Could any college stadium ever be...

Unregistered User

Wild animal with a keyboard
Jan 17, 2010
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This EPIC?!

So how do we replicate anything like this at TCF?


It's clear that the fans at that stadium don't have an issue standing for big plays. Thus, our stadium is already behind the eight ball.

Go Gophers!!

I say fill the seats and we could go from there

I wonder if alcohol is banned at that stadium?

Some of the MLS teams have fan clubs with chants and songs for where 1/4 of the stadium participates. I think just getting everyone to participate in a gold out would be cool enough.

I wanna see Goldy lead this after a score, where the student section does all the SHH, SHH and then Goldy leads them like this in a SKI-U-MAH, followed by the clapping and some chant or song. Then maybe the rest of the stadium picks it up.

Yeah, some of those European soccer stadiums make an SEC college football stadium seem like Sunday chapel. They are whacked over there.

I dream that TCF will sound like this during Hail! Minnesota someday.


Hate to say it on a fb forum but this part of the reason why football (soccer) is the world's sport and will never be overcome by American football or any other sport besides what has already happened in the US. The passion is second to none including NFL/College Sports. And this is just on an obscure Turkish club team.

I wanna see Goldy lead this after a score, where the student section does all the SHH, SHH and then Goldy leads them like this in a SKI-U-MAH, followed by the clapping and some chant or song. Then maybe the rest of the stadium picks it up.

that is pretty bad ass. where is that? turkey? getting a variation of it going at tcf stadium would be pretty cool. who knows the guy that does goldy at the football games as well as some of the student leaders and/or greeks who have a communication channel with students and the student sections? anyone know?

someone or a poster from gopherhole with those contacts needs to forward this video and an email to them to get this thing into the incubator and eventually happening at football, basketball and hockey games. but most importantly football. they could train the student sections on it at next year's freshman orentation when they bring all of the kids into tcf with coach kill. and also could do some mass emails, viral communication of marketing it so none freshman are able to pick up on it and know what the cadence/sequence would be.

i like the idea of using the "ski-u-mah" chant. and perhaps at the end we throw in a "go big gold".

would love to see it.

Those fans in the first video copied the fans from Besiktas, a soccer team in Europe. The guy leading the crowd is the manager of the team, so just imagine Kill doing this in front of the student section at TCF. Also, the capacity of the stadium is 35,000 (a few more probably made their way into the stadium). TCF holds 45,000.....

The second video gets pretty nuts around 0:50.

They would allow fire to everyone at TCF, or not at all. I'd say not at all. The elites cannot be the only ones with fire.

I wish the stands at American sports were more like Europe, the chants and songs are great.

Those fans in the first video copied the fans from Besiktas, a soccer team in Europe. The guy leading the crowd is the manager of the team, so just imagine Kill doing this in front of the student section at TCF. Also, the capacity of the stadium is 35,000 (a few more probably made their way into the stadium). TCF holds 45,000.....

The second video gets pretty nuts around 0:50.

agreed. but over-sensititve americans and the fuddy-duddy ncaa would probably frown on a head coach or player leading something like that pre-game or at half-time. pro or college. not that i would presonally frown on it, but i could see the ncaa or some media d-bags like souhan, reusse or barreiro frowning upon a team's head coach being the leader of it and thus would attempt to make an issue of it.

for it to go over well in america, it would probably have to be the team mascot and/or student leaders who are out on the field that lead the crowd in it.

i would really like to see an involved style of cheer like this turkish example get going at the U of M. especially at football which is a perfect environment for such a cheer. something that is newer and less traditional than many of the current cheers and involves more crowd energy, enthusiam and most importanly MOVEMENT. rather than just shout and response which many of the old, traditional U of M cheers are. regardless of whether or not some of the old, crusty, passive-agressive, sit on my hands scandanavians in the crowd want to participate in it or not.

those who know people that can make something like this get into the incubator with the cheer squad, goldy, student groups, etc. need to reach out to them and make it happen. something like this pre-game adds a ton of energy to the crowd and even more importantly has to add energy and drive into the players.

p.s. tcf stadium capacity is 50,850. or something right around that number.

Kyle Field at Texas A&M does pretty much the same thing. 5 Yell Leaders lead 80,000+ fans in synchronized cheers and songs throughout the game. Here's the Alma Mater, it starts to get good at around :55.

Kyle Field at Texas A&M does pretty much the same thing. 5 Yell Leaders lead 80,000+ fans in synchronized cheers and songs throughout the game. Here's the Alma Mater, it starts to get good at around :55.
Starting at :55 it looks like the Aggie pregame meal is starting to cause an issue for all of the players and they look like they're trying to take a dump on the field. Personally I think it looks comical!

Starting at :55 it looks like the Aggie pregame meal is starting to cause an issue for all of the players and they look like they're trying to take a dump on the field. Personally I think it looks comical!

I didn't want to be the first one to rip on a first time poster, but really...aTm isn't the only team with an alma mater, or cheerleaders. They stuff that has been posted is nothing like that video. But if you do watch the aTm video to the end, there are some pretty funny links to other videos that are not so kind to aTm. I don't have anything (at all) against the school, but some of it is pretty good.

My apologies. I'm not very good at this message board thing. I'll return to just lurking

hey man, he was just having a little fun with you. don't take it personal. feel free to continue posting here. will be interesting to get some perspective from you on aTm's move to the SEC and your thoughts on it.

My apologies. I'm not very good at this message board thing. I'll return to just lurking

I liked the clip; keep posting.

Anyway, it would be great to have an atmosphere like that at TCF, but first, it's going to help to fill the place and second, it's going to help to have intelligent fans, not just fair-weather folks like the ones who flocked to the Lynx games after several years of general disregard.

I liked the clip; keep posting.

Anyway, it would be great to have an atmosphere like that at TCF, but first, it's going to help to fill the place and second, it's going to help to have intelligent fans, not just fair-weather folks like the ones who flocked to the Lynx games after several years of general disregard.

Yup...thanks for getting back to the intention of the original post.

So now that I've thought about it, I think we need Goldy to lead this with hand signals to silence the crowd, and the crowd responds with "SKI-U-MAH", then 3 claps, and a "Hats Off To Thee". Followed by the crowd jumping and letting out a howl. (Or a Gopher sound).

Pure Golden Gopher.

My brother is a well-known member (by the other members) of the Sporting KC supporters club and I went down for their final home game this past Saturday. Certainly nothing like Europe, but the Cauldron (whose name made more sense when they were the Wizards) was something any college student section could envy. Of the 90+ minutes of game play about 85+ minutes were chants, 3 minutes were celebrations over the 2 goals, and 2+ minutes were nothing organized.

The leader of it all had a drum. This allowed him to not only indicate what chant they would do, but also to keep everyone in unison. I think if you organized 10 other people every game and had8 separate chants, you could have most of your section doing it by the end of the season.

But I thought the drum was key and I wondered whether you'd be allowed into a college football game with a drum.

They would allow fire to everyone at TCF, or not at all. I'd say not at all. The elites cannot be the only ones with fire.

The Minnesota House should decide that.

But I thought the drum was key and I wondered whether you'd be allowed into a college football game with a drum.
Nope, for a variety of reasons. Lameness for one, but mostly that you aren't allowed to play the drum while the game is going. It's against the rulebook (which is why the band cuts out before play resumes).

Yup...thanks for getting back to the intention of the original post.

So now that I've thought about it, I think we need Goldy to lead this with hand signals to silence the crowd, and the crowd responds with "SKI-U-MAH", then 3 claps, and a "Hats Off To Thee". Followed by the crowd jumping and letting out a howl. (Or a Gopher sound).

Pure Golden Gopher.

like this idea. again, i will ask the board. does anyone know how to get this idea/some of the others around this thread into the hands of folks at the U of M (goldy, student leaders, cheer team, administrators, etc.) that can make it happen starting next season?

i.e. guessing they would need to wait until the start of next season in order to practice and develop the most effective crowd direction approach and cheer sequence.

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