique. Almost cliched actually.

He's the lead cheerleader. Do you know who you're talking to? Show some respect. ;)

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Isn't there a political board?

if you truly don't think there are politics (particularly the leftist PC mob type of politics that permeates cultural marxist enclaves like universities) at play here in how kaler and coyle approached this...then you sir are very naive. very naive indeed.

You should have spent some time on the GopherHole political board during the last six months. I was the lead cheerleader for Black Lives Matter during that entire period of time. You will fit right in over there because the Right Wingers love to tell Liberals (and Progressives) that they are racists. It is all part of their "the best defense is a good offense" political strategy.

I'm usually considered a liberal, progressives are racist. They are also sexist.

if you truly don't think there are politics (particularly the leftist PC mob type of politics that permeates cultural marxist enclaves like universities) at play here in how kaler and coyle approached this...then you sir are very naive. very naive indeed.

It's really the only thing at play here.

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