Call me cynical......but I tend to discount program heights and weights. Some programs - HS and College - are fairly accurate in their listed heights and weights - but other programs are far less accurate. they take the players' word for it, or in some cases, they bump up heights and weights to make the team seem more imposing and/or provide false information to opponents. I see it a lot with listed heights for basketball players, and weights for football players. A kid gets listed at 160 for football, and he winds up wrestling 138 in the winter. I don't think he dropped 20 pounds - I think those 20 pounds were never there to begin with.
So, Coughlin might weigh 245 - or that's what he told the coaches - or that's what the coaches wanted to list him at, because they think it sounds better, or they don't want other teams knowing they're playing a 225lb DE.
Look - if he can play effectively at DE, I really don't care what his weight is. But, all things being equal, I would prefer someone a little bigger. Quickness is great, but when you've got a 300 pound guard or a 320 pound tackle coming out to block you, there is no substitute for size.