Could any of our O lineman start for Wisconsin?

Some Day...Is Coming!

Some Day...Maybe?
Sep 13, 2011
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Watching WI OSU and each guy looks bigger, stronger, more athletic, and more put together. I'm not sure any of our guys could start at WI. Maybe Pirsig? I honestly don't think any of them would be starting there. Tyler Moore?

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Watching WI OSU and each guy looks bigger, stronger, more athletic, and more put together. I'm not sure any of our guys could start at WI. Maybe Pirsig? I honestly don't think any of them would be starting there. Tyler Moore?

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Sure they are bigger, stronger, and more athletic - but they don't have Bart Miller getting them to play nasty. I'd take that over talent any day.

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Nope. And because we took Sean Foster we basically ceded them Kasl.

UW's O-line has the same record in the Big Ten as the Minnesota O-line.

I agree Wisconsin vs Ohio St appeared to be on another level but IF we win the games we are supposed to win and somehow beat Nebraska we are playing Wisconsin for the trip to battle Ohio St. or Michigan in all likelihood.

I think Pirsig would have a shot.

No, none of them. wisconsin is superior to us in every single respect. We need to have a thread weekly (nay, daily) to remind us of this and put us lowly Gopher fans in our place. We have no shot to win in Madison in November. An underdog Gophers team has never won in Madison, ever.

No, none of them. wisconsin is superior to us in every single respect. We need to have a thread weekly (nay, daily) to remind us of this and put us lowly Gopher fans in our place. We have no shot to win in Madison in November. An underdog Gophers team has never won in Madison, ever.


In all honesty - Wisconsin has a reputation for producing good 0-linemen. That makes it easier to recruit good o-line prospects. The Gophers had that going for a while with Esslinger and Setterstrom, but they don't seem to be getting the same caliber of linemen in recent years. Let's face it - there's a reason why the Gophs have had up to 3 JUCO's playing in the line this season. If they had recruits who were ready to play, they wouldn't be bringing in JUCO's to fill the gaps. Something went wrong with the recruiting and/or coaching of O-linemen in recent years. And, the thing is - building an o-line is a process - it takes time to gel. The Gophs can't rely on JUCO's and quick fixes. They need to do a better job of recruiting and coaching if they want to have o-lines like Wisconsin.

None of them could start for Becky, because they all have too much sense to enroll in that school. GO GOPHERS

None of our present linemen would start at Wis. but I blame that on Limey. For the most part he recruited and coached the high school kids, but TC could see what we had and had to go the JUCO route. And thank goodness he did. Could you imagine what and who we would be playing without the late editions? Still looking for Miller 'S influence in actual play as well as recruiting. Not sure how TC has the recruiting set up. Do the position coaches determine the final say on whether to offer or not or does TC ? I know that each coach has an area to recruit but do they recruit their area for a particular position. Hopefully we are beyond just taking best available.

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